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- [spoiler=old] [spoiler=ENGLISH VERSION] Greetings to all PandaWoW players! We have long observed a lack of 3x3 games on the server, and in order to reinforce players to be active in this bracket, it was decided to hold a 3x3 Fun Tournament The rules are simple - come and show yourself in the multiclass, pvp skills, and GOOD LUCK The goal of the tournament is to show that in order to have fun in 3x3 it is not necessary to win all the time in s-tier comps, what people are used to in 2x2. In 3x3 you can have fun and have the opportunity to show your skill in any setup, unlike in a 2x2 cap-bracket. Lots of people forgot that there were more than 3 relevant comps in s15, and you could get gladiator in almost any comp! It was a sign of skill to get glad in jungle instead of rmp We invite 24 players to the tournament: 8 heals and 16 dps. Bracket - single elimination. All matches except for finals are held in the best of 3 format. The team needs to defeat the opponent 2 times to advance to the next round. Bracket Example: The main difference of this tournament is that it is RANDOM! This means that your comp is determined by random chance! Registering When registering, you must specify The role you are playing - heal or dps Your main class, screenshots from the arena on this class, we must be sure that you have some exp. You must provide your skype \ discord to communicate with the organizers \ teammates (if you do not want to show it, write me in DM) Registration example: 1. The role - DPS 2. The main class is Priest: priest: 3. * Proofs that this is your main class \ screenshots from the class \ current character and screenshots from it with the indication of experience \ etc * 4. easymode69 skype/twitter/myspace/SSN/credit card By registering for the tournament, you agree to contact your teammates who will be determined by random, and to take part in the tournament. If you violate the conditions, you lose the opportunity to participate in future events with us in the organizing team. You will also destroy your bracket branch, deprive your teammates and yourself of a reward, and will give it away to your opposing team for free. If the number of applicants is exceeded, preference will be given to people with the most relevant + higher exp + who wrote earlier + most exotic class. Comps As soon as we decide on the participants, a stream will be scheduled with rolling for your comp. After the distribution of comps, we hope you will can contact with your teammates and find out against whom you are playing. We can consider transfers of the players in the teams if all teams involved in the current bracket agree on this. If you got LSD - well done, show what you are capable of. If u didn’t get an s-tier comp - kick the back of the lacquers! No more than 2 identical classes are allowed in the setup. We expect that the rolls will be on Sunday evening, or the next best day. The announcement of the rolls will be in this thread. Prizes As for prizes, a reward is provided in the form of gold bonuses to all the top 4 teams, the higher you climb the higher the reward. Thus, at least half of the participants will receive gold bonuses. The specific size of the reward from the administration has not yet been announced, consolation prizes are provided for all participants, on my own I add 3000+ bonuses to the prize pool Despite the randomness, this tournament gives you the opportunity to contact and play with other experienced players on the server, find teammates and get bonuses almost for nothing! I hope that we will hold this event without issues and then the next tournament will be even more fun SCHEDULE 1. Registration till we fill all spots 2. Stream with rolls for teams (probably 30th) 3. Possible transfers 4. Gap week (unlikely two weeks) for players to train in their comp 5. Tournament on 6th june (postponement is unlikely) spoiler Приветствую всех игроков PandaWoW! Мы давно наблюдаем недостаток 3х3 игр на сервере, и с целью подкрепить игроков активничать в этом брекете было принято решение о проведении ФАН-Турнира 3х3 Правила просты - приходите и покажите себя в мультиклассе, пвп скиллах, и УДАЧЕ Цель турнира - показать что для получения фана в 3х3 необязательно всё время выигрывать в s-тир сетапах, как тут принято в 2х2. В 3х3 можно получать фан и иметь возможность показать свой скилл в любом сетапе, в отличии от кап брекета 2х2. C15 запомнился тем, что там было больше 3х играбельных сетапов в 3х3, и глада можно было взять в очень экзотичных сетапах. Взять глада за приста в джангле вместо рмп, за мага в влд, за рогу в таге, за лока в вв\лок и далее по списку! На