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Everything posted by Dryanus

  1. correction : it bugs out if you enter in stealth / prowl ... relog fixes it ... you can do that in arenas and bg-s as well without getting kicked since 4.2
  2. +1 the chi wave system is like Soul said and only bunces to other targets if they have lower HP then 100%(1-99%)
  3. Well the animation is wrong but otherwise it is perfect (not sure if wether the animation or just that it procs before the attack dealt damage so it shows the attack's animation
  4. up ! this needs to be fixed ASAP ! 9/10
  5. Spell name : -Cloud Serpents- Date tested : 03-1-2014 How it works : The mounts work normally but when you dismount the camera wont go back to the same spot and making your character run inside your action bar and it looks awful (personally this is the only reason why i dont use coud serpent mounts and i1m pretty sure i'm not alone ...) How it should work : When you dismount you should get your camera re-set to the original position (non-mounted) Priority : 10/7 Realm : 5.4.2 100x realm
  6. explanation is not clear dud
  7. this is such a retarded post . delete please
  8. Spell name : -The enemy arena frames / battleground FC targets- Date tested : 02-28-2014 How it works : they doesnt work How it should work : They should show enemies and their health no matther how far they are , and addons should work with them EFC frames should show enemy flag carrier frames wich should show the enemy flag carriers HP no matther how far they are and the map should also show the "flag" icon (works in WSG but not in twin peaks) Priority : 10/500 Realm : 5.4.2 all realms not working arena UI makes the game broken for pvp-ers ... who use Gladius addon or whatever /arena enemy1/2/3 etc macro-s are pretty much ruined this needs to be fixed ASAP . this is probably the most useful thing that you could fix in all of the current reports .
  9. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46983 Spellname : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=5246 How it works : this is my previous post on Intimidating shout (http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46983) . it was working properly but the only thing was buged is the "main target is rooted in place" ...... and since Zeox changed it , it removed the "bleed fear or damage fear" How it should work : when i fear my main target , he should get rooted for as long as the fear is on the main target and other 5 targets should run away in fear and it should not break from even 1 damage ... (the damage on fear was properly working before the "fix" ) if i heroic leap on my target , and i use fear before the heroic leap actually deals damage , it should NOT break the main fear nor the root . Priority: 10/9 Tested : 2014 . 02 . 28
  10. you sure went into reporting stuff :D keep it up
  11. also if you are in a Party or Raid group your auto loot wont work ... this is really frustrating for those who want to farm while helping low levels (ex)
  12. not only the boss but all the npc-s that died in the air should drop down on the floor .... asd
  13. you did not mention that it has a different bug as well .... before it disappears it starts to move towards the mage like some pet and it can still froze ppl .. i just got frozen like that yesterday
  14. true but not the mount is disabled , but only the "walk on water" part .... so basically you cant walk on water with that mount in battlegrounds but you can still use it
  15. its a 1 minute cooldown debuff that makes you unable to use it for that time
  16. Spell name : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=114207 Date tested : 02-26-2014 How it works : It moves and attacks ppl How it should work : The warrior should put it down in 1 place and it should increase crit damage (works) instead of using it and it goes to attack enemies Priority : 10/8 Realm : 5.4.2 x100 realm
  17. jk you need to fix it now .. random dk-s backpeddling are going 2k + just because of this .. my partner spamheals me and .. absorb absrob absorb absrorb on every pillar of frost
  18. Spell name : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=73975 Date tested : 02-26-2014 How it works :the absorb effect is not affected by Resilience and it makes 100% absorbs on players How it should work : Resilience should reduce the Absorbtion effect on players by the amount of resilience the targeted player has -> https://twitter.com/holinka/status/421055488231354369 And PvP power also increases it Priority : 10/10 Realm : 5.4.2 x100 realm this is something you have to fix asap . its impossible for healers to heal a dk that spams 100k necrotics / sec
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