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Everything posted by Wuvius

  1. Corrected https://imgur.com/a/CNrf0zG ( total of 7 images 1 per boss )
  2. Corrected
  3. Corrected •Feet have correct HP •Feet are now enemies ( can be attacked ) •Boss enters his phase correctly ( 25% ) •Boss has correct loot corresponding to the raid size.
  4. Well he has other bosses where he did 800-1mil + such as malkorok, nazgrim, thok, garrosh.
  5. You are not joining either of these. You are joining wargames to abuse the fact that your cooldowns get reset. Precise you are not allowed to join battlegrounds, arena's or wargames whilst in combat so you abuse this as well.
  6. Ignore people like him, made because there are no bugs on his class to abuse.
  7. https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=78212/replica-virtuous-robe https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=78213/replica-virtuous-mantle https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=78218/replica-virtuous-belt Added
  8. Edit your report to the following format: https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=139802
  9. 1. All mage portals 2. If you are horde you can learn all of the alliance teleports and portals ( which can replace your vale of eternal blossoms teleport/portal ) making you spawn in the alliance territory. 3. You should NOT be able to learn alliance teleports/portals if you are horde & vice versa for horde portals/teleports if you are alliance 4. 07/03/2019 5. x100/xFUN Proof: In Shattrath City you can visit a NPC named https://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=20791/iorioa and she trains you them.
  10. 1. https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=145037/empowered-whirling-corruption > https://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=72272/minion-of-yshaarj 2. When the boss casts this ability and players use https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=31224/cloak-of-shadows and https://wow.gamepedia.com/Cloak_of_Shadows_(Symbiosis) during https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=145037/empowered-whirling-corruption then they cannot be targeted by https://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=72272/minion-of-yshaarj and does not spawn them which results in less adds during this phase. 3. If players have https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=31224/cloak-of-shadows and https://wow.gamepedia.com/Cloak_of_Shadows_(Symbiosis) active they should still be eligable to get targeted by https://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=72272/minion-of-yshaarj (Missile) 4. 07/03/2019 5. x100 Proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSycJctAYHw ( 6:20 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHHNHsVVgJo ( 5:57 ) ( 5:49 ) ( 5:50 ) (8:48 ) ( 6:43 )
  11. 1. https://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/Alter_Time ( ID = 108978 ) 2. If you kill a boss and use alter time with your bonus roll window open you can bonus roll > alter back > bonus roll again ( so you can bonus roll the same boss twice in 1 kill ) 3. Alter time should not give you a bonus roll window when you alter back. 4. x100 5. Can get a video if you need 1 but it's very self explanatory.
  12. 1. https://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/Alter_Time ( ID = 108978 ) 2. When you use this spell and alter back you lose buffs that players give you if they are offline. 3. You should keep your buffs regardless when altering back in time. ( stats, mastery, stamina etc ) 4. 07/03/2019 5. x100 (during alter time) (After altering back)
  13. 1. https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=145380/item-shaman-t16-restoration-4p-bonus 2. When you use https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=79206/spiritwalkers-grace you do not spawn an appearance of yourself which mimics your spells. 3. Should spawn a watery appearance of yourself which mimics your healing spells which follows your character for 15 seconds. NOTE: •This appearance CANNOT move and cast. •The spiritual version seems to not mimic the full potential of your heals it is more of 50% of the initial heal. Example: healing surge heals for 160k then your appearance which mimics spells will do 80k healing surge. ( dont quote me on this but I found no information about this 4 pieces healing potential this is what I can inherit from existing videos) •This spiritual version copies your current appearance such as Ascendance so I presume it copies other morphs/toys. 4. 07/03/2019 5. x100 6. Proof: (2:37 > 2:53) (5:05 > 5:20) (8:15 > 8:30) (11:28 > 11:46)
  14. Hmmmm Press P ( Go to your spellbook ) Click the "PET" panel. Check if your pet has his skill here, if he does right click it with your mouse to auto toggle it when he uses a spell.
  15. https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=245729 ??? 30% of attack power = your heal / 8 = your Heal Per Second. In your case you have 62,000 vengeance? ( attack power ) 30% of 62.000 = 18.600 18,600/8 = 2325 > this is your heal per second. Hopefully it helps?
  16. https://forum.pandawow.ru/announcement.php?f=148
  17. Declined. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=199484
  18. Wuvius

    Glyph of Disguise

    1. https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=63268/glyph-of-disguise#used-by-item 2. You can use this glyph against the following humanoids: 3. As of 5.0.4 and 5.4.7 these NPC'S had their "pockets" removed resulting in players not being able to pickpocket these NPC'S as they cause disturbance in populated area's. 4. Proof:
      • 1
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  19. Edit: available now.
  20. Do you share an account with anybody and when you bought the items did the server go offline? I.E did a rollback happen?
  21. So provide more evidence. Your "proof" just shows that they are under the floor on a mount, for all we know they could have been mounting up to fly out as it is common for cloak and dagger to sometimes put you in unexpected places. You could have just screen-shotted him as soon as he got under the map, it's silly to ban players for that. When I say provide more evidence a video would be nice to display how he kills people whilst not being able to be attacked.
  22. Now you have the correct section, possibly my bad for not telling you but you need to follow a template for reporting bugs which can be found here: https://forum.pandawow.ru/announcement.php?f=141 It would be necessary to include formula's in this scenario if "shields are bugged"
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