турнир мы приглашаем 24 игрока: 8 хилов и 16 дд. Брекет - single elimination, игра на выбывание. Все матчи кроме финала проводятся в формате best of 3. Команде необходимо победить 2 раза над соберником для продвижения в следующий раунд. spoiler Основное отличие данного турнира - он РАНДОМНЫЙ! Значит что ваш сетап определяет рандом! Для регистрации на турнир необходимо указать Роль под которой вы регаетесь - хил или дд Свой класс, скриншоты с арены на этом классе, мы должны быть уверены что у вас есть какой-то пвп опыт. Необходимо предоставить свой скайп\дискорд для связи с организаторами\тиммейтами (если не хотите им светить отпишитесь мне в личку) 1. Роль ДД 2. Класс за который будем играть - прист :priest: 3. *Пруфы о том что это ваш мейн класс\скрины с класса\текущий персонаж и скрины с него с указанием опыта\итд* 4. easymode69 skype spoiler Регистрируясь на турнир вы обязуетесь связаться со своими тиммейтами которых определит рандом, и принимать участие в турнире. При нарушении условий вы лишаетесь возможности участия в будующих мероприятиях с нами в команде организаторов. Также вы разрушите свою ветку брекета, лишите своих тиммейтов и себя награды и считайте бесплатно отдадите её команде противников () При превышении количества желающих предпочтение будет отдаваться людям с наиболее актуальным+высоким рейтингом+кто написал раньше+менее популярным классам (монк\хпал итд). Проведение Как только мы определимся с участниками будет проведён стрим с роллом на сетапы STREAM После роллов сетапов, вы сможете связаться со своими тиммейтами и узнаете против кого вы играете. Если вам выпало лсд - молодцы, покажите на что способны. Попался не s-тир - надерите зад лакерам! Разрешены не более 2 одинаковых классов в сетапе. Также у игроков присутствует возможность трансфера между командами, для этого я должен получить одобрение 2 команд с трансферами и согласие их противников в текущем брекете. После создания тим команды выбирают лидера для более удобной коммуникации с командами и оргами. Ожидаем что роллы будут вечером воскресенья (30го), либо в другой ближайший день. Анонс роллов будет в этой теме. Для всех игр будет стрим с комментариями, также одобряется подключение стримов от участников турниров, подключение к конфам на время игр, итд! В качестве призов предусмотрена награда в виде золотых бонусов всем топ-4 тимам, чем выше заберётесь тем выше награда. Таким образом как минимум половина участников получит боны! Конкретная величина награды от администрации пока не анонсирована, предусмотрены утешительные призы всем участникам. От себя я добавляю в призовой фонд 3000+ (надеюсь что все будут паиньками) Регистрация до заполнения спотов Стрим с роллами классов и сетапов, турнирной сетки (ожидается вечером воскресенья, либо другой ближайший день) Возможные трансферы Неделя на сыгровку и освоение класса (маловероятно, но мб и 2 недели) Проведение турнира 30 мая (маловероятно, но может быть перенос на 6 июня) spoiler Несмотря на рандомность этот турнир предоставляет вам возможность связаться и сыграться с другими опытными игроками на сервере, найти себе тиммейтов и получить бонусы практически даром. Я рассчитываю на то что мы проведём это мероприятие без накладок и тогда следующий турнир будет ещё лучше! Мы приглашаем заинтересованных игроков принять участие в организации турнира! Особенно опытных игроков для комментирования игр Discord This is Love#0347
Dear GM-s Admins. and everyone Nerf all healing done on balance,feral druid + retri pal + ench, elem shaman this is just so incredible that a dps in pvp toggle the burst macro and get instant full hp its just insane that these classes heal 270k instant in a single arena match on 2v2 balance druid always have the same dmg and heal like 1mill dmg and 860k heal and not even a single heal casted at all, only instants same with shamans
В данном треде речь будет идти про все бг и арены. А так же про баги связанные с ними. ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
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Hi guys i recently came back to the server to play solo q but i am getting disconnected in the starting room and sometimes get 132 fatal error when trying to log back in , my live account is fine 0 disconnects so i doubt its my Pc. i deleted interface cache and WTf folders followed some youtube vids fixing options i would say i get about 3 per 10 arenas I really dont want to re-install. tbh when i used to play before i never had any problems with my install and can BG all day with no problems only arena bring this problem, I also deactivated all addons but the problem still persisted any help would be much appreciated :Regards Purplreign.
