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Everything posted by Dryanus

  1. Dryanus

    Charge (remake)

    oh really ? 2014 ? woah that's something !
  2. only if it was that easy to make you understand the simplest of things :thinking:
  3. Dryanus

    Charge (remake)

    yes delay for all of those abilities that take you from x-z , even monk roll is the same sometimes , depends on the MS the server has
  4. well if you'd gotten your facts right , you wouldn't call me ignorant :) i reported the same thing a few years ago on a different server called arena tournament , and they fixed the delay on the server for these abilities , not the abilities
  5. Dryanus

    Charge (remake)

    delay u stuped not charge
  6. its the delay . end of story.
  7. oh so you can just delete all my replies even if i didn't say anything that was against the rules ? woah way to abuse your Rank ! i'm gonna ask Zeox about the rights of technical support ;)
  8. i wouldn't describe it as "funny" but rather as "broken AF" - - - Updated - - - That is actually because of delay .. there is an animation ,but until they fix the delays on the server , those abilities will always "teleport" It's not the ability's bug
  9. got a little mad when they closed my other report with basically saying "read the rules" anyways thank you for typing the name
  10. you could also report the dude for having 4 Blessing of Fortitudes on herself
  11. Name of the violator: Сульфиик (thank you Weegee) Realm: 100x Description of the violation: Abusing Pet bug You should write what the violation is : He abused a Wolf pet that has Death Knight pet abilities that it shouldn't normally have ! Hunter Wolfs should have no Stun but it uses Gnaw (dk pet stun) Proof: 1. http://i.imgur.com/Q9Kjz65.jpg 2. http://i.imgur.com/3j0siqQ.jpg 3. http://i.imgur.com/00l8pcJ.jpg btw Mr technical support , NO I CANT TARGET THE GUY CUZ I DONT KNOW WHERE HE IS SINCE I CANT ADD HIM ON MY FRIENDS LIST
  12. Name of the violator: You can see on the screenshot , i can't type his name down since its russian Realm: 100x Description of the violation: Abusing Pet bug You should write what the violation is : He abused a Wolf pet that has Death Knight pet abilities that it shouldn't normally have ! Hunter Wolfs should have no Stun but it uses Gnaw (dk pet stun) Proof: 1. http://i.imgur.com/Q9Kjz65.jpg 2. http://i.imgur.com/3j0siqQ.jpg 3. http://i.imgur.com/00l8pcJ.jpg FIX IT
  13. Dryanus


    "LUL" ... i did not mean that literally Only donaters get r1 rewards x'D
  14. That is kinda incorrect , i mean when you get cc-d mid charge you should move to your target anyways ,but in the CC ...not AFTER the CC
  15. Spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=100/charge Issue: Charge : When used on targets that are in the air/falling down , the charge will make you stuck in 1 place for a long time Intervene : When used on targets that are in the air/falling down , intervene will make you stuck in 1 place for a long time , for example if you intervene on a banner , you'll be stuck for 30 seconds (the duration of the banner) ..since we can not cancel out banners .... (Reported: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46981 ) What should happen: We should get the error message : No Path Available ,when using charge on targets that are in the air/not in our path Realm: x100/fun Priority: 10/10 Proof : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHFD1r5dOQc&feature=youtu.be - - - Updated - - - (also side note : ICC is buged AF ... i killed the first 2 bosses but whenever i hit the 3rd i get teleported down to the starter area , lose all my teleport save points etc)
  16. Also as i could see, if you meld the flying ability , it will meld the damage and cc and whatevers , but will remove the stealth after negating the CC/DMG
  17. 1. Name of not working spell : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=128749/bladestorm 2. Description of the problem : Bladestorm CC Negating effect does not work ! It does not remove any CC-s when used immediately after the CC hit you 3.How it should work : First of All here is a topic about ppl complaining about bladestorm : http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2086998980 Secondly this is a video about a guy doing it in 4.2.0 (cataclysm.. i set the timer to the part when he does the bladestorm trick) : And Thirdly but not lastly , my own video of this bladestorm trick ON 5.4.8 (also set it to the MoP Part .. the first part is from another cataclysm private server where this does not work ): Arena-Tournament (known as the best server for pvp) already fixed this because i reported it there too (btw this is not a reference i just want to give you more proof , if you dont like it i'll delete this part immediately !) 4.Date when you tested it :2014/10/31 5.Realm x100/x5/Fun (all of them) 6.Priority of the problem. (10) Cuz this is a very good thing that only the best warriors can master ! Hansol Gladiator mage's proof : - - - Updated - - - Also Kofeek , could you be kind enough and not spam Fixed on all old reports when they are not fixed ? thank you very much :)
  18. way too many Q_Q in this comment section :X did you guys get rekt by warriors constantly to start smashing your keyboard with hate comments ? (which btw makes no sense) LUL
  19. LUL obviously it would not be that hard as most of the bugs :/
  20. Still buged as of 2016/10/15 Spell names are : Mocking Banner , Demoralizing Banner , Skull Banner
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