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Everything posted by Dryanus

  1. it still does not work .. any idea why ?
  2. be real . it's not something you can't live without
  3. i have to agree that holy paladins have a really hard time right now ....
  4. Spell name : Totems Date tested : 02-24 - 2014 How it works : works fine but the totems are buged and have a random "cube's " textures ... How it should work : the totems should have the normal model (race related) Priority : 10/5 Realm : 5.4.2 x100 realm
  5. Spell name : - Date tested : 02-2-2014 How it works : You can select the battlegrounds normally but it will not remove the chance of getting the queue for that 2 battlegrounds How it should work : Now you can exclude up to 2 battlegrounds from popping up when you queue for randoms meaning : if you exclude Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley then they will NEVER pop on random battleground queue Priority : 10/7 Realm : 5.4.2 100x realm
  6. 1 bug 1 report , keep it that way , also check http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 on how to create a topic .. trust me you should remake all of these in different topics since that is how it must be
  7. you sure are new to 5.4 aren't you ? back in 5.0 the base resilience was 40% , now with this patch EVERYONE who had hit lvl 90 is on 72%base resilience , thats almost double , your damage is halved since you do much less damage with this much base resilience , cheers
  8. Spell name : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=69901 / http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=114028 / http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=76890 Date tested : 02-23-2014 How it works : They reflect back the spell without showing damage How it should work : They should show the damage of how much did the reflected spell/spells (multi reflect - previous post) did , for example you are hitting a mage and he uses frostbolt on you and you reflect it , you should see your melee ability damages and also the reflected damage Priority : 10/2 Realm : 5.4.2 x100 realm
  9. i will edit my post to add a video proof about it , it should be fine
  10. i'm gonna up this since this is a major bug for warriors .
  12. actually this is starting to piss me off ... mages killing warriors with nether tempest while second wind is up ..... holyshit i'm starting to get mad
  13. totally agree with this post this must be fixed ! +1
  14. Dryanus

    Eye of the Storm

    or use the script /script RepopMe(); wich is usable even on retail .
  15. big ups for this . no private pandaria server has english auction house , and its the worst thing ever i personally dont use auction house cuz i cant find anything and i dont want to go through 40 pages every time i want to buy a single gem
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