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Всем привет, снимаю видосы под ником NiceKaKtuZz, вот ссылка набрал уже некую аудиторию подписчиков, жду вас в их ряды) Снимаю как гайды, так и паровозинг, просто аренки на ммр 2к+ В основном играю рогом, друлем
So in many games comps are very important...I was wondering what comps mix well with each other. So just discuss comps in 3v3 and link your replays of 3v3 at pandawow.
1. Adolvhiddler 2. Pandawow xFun 3. The guys used dominate mind to one shot us (i forgot to picture the scoreboard at the end ...) but he also used fly hack so it's enough for ban 4. [ATTACH=CONFIG]116712[/ATTACH]
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- dominatemind
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Bem, se você joga bem de FMage, RPaladin, AWarrior, Warlock, Boonkim, Shaman (dps), e se gosta de fazer comp com Rdruid e MMhunter me add no skype - Skype = exodarlol Obs : Jogar bem mesmo, por favor, não me venha nenhum backpadal ou retardado, ou idiota que fique dando rage :crazy::o:p
With the cross server edition added on pandawow for wow circle or what ever they must be bugging it or something as each time i go 2v2 i go from stable 100fps (capped) perfect, then as soon as i go into battle with the players from different server bam fps dropps 2fps now my gpu can easily withstand frames i play on ultra and rarely does it drop past 60fps. Problem sort it please. VIDEO PROOF ----> Check video like 3 minutes after this post as its processing :o
- My warriors pjs: Aryo, Nimtz, Ragort Monje heal Full Severo (Nagruck, Glynch) - Guerrero armas Full Orgulloso (Aryo, Ragort, Nimtz). Server Pandawow 5.4.8 Horda - Guild Warlords of Horde. Tengo que decir que con Nagruck he aprendido muchísimo en arenas ¿pro? sin duda él es lo mas pro que he visto, lo conocí hace 3 años en la facultad de enfermería, y ahí ya llevaba 5 años jugando al wow, había jugado en el oficial y servidores rusos, ahora simplemente es una máquina, como player y sobre todo como persona! Gracias! Nagruck 2.4k en 3vs3 Fumetas/Mewet 2.6k 2c2 pandashan 2,1k 2c2 pandawow Oficial +2k 2vs2 3vs3 y 5vs5 (WOTLK)
Drinking in arena and drinking at all is bugged regaining full mana in 2-4 seconds .. that absurt this should be fixed ASAP its game breaking 10/10 100x realm tested more than 100 times P.S. i know that the server want to be N:1 at the non-official server lists but bugs like this one are the one thats holding down the server !
