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  1. Nick: Xekimate Violation: Fly and speed hack in BG. Realm: PandaFUN Evidence: [ATTACH=CONFIG]49102[/ATTACH]
  2. Nick: Ssbbiioo Violation: Fly and speed hack in BG. Realm: PandaFUN Evidence: [ATTACH=CONFIG]49097[/ATTACH]
  3. After I turned in 'All Aboard', I went to where the flying warship is supposed to be. General Nazgrim is supposed to be on the warship so I can accept the quest, "Into the Mists" and be able to access MOP content. But when I go to the area, there is no ship, and general Nazgrim falls out of the sky, goes into the ocean, and sinks to the ocean floor. Since I'm underwater, I can't talk to him. Is there a way the moderators and/or GMs can advance me past this bug in the questline?
  4. in game name huntrykkus i join in bg and i play min and me game crash i dont know why? anyone help me plzz how i fix this bug
  5. Bought http://en.db.pandawow.me?item=67418 today for 25bonuses, bonuses lost, didn't receive the item. I checked mail, inventory and pet journal. EDIT: Just got it
  6. I have a big question for you, how do you transmog the Warglaives of Azzinoth? I mean, you can't normally because they're legendaries but I still see many people using them as a transmog. And every time I'm asking someone, he says: "Fuck off, nub." or "Give me your acc infos and I'll do it for you". So, I don't really wanna give a random guy my account infos, I'm just hoping to see a nice person who can show it to me :)
  7. Why When i try to log in.It says You must log in with a Battlenet account!!! -.- -.-
  8. I was just looking at sites yesterday about items to tmog my warlock on his tyrannical gear. So i got the gear and went to transmog it and it worked... Then i got disconnected from the sever so i join back and my items are back to normal. Then i was like "Ok, that's probably a bug." so i tried again to see if it would work and it didn't. Then i was like "Ok Transmog doesn't work..." So then i go to reforge my gear and some didn't even work and bugged out. Some just did the same as the Transmog. I reloged and they went back to normal. So i went' Omg i need to make a thread about this" so this is how i'm here. Please try to fix this soon.
  9. I have recently bought Premium for one day for a price of 12 bonuses, then when the day came of the premium to be enabled, it would disappear and i would have no premium. I thought this was a one time thing only, and i bought premium for one day, again, for 12 bonuses, the the problem proceeded and it disappeared the day it was to be enabled, i never received any benefits of premium.
  10. Hoy estaba jugando en Cumbres Gemelas cuando un picaro de nombre Phfirezx, tomo la bandera en modo sigilo y con sprint en modo sigilo se cruzo cumbres en menos de 10 segundos, asi lo hizo la 3 veces, no pongo pantallazo porque fue muy rapido y es dificil tomar pantallazo, pero les dejo la duda para que reparen ese bug
  11. Como podran ver en la primer imagen no hay boton para bajarnos del demoledor [ATTACH=CONFIG]34695[/ATTACH] Despues de que destruyeran el demoledor apareci muerto pero vivo, o sea tirado en el suelo como si estuviera muerto pero tenia full HP [ATTACH=CONFIG]34696[/ATTACH] Luego paso un horda y me hizo el favor de matarme, pero mi cuerpo comenzo a volar en un estado de muerto por mas de 10 segundos [ATTACH=CONFIG]34697[/ATTACH]
  12. Nombre: Andysamberg - Brujo Horda Servidor: FUN Abuso BUG: Circulo demoniaco y Portal demoniaco:Teletransportar Descripcion: Se sube a los tejados de las bases del valle de alterac con el circulo demoniaco, ahi pone el portal demoniaco, y hace lluvia de fuego para controlar la torre, de ninguna manera se puede bajar, ni se puede atacar [ATTACH=CONFIG]34690[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]34691[/ATTACH]
  13. Dear Administration! As every wow player knows, Lighting Shield (shaman's spell) can have up to 7 charges, as elemental shaman. In my case I can't get a single one. However, glyph reducing damage taken by 10% works perfectly as if lighting shield was gettting procs. It's the same when it comes to the damage. Enemies are getting hit by lighting shield but still no chrages. I can only aquire charges by casting lighting bolt/chain lighting. I've tried to change specialization, relog, basically anything. I'm worried that it's necessary to reset that character or something like that. If you have a clue how to solve my problem, please respond here or ingame. Character's name is "Haxies". Best Regards
  14. there is a problem with the quest Begin your training:Master Cheng. I can't talk with Master Cheng and the quest is incompletable. please help.
