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Everything posted by Dryanus

  1. +1 its so dumb .. warlocks are retarded
  2. DEM LIES LOLOLOL hotfix monks plez they were nerfed in 5.4.2 Warlords of Draenor Alpha .. they no longer have spheres ... its the same thing LOL
  3. hotfix jk it didnt happen on the lauch of 5.4.2 but it was hotfixed after a few weeks ... its the same as it was for TFB on 5.0.5 geez nerfing stuff before it was actually nerfed in the right time ... now you wont be able to do anything with warlocks 200k chaos spam on 4 embers with backlash but simply die
  4. hoy hoy .. its been a long time ! i checked the changelog and i saw "- Spell Intervene now no remove impairing effects and snares." so basically 1 month ago , you fixed it and now you remove the fix ? WTF srsly ... even the ingame tooltip says that it should remove roots .. not like i really care , warriors are weak AF anyways
  5. 10/10 for auto attack pet .... LOL2
  6. and sometimes if you outrange it like monk roll from max distance it wont do anything ..
  7. PAHAHA .. please delete your forum account thank you ... "International Technical Support" who doesnt even read one's topic but posts bullshit How it works : When used from distance (i'm not sure maybe if more than 10 yards) it has a delay and the stun effect occours 1-2 seconds later you used it on your focus that was like 4 yards away from you ... -is because you are at max range (and the stun and damage apply when the BOLT hit the target) -is because you have lag and/or slow internet connection aren't these 2 the same actually ? shit .. please ban me from forum cuz i'm correcting you .kbai
  8. it was reported long before you made this topic via forum PM ... i didnt want more ppl abuse it thats why i only used PM thingy
  9. take selfless heal get 3 stacks and spam divine light be r1
  10. the only thing is wrong with that glyph is that it calls down the lighting things when there are enemies close to the target (when thunder clap hits a target) it should always call down lightning
  11. i think the 6th one is impossible ... i mean its not gonna happen .. otherwise i like 1 2 3 4 5 big ups for the idea
  12. nah you clearly dont get it... when you use storm bolt from distance .. it does not stun how it should... after reaching the target .. the target recieves the damage but not the stun .. the stun occours after 1-3 seconds AFTER the damage was dealt
  13. well .. on retail with my full grievous warrior i did 50k on a full grievous mage(my partner) ... he was laughing so hard :D but yes it is correct .. the warrior had like 48% pvp power probably .. and that makes 24 % pvp resilience
  14. i might have to agree with this topic ... i just checked and i did the same .. colossus deals more damage further testing will be done
  15. this is completely bullshit... it is usable ... relog or idk.
  16. how does this doesnt work ? it has some glitches but it works
  17. it does work.. but only when you get enraged by mortal strike crit or colossus smash
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