Nombre: Kántus Facción: Horda(Pandawowx100) Este monje comenzó a insultar sin motivos en arena[ATTACH=CONFIG]76041[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]76042[/ATTACH]
Nombre: Mederoewe Guild: Decadencia (pandawow x100) Este jugador apareció en 3 arenas seguidas insultando, lamentablemente no pude tomar capturas de las 2 primeras arenas, solo de la ultima, espero que hagan algo para que este tipo de gente aprenda a respetar a los demas. [ATTACH=CONFIG]74628[/ATTACH]
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- arena
- caballero de la muerte
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sometimes when you die in sand and you can not leave after having repaired character and enter the game bug you appear as if you estubieras even in the sand and not allowed to enter arenas and bg's, for example, my pj SNAREZZ, right now you can not get into arenas and BG'S
sometimes when you die in sand and you can not leave after having repaired character and enter the game bug you appear as if you estubieras even in the sand and not allowed to enter arenas and bg's, for example, my pj SNAREZZ, right now you can not get into arenas and BG'S
Name: Chioaua y Althaus (warrior and rogue) Guild: Charlie champs (Pandawow x100) [ATTACH=CONFIG]67653[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]67654[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]67655[/ATTACH]
Hello. I have level 540 :warrior: Alliance. I play from 8 to 17 UTC+1(Poland) At the moment i have 1.6k rating and looking for some who will help me to improve my gameplay and rise my rating. Most of the time my performance is high and there is no skill left unused. But sometimes bad timing or bad trinket usage does not help :facepalm:. Only real trobule give me boomkins and mw monks(fak em). Have mic and I'm willing to use it for comunication(pweety god engalando spokin ?). Ingame name Kragharr Cheers
Additionally it tells me Starter accounts cant invite other characters Please Help BTW my chars name is hotpsycho
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- account problem help
- arena
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Hello my fellow WoW Gamers, I do have a problem with this server. And the problem is the cap reset day, why would you change such an awesome day as friday? When you can be "no lifing" the shit out of that day with coke and some fat food while capping with some friends? You really had to change the cap day to a day when you have work/school etc? Trust me, I'm not the only one who feels this way about this. Please do the right thing and switch the cap day to a day when you actually are not exhausted after coming home or you don't have to worry about studies or sitting up too late. I'm serious about this thread and I think that you really should consider to change the cap day. What difference would it make for you? But for us, it's a huge one.
Hellow i can't enter to bg or arena the buttom don't do its funtcion. Hola no puedo entrar a bg o arena, el boton no funciona. How can i reapair it?? ¿Como lo soluciono? Moreover the game put me that i have a starter count. Ademas me pone que tengo una cuenta de principiante.
where: x100 player druid: Miscellaneöu player shaman: I can not write Russian names well as we can see in this image, the druid died [ATTACH=CONFIG]59441[/ATTACH] We can see this when the shaman gave him revive, start attack again [ATTACH=CONFIG]59442[/ATTACH]
Help me!My problem is:When i want to go pvp it says:Blizzard_PVP UI has benn blocked from an action which only avalibe to Blizzard UI. I have two choiche: disable or ingore if i click on ingore it ask it agin:mad: and when i click on disable i can't play pvp anymore what to do!!!!!!!??????:worgen1::warrior:
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- playervsplayer
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Selling (S) Priest with full Tyranical gear, Grievous weapon/off-hand, (Honor Points-Capped, Conquest Points-Capped, Trasmog). Selling MW Monk with full Tyranical gear, Grievous weapon/off-hand, Grievous Head and Chest, (Amazing trasmog, has full Tyranical gear for off-spec WW including the Shado-Pan trinket (max. reputation), Honor Points-Capped, Conquest Points-Capped, 2000 rating in 2v2 bracket). They are both Alliance, human and have gold cap in their mail. /pm me here, ty.
First what i want say is i posted here problem with Mages ofc and passed 2 changelog and for mages is enable alter time nothing fix just disable enable thats all so this is easy Second is Change for Iciclies right now work idk maybe for 100% but this is 2 mounth without anything change does not count this both problems this is rly hard to fix that player cant crit to absorb Warrior- crit=bleed bleed=dmg dmg=win no crit=no bleed=no dmg= loss same problem with mage crit=pyro proc=dmg=win no crit=no proc=no dmg= loss just enable to crit to absorb plz 10/10 for this problem and this rly i must abuse because this problem is when server start on this patch Fix finnaly this problem with targeting in arena i targeting my partners in arena and i cant clicking like a noob rly this gameplay is bullshit when i must clicking as i start play wow.... thanks for understanding and i hope so that fix this core 100/10 problem
There is a dmg hacker in arena i was full pvp gear 423k holy priest and he hit me for over 2 millions dmg !!![ATTACH=CONFIG]30098[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]30099[/ATTACH]