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  1. Because of the capture of blue pets, people need to kill the pet when they find that it is not blue, but now I can't kill it to refresh it. It will not be refreshed until the server restarts. And after I capture the pet, it will immediately refresh the same quality of the pet in same place, theoretically it should not be quickly spawned and the quality will be different from before。。。 cant kill it。。。look
  2. 1. https://db.pandawow.me/?achievement=1561 2. Hello when i try to complete my 1000 Fish achievement. It does not register. It is stuck on 722/1000 only And i tried to do on my other characters aswell and it is the same.[ATTACH=CONFIG]141396[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]141396[/ATTACH]
  3. You can see the Gogoshow user who is killing full hit users with 1 hit in bgs, nor the heals hold their damage, that is an example of many, there are several shamans with extreme damage when they are at maximum, even the 400k are killing as well as other fulls classes. A greeting.
  4. Okay! So i noticed this problem a while ago but never looked in to it further. But there seems to be a problem with Cloud serpent riding after getting exalted with order of the cloud serpent on alt characters. I have tried reaching exalted on several characters but still dont get cloud serpent riding. I can however learn new serpent mounts on the alts. I can only mount up on serpents on my rouge, which is the first character i got exalted with.
  5. I didn't know whether to put this topic in the profession section or loot I'm doing the cooking mission>> https://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=33026/these-arent-your-fatty-goatsteaks I go to a timeless island to kill these turtles, but by killing the small, big, and old ones, none loot me https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=101776/fatty-turtle-steak to be able to continue the mission. Is this a bug or is there something I should do? Name: Ejecutador Realm: x100
  6. Hey, i have big issues with fishing. I can not continue learning, it's stuck on 75 points, and 120 points of fishing it's blocked. I stopped playing in 2018, but the issue still continue. If you can response me, I will be grateful
  7. I made a faction change a few days ago, and the mission that was "Glory to the Horda" (legendary cloak) disappeared, now I belong to the alliance and I can not continue with the chain of missions for the legendary mantle. . I do not find what it should be available in the NPC, I tried to repair it from the page, I hope for your help. Thank you.
  8. 1. Crazy for Cats: https://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=8397/crazy-for-cats 2. I have gathered 20 of the listed cats which should complete the achievement, but it only lists that I have 2 of them. Proof: https://imgur.com/a/HMgFDTE This isn't proof of all of the needed cats, but about half, which proves the point that the achievement isn't working. 3. Well it's suppose to give the achievement when you have 20 of the listed cats, which then gives the title "the crazy cat lady/man" 4. 24-10-2018 5. Fun 6. 3? I know it's not a pressing matter but it was a struggle to get done, and I know several who would also like to get the title.
  9. Hi PandaWoW! I dont really know where to post this thread so I try to do it here. Just a few minutes ago around 11:55 I did the Headless Horseman Halloween instance on my Warlock named Gudrungreger and got the headless horseman mount. I learned it and got the achievment but like 20 secounds after I learned i Dced from the instance and when I could login again I spawned in Darkspear Shore with no mount and no achievment, please help me out! Regards Jesper / acc name hagbertz - - - Updated - - - Oh yeah I live in Sweden so its Sweden - Europe (EU) Time
  10. Добрый день, такая проблема предмет Бремя Вечности, не работает. По нажатию на предмет правой кнопкой мыши, ничего не просходит. Уже 2 раза переустанавливал игру, через лаунчер и сторонний клиент, однако это не помогло реалм х100 ник Numismatus
  11. So, i don't know if this is the right place to post this in but my fury warrior can't dual wield two handed weapons. I don't even know if i can because i could do it on legion and cataclysm and i never saw a fury warrior in game (MoP)
  12. квест с драконом не работает при использовании плевка дракона пишет : вы подчинены и не можете этого сделать ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА
  13. 1. Auction House/Mail box 2. When you sell items on the auction house, some of the items will say sale pending and then after a while disappear and you lose the money and most likely the buyer has free stuff 3.Do i need to really answer this, common sense on how the auction house should work. 4. 2nd of May 2018 5. 100x 6.Priority: 10, auction house is a lifeline for gold. P.S Please change your policy about currency or at least just gold. Look at what Blizzard does, they refund when the auction house doesn't work and you guys can see the auction house records for the severs.
  14. Realm x100 Problem Priority = 8 Bug tested on December 08, 2017 In the Portuguese language of Brazil the auction house can not find the item when searched. The items are with the name in Brazilian Portuguese, but when you enter the name of the item in the "search" it does not find any item. I already did the test by searching for items that existed in the auction house and even then it was not found. Even when I click on an item in my bag, the item name does not appear in the auction house window I asked in my Brazilian guild if they also had the same problem and they answered yes, they would have tried to search the item in the auction house and could not. Please fix this bug, and hope to be contributing to the improvement on the server. Thank you!
