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Everything posted by Dryanus

  1. unfortunately , i got information about Zeox and Juster that the old devs are working on Warlords ...and the devs who work on panda does not have forum accounts ...so basically what i'm saying is ... its pretty pointless to report XD "Wod and mop have different devs, they not register on forum." - Juster
  2. yup i saw this as well when i came back ... its insanely bugged .... survival should be about small ticks but fast which makes it bursty ...not like random survival hunters deal the same damage as a warrior slam which costs 25 rage and explosive shot is reset like every single second XD
  3. i didnt see it reported , only the no DR ,no break etc. unless if its in the russian section
  4. Spell name : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=107570/storm-bolt Date tested : 2015-07-21 How it works : If you outrange stormbolt when it is used on you , the stun will not do anything making this ability completely useless How it should work : It should not be "outrangeable" .. the stun should still occour when the target is out of range of Storm bolt Priority : 10/10 Realm : 5.4.8 10x 100x Fun realm (tested on fun realm but its bugged on all 3 realms) Proof :
  5. Spell name : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=113724/ring-of-frost Date tested : 2015-07-21 How it works : It freezes targets on a bigger range than it should . Once it is casted an extra ring is added to the whole base ring How it should work : That extra ring should not pop up no matther what spec you are on or what glyph you use Priority : 10/10 -mages do get a fair amount of advantage with this bug ! Realm : 5.4.8 10x 100x Fun realm (tested on fun realm but its bugged on all 3 realms) Proof : random warrior's video : see how the ring has no "extra parts" besides the one after the red piece (which resembles enemy abilities) other proofs of extra ring : this is a picture from retail : http://i.imgur.com/AMqlRYD.jpg this is a picture from pandawow : http://i.imgur.com/3etpbZD.jpg Also here 's a video if you still need proofs ! : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4DRI8NFSKE&feature=youtu.be Edit : Furmetal's PoV :
  6. also it should have a diminishing with deep freeze
  7. Dryanus

    Psyfiend Bug

    20-30k hp ? more like 10-15k ..
  8. Names of the violators : Elbrujopujo (Warlock ) Dojka , Fuküro Realm, where you saw the violation : Fun Description of the violation : They used the warlock gateway on top of the building in IOC (Isle of Conquest) To get up there and shoot when we the ppl under them could do nothing about it ! They were killing hordes from there since they got in ! Proof: http://i.imgur.com/zBfrPrw.jpg
  9. Spell Name : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=119996/transcendence-transfer Bug : Since the "new fixes" of today , its not working at all ! it always shows the error message : Your clone is too far ! How it should work : there are millions of reports about it already lol Tested on : 07/14 /2015 Fun Realm Prio 10/10 , gamebreaking bug ..monks are useless without this
  10. i play monk mostly nowadays (WW not orbspam) but its just so annoying to waste 2 charges and then bam run around and die lolstorm might be viable on 1600 :) but trust me after 2500 you will not even use bladestorm letalone lolstorm ppl
  11. morphing is not bannable :D since it doesnt change anything within the game only that your appearance will change (only you can see it) it does not give you any unfair advantage against pve/pvp
  12. Dryanus

    Rallying Cry

    indeed buged i can confirm ... it was working perfectly on 5.4.2
  13. Name of the Spell : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=100/charge Description of the Issue : Charge is working so bad since there was some correction , that I'm gonna seperate this to a few parts : Whenever you use http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=100/charge on a target that is staying in one place ,then there will be no problems , However if the target is moving (or sprinting or dashing) your http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=100/charge will NOT reach your target correctly . It will stop the http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=100/charge -ing before you reached the target which gives a lot of time for the target to run away without you being able to put http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=1715/hamstring on it ! Video Proof : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lWtg-7wlBQ&feature=youtu.be If you use http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=100/charge , the moment you are getting Crowd Controlled , for example with a(n) : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115078/paralysis , http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=44572/deep-freeze http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115268/mesmerize et cetera(etc.) then what will happen afterwards is : You will be in the same place as you were when you used charge instead of moving to the target in the Crowd Control (the correct way) Video Proof : https://youtu.be/0lWtg-7wlBQ?t=34s Date : 2015/04/11 This bug is on every single realm (100x/10x/Fun) Priority : In my opinion this is clearly a 10/10 since http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=100/charge REALLY IS your main ability that can help you , but currently you can waste 2 charges (with http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=103827/double-time) just by getting 2 Crowd Control ... it is really easy if you do it right... Side note : since i came back i realised a lot of ppl exploiting this ... they wait for the charge all the time to just use CC and bam no charge !
  14. "autoattack damage and mastery proc " while you were bladestorming your auto attack damage was increased (maybe it ignored resilience) and mastery procs were proccing on more enemies at the same time when i should've only procced once (which is wrong since it should proc as many times as it hits enemies but only once/enemy) thats my only guess
  15. since when can't bloodbath have a critical effect ?
  16. Bladestorm is a special melee attack , and bladestorm SHOULD proc mastery strikes of opportunity ! this topic should be deleted for not looking into the matther
  17. Dryanus

    Touch of Death

    bump ! really important
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