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  1. Mediocre druid, just boosted by weafy and maje, yet hes such a tryhard he'd do anything to get safe rank one.
  2. French community is overthrowing pandawow real ladder while queing against each other midnight
  3. spell: https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108194/asphyxiate issue: 1. If you asphyxiate a target before any type of cc (except for clone obviously) goes off , you cannot hit that target (lets say i asphyxiated a target 0.5 seconds before Incap fades, i cant hit him) 2. if you restun the target that was asphyxiated before it goes off you cannot hit that target. what should happen: you should be able to hit the target in asphyxiate and in a stun that came after asphyxiate Realm: cross/fun proof: doesnt need any, obvious bug priority: 7/10
  4. yea but after we receive titles for this season, next season its gonna be deleted again? then whats point of getting anything that is not r1, a really dumb move, if yall think that its gonna motivate people to get r1 you are wrong.
  5. @zeox are you really going to delete Gladiator, duelist,rival and challenger titles after every season?
  6. Season has ended and players that top 10 3s players will get Ruthless gladiator title, so im assuming the next one is Cataclysmic season, so we got approximately 5 seasons to go, and after those what rank one titles are we going to get, are you going to add WoD and legion titles aswell?
  7. AntihackMOPkappa

    3s BUG

    You cannot cast or channel a heal on any of your partners, cannot dispel or give any buffs, cant use major cooldowns on my teammates either, and also 1 of my teammates was considered an enemy in the arena too, fix it fast plx.
  8. Бабл копировать можно было на лайве, Я это точно помню.
  9. it doesn't steal Psychic scream if the fear didn't hit anyone or it only hit you ( a dk, also it consumes dark sim debuff) however if fear hits other targets (your healer) than it will be stolen, same problem with howl (most likely)
  10. its hard to detect as rogue aswell.
  11. What cds in particular does it go through, cuz with red buff and proc trinket u can easily 100-0 someone with defensives up (its pretty hard to get redbuff and proc trinket at the same time tho) maybe cocoon? but i've heard that cocoon absorb is bugged aswell, absorbs less then it should ,once i faced a priest and he guardianed my kidney, but i still ks and he died without guardian proc. but still, people randomly dying to combat is not bcuz of combat being bugged ( not sure tho) but its about inexperience of a guy who died, most ppl trinket bait-kidneys, and die afterwards so yea, instead of trinekting (skinning,nimbling etc) ask your partner to peel. u can easily counter ks as any class.
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