  15. Some time ago, I bought a paladin on the site, but after I bought the character the days counted from it were reset, Please help me.
  16. awesd668


    The Boss XT-002 Deconstructor is glitched in the xFUN server so please soon as possible to be fixed becouse I cant continue my achivment Progress!!!
  17. I know PandaWoW is a pvp server but please... When you kill Aeonaxx its supose to loot the mount and this is a 100% drop rate mount... But please, when i kill him i just cant open the loot and i can not get the mount. You can't imagine my rage when i kill and next just nothing because i didn't get any mount. This mount it VERY rare to spawn. Please fix it, you REALLY can't imagine my rage right now. Sorry for posting this thread 2 times, that was mistake from my browser.
  18. I know PandaWoW is a pvp server but please... When you kill Aeonaxx its supose to loot the mount and this is a 100% drop rate mount... But please, when i kill him i just cant open the loot and i can not get the mount. You can't imagine my rage when i kill and next just nothing because i didn't get any mount. This mount it VERY rare to spawn. Please fix it, you REALLY can't imagine my rage right now. Sorry for posting this thread 2 times, that was mistake from my browser.
  19. I want to know how to resolve the bug from my character Rennan than was mount on ,y saphira's panter on a baloon to kalimdor, when the baloon was gone. afeter that I was falling on the void and getting damage and when I was respawn I just could see a White screen and I can't respawn; the map says then I am on esten lingdon, but I just can see my ghost
  20. Before you ask, yes I've checked other threads, to see if there is a fix to my problem, and no, none of them helped. Here what I've tried so far Deleted the config files Deleted Logs Deleted Errors Deleted Cache files Downloaded a custom launcher Waited to see if it was a connection error due to my internet connection (it wasen't) Launched the program with both 36 bit and 64 bit Made a new account to see, if it was because of a ban or something (again, it wasen't) Please help me, I'm getting sick that ugly "connecting" and "Battle.net" box... please help me
  21. Hello I am actually blocking in Pandawow FUN with 2 of my characters :cry:. The first (name: Qwezqt) is falling under the map before screaming during a duel against another player. And the second (name: Stormqt) is also falling under the maps because of a ''hacker'' I think that put me under the maps with one of it's fate (it was a priest of the horde) :sad:. I'm blocking under the maps I can not do anything ... I am also obliged to do '' alt f4 '' to decode me because its does not work my two characters are apparently in free fall under the maps so I can not do anything .... Please unblock them as soon as possible :wink: ! PS: I am Belgian so I speak not english, so I used google translation
  22. Character name: Imnotzod Realm: X100 I just realised my druid's playtime has been reset at some point because I bought it months ago and had over 10 days playtime. I will link some screenshots to prove it is not possible to only have 1 day 1 hour playtime. Total damage done 2.1billion doesn't sound very realistic for 1 day 1 hour lol Also shows 209 battlegrounds which wouldnt be possible for only 1 day - https://gyazo.com/d116e9570eb0877f2f8dd5bdd8c1435d This shows general stats like duels, arenas etc and from 1 day playtime its very unrealistic to have all these statistics - https://gyazo.com/77ec54e0c3ebb753a58191c5b02e7cdd ps: I dont know why it says 25k kills must be bugged but on the website it says 9802 and there is no way you can get that in 1 day. I just want either my playtime fixed or my 10 day playtime back so i can actually sell my druid. Thanks.
  23. 1) http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=114107/soul-of-the-forest, and also http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=81262/efflorescence 2) - druid takes http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Efflorescence - then he need to use http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=18562/swiftmend and take the buff ( +100% of casting speed // gives haste for 1 cast ) - then put on the earth "Wild mushroom" - in a result: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=145205/efflorescence healing with 100% of speed, gives crazy heal which is in 2 times more than must to be! Remark: The problem is not in the http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=81262/efflorescence (and so it should to scale from haste), problem in the http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=114107/soul-of-the-forest that is simply add 100% haste for 1 cast without checking what cast is it. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=114107/soul-of-the-forest should not be spent on the installation of the wild mushroom, it will solve the problems with the bug. 3) Of course it's bug! Buff from http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=114107/soul-of-the-forest should not affect on http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=145205/efflorescence 4) 31.12.2016 5) Bug was always 6) 10/10 (Really hard in outdoor vs that bug)
  24. I need help, last night I was in Elwyn Forest with my other account, I was with my mount, I was taken out of the server, I thought I had been disconnected, I tried to enter and I could not enter, I went to the page and appeared as banned by Use hack (Fly hack), my question is the server I automatically banned but why ?, if I was in my flying mount my name character is : Reiga
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