  15. No he podido terminar ninguna puta BG por ese maldito lag :mad:, por consiguiente no me dan ni un punto de honor, alguna solución o este servidor va a seguir igual de malo?
  16. youarenoob

    Bug en BG

    Como pueden ver en la imagen, no tengo seleccionado el valle de alterac ni la batalla por gilneas por cuestiones de mucho LAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG, curiosamente la BG aleatoria me envia a cualquier BG incluyengo el valle de alterac, bugs y mas bugs :mad: [ATTACH=CONFIG]31932[/ATTACH]
  17. Simple This guys wintrading 5vs5 rating plz remove rating and ban him for 1 Mounth[ATTACH=CONFIG]31255[/ATTACH] http://screenshot.cz/9A8LR/
  18. Здравствуйте. Мне нравится сообщить о проблеме. Прежде всего, я приношу извинения, потому что я говорю по-испански, и я с помощью Google Translator. Я хотел бы сообщить об ошибке на моем колдун (и в более чем одном колдун, с которыми я говорил).«Здоровье канал" ([Health Funnel]) (Исцели животное) способность не работает. Я нажимаю и это как если бы активировано, но никогда не выступал свое мастерство. Конечно, большое спасибо.
  19. I get killed by my own spell Hand of Light after i start fight with NPC here is the screen: [ATTACH=CONFIG]27700[/ATTACH] after a few minutes i get overhealed by Hand of Light without using any healing spell here is the picture: [ATTACH=CONFIG]27703[/ATTACH] there is something really wrong with paladin pls fix it.
  20. The bug tracker should be about submitting bugs so you can fix them instead of telling us just to relog there are way to many quests and important stuff bugged in this server, i understand it's because the game's version is one of the latest in private servers but you don't seem to be doing anything to fix the server also stop defending yourselves for not doing a proper job it's better to say that you are short on staff than tell us to stop complaining, if you don't fix bugs and make a better experience for players less people is going to expend money, the web page is also not as good as other servers and the voting section needs more work too if you really want to go international.
  21. everytime i make macros for PVP, after about 10 minutes they all dissapear from my bars and from the macro menu. this means i have to write them all out again. has anyone else been having this problem? what can i do to stop this from happening?
  22. Me and a lot of other players haven't been able to learn the Cloud Serpent Riding because the questline is bugged. When you accept the quest Empty Nest from Instructor Tong you are unable to complete it because the Windward Hatchlings aren't affected by the provided item Silken Rope. I think this is a mayor problem because if most of the players can't learn this skill (Cloud Serpent Riding) there will be a lot of in-game experience we are going to miss, and a lot of mounts we are never going to ride :sad:. I hope this problem will be solved as soon as posible. THANKS.
  23. i can't complete this quest " " help me this film show not bug quest :( please reper this
  24. Название Crytical Сервер x100 Здравствуйте у меня есть проблема, умер вчера, и, когда я жил, я появился * ошибки, я бегу быстрее, чем другие, без моунт Я думаю, когда он подключен к гильдии, что мне делать? Скриншоты можно увидеть на 200% Бану не хочу, чтобы помочь! Я покинул гильдию, чтобы исправить ошибку, он ничего не сделал. http://www.bildites.lv/viewer.php?file=dps8aaslsizhag3s0uj9.jpg
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