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Everything posted by Dryanus

  1. Spell name : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=116740 Date tested : 03-15-2014 How it works : It increases damage by 60% but it does not increase healing by 60% How it should work : It should increase healing as well as damage Priority : 10/9 Realm : 5.4.2 x5 realm
  2. i agree with you on this .BUT the thing is ... it was like this even on retail ... you had pretty fun bg-s from 10-54 ... then 55-80 DK-s only .... and it was exactly the same .. clicker dk-s spammed blood boil and killed skilled players (i approve)
  3. now it does not work at all .... its even worse than it was before .. after a Disconnect it suddenly started working ... still testing It has a chance to bug out the same way as it was .. but no longer after sudden death proc ... i'm not sure why (maybe when colossus re-sets when you use colosus + mastery proc) last edit : Sweeping Strikes is causing the bug (still not 100% sure)
  4. it is still buged .. should i wait more or it will not be fixed yet ?
  5. since when is this a priest related bug ?
  6. 03-05-2014, 01:09 PM much awesome , very date but anyways thank you .. and sorry for saying shit.. i was wrong
  7. thats the main reason why i made this topic
  8. wait wait .. resto shamans have to cast ? pahahahah
  9. that might be true after all ... then i was wrong with BF .. but i know that it was reduced somehow in pvp .. i'm not playing dk so i really dont know what's going on but my retail experience showed me that DK-s necrotic strike should affect players less then random creatures / bosses and if it is reduced by resilience .. then PvP power should icrease it i take it ?
  10. as soon as my retarded partner gets home ... or maybe you want to help me out ? or anyone else
  11. it does ... also this has a fucked up DR
  12. and do you really think a random guy will be rigth who does not even know what battle fatigue is ? Battle fatige reduces healing AND absorbtion effects ... why can not you guys understand this ?
  13. hey mr DK who plays dk cuz he can spam necro up to 300k on players in 5 sec :DDDDDDDD btw die
  14. ehm .. no its not ? :D it just puts the buff on you as a debuff .... otherwise it works properly ....
  15. note: i changed the title so maybe there will be less ppl checking this so there wont be that many more abusers
  16. 1 last time i will UP this .. but i won't play arenas on this server until its fixed
  17. but this really needs to be fixed... i honestly can't imagine a monk without paralysis
  18. in fact .. you are wrong ... it should not affect it in duels .. but if in a duel an enemy player hits you (alliance-horde) then even in duels it will be reduced it doesnt not reduce healing if you get damage from a player from the same faction(only outsides arena/BG)
  19. this is already reported... don't make multiple reports .. it will slow down the development
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