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Everything posted by Dryanus

  1. Dryanus

    Auto Loot

    sorry i was lazy to explain it this way .. :D i barely slept 2 hours in tha last 2 days
  2. Also Psyfiend should NOT share resilience with the priest ... it should be 1shottable ... thats why ppl use it only in 3v3 -s Also Psyfiend can not be CC-d and even if it gets a fear or a stun it will still keep spamming Fears
  3. you are such a retarded person . stop blabbering about every single thing and simply dont log on forums
  4. Dryanus

    Auto Loot

    Auto loot Does not work while you are in a party or a raid group Tested : 2014.03.05 Realm : 100x - - - Updated - - - AOE Loot does not work with quest items .. so i mean you can not loot quest items from 10 mobs to get 10/10 ... you have to loot all npc-s that you killed in order to get the quest items
  5. it should not remove stuns .. but if its used after like 0.4 seconds or so .. it should remove it .. thats how CC delay works this is the video i posted before .. its from Retail RagnarosEU you can check armory if you dont believe me http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/ragnaros/Bestbad/simple so basically the deep freeze and stuns work like this : lets say a mage uses deep freeze ... you get the debuff but not yet the stun .. you recieve the stun effect aftter 0.5 sec or so ... this is how CC delay works ... this is how rogues can stun themselves at the same time or sap or this is how they can Vanish cc-s and also warriors bladestorm cc-s IF a rogue sees a cc on him he can vanish it just like warriors can bladestorm, it if its used in 0.5 sec or so - - - Updated - - - btw you should delete your life .. that buff is http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=112965 used to deep freeze me ... why cant you just accept that you are talking shit on all my topics ? did i do something bad to you ? even if i did i dont care but you should stop making retarded comments on my topics and that green buff is a trinket .. thats why i zoomed on the second part only ... you should check the whole video
  6. ehm i never had that problem
  7. haha :D there is no warrior bug that is not reported yet .. i wont let that happen ^^:DDD
  8. you should consider playing this game , it clearly shows that you are bad : / i have the proof from retail / 5.4.7 ptr , dont come with random shits
  9. right , and then it makes necro 50k/global gj sir ... playing dk and you dont want it fixed cuz now its op ... very nice from you selfish fuck
  10. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=134735
  11. they should fix necrotic strike before this .. otherwise 1-200 teams will be dk-s
  12. lets call it " caster form " or "non-shapeshift form" XD human form is pretty ironic since humans can't be druids :D
  13. These Glyphs were tested on Pandawow : Fun realm on 2014.03.03 (how it works) (how it should work) MAJOR http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=63481 -Does not work at all -Whenever the warrior uses Colossus Smash it should apply Sunder Armor http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=43413 -Does not work at all -Whenever a warrior gets enraged by a Mortal Strike/Shield Slam/Devastate/Bloodthrist crit OR the warrior uses berserker rage , it should icrease movement speed by 20% for the time of the enrage http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=43418 -Does not work at all it should silence targets that are not players ! http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=43423 -Every spell / attack applies the buff EXCEPT hamstring -When you use Hamstring you should get a buff that makes your next hamestring free ! http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=104055 -Does not work at all -Heroic Throw should leave an axe in the target, which can be retrieved by moving within 5 yards of the target ,AND finish the cooldown on Heroic Throw. This effect will only occur when Heroic Throw is cast from more than 10 yards away from the target. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=43417 -Every pummel increases the warrior's damage by 6% even if you didnt interrupt anything -It should only increase damage if it interrupts some spell cast http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=43428 -Does not work at all -Its in the tooltip MINOR http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=123779 -It Does not work at all -The charge animation should leave a fiery line behind the warrior http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=43398#. -It Does not work -It should make Deep wounds look way more bloody and more visible http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=104138 -Does not work -It should change my weapon's skin for a random weapon in my MAIN (backpack) bag for 10 minutes http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=80587 -it Procs for every attack ON THE WARRIOR -It should only proc when execute crits on the target ---Edit--- http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=49084 -It changes the visual of thunder clap but ONLY in combat -It should change the visual out of combat too
  14. big up ! i want this gear tho but challenge mode doesnt work Q_Q_Q_Q_Q_Q_Q_Q_Q_QQ_QQ_Q_Q_Q_Q__Q_Q_Q
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