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fly hack to get flags

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name: Palabeazt

Realm: fun

Cause: get 3 flags in less than 1 min with fly/speed hack

proof: http://prntscr.com/61ufnw (in minute 19:19 he put the second flag on his base(horde base), and when our flag(in ali base) is still waiting to respawn he is in our base instantly waiting for our flag again and at the end of bg at 19:19 he also bringed another flag to his base, 2 flags in 1 min, imposible.)




(he is the only horde who had delivered the 3 flags, so it's impossible to be in our base till our flag is not reset if he has just delivered ali flag on horde base.

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ye sure a pala can put 1 flag in 1s, see the fotos if u see a rogue is kiling me, just when he kill me the pala have delivered the flag instantly and see the clock under the map 19:19 during flag reset and 19:19 when the flag appears, 19:19 when bg finish: and he is the only horde who delivered the 3 flags, are you sure that he can take a flag, go to his base, and at the same moment be in our base waiting for flag reset, and deliver the last flag again, all in 1 min being pala?? i don't think he can Edited by Señorpujo
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