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Can this abusing stop ?


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Im getting tired of mutes for no reason,typing 2 words in caps lock is not a valid reason to get a mute of 60 minutes.


This is probably the only server i have played that haves such dumb chatting rules.

I agree with muting for insulting,cursing,racism etc. But for typing in caps lock is just pure abusing and stupid.


Talk to you gm helpers,gms ,head gm who ever you want and stop abusing your powers.

Instead of making people pisst off at you,maybe you should focus that unused energy into fixing and reading damn tickets to actually help someone instead of abusing your crappy gm powers.


Have a nice day

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Im sorry i dont consider saying : KICK HIM ! an violation of rules,i did not insult anyone in any way. Like ive said,i agree on muting for insults,racism etc. But this is just funny reason to mute someone. I was a game master for 2 years,muting the player should go : Warning,mute 10 min,if he does it again screenshot and mute 60+.


So please,work on your logic because this just aint normal.

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Im sorry i dont consider saying : KICK HIM ! an violation of rules,i did not insult anyone in any way. Like ive said,i agree on muting for insults,racism etc. But this is just funny reason to mute someone. I was a game master for 2 years,muting the player should go : Warning,mute 10 min,if he does it again screenshot and mute 60+.


So please,work on your logic because this just aint normal.



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Yeah,thought so..What are you like 12 y old?


No point arguing with kids,thanks for support.


He's a troll. And looks like you don't know the first and only rule about this. NEVER FEED TROLLS.


Anyways, i agree with you, i never got muted in this server, but i see it's kinda ridiculous muting or warning just for talking in caps.


But... looks like no one cares. Not even the staff members, so...



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He's a troll. And looks like you don't know the first and only rule about this. NEVER FEED TROLLS.


Anyways, i agree with you, i never got muted in this server, but i see it's kinda ridiculous muting or warning just for talking in caps.


But... looks like no one cares. Not even the staff members, so...




Troll? Im saying truth , like really , this topic itself is Useless and Muting for caps seems normal for most player's, Like I think it shouldnt be that hard to turn off caps lock and if you want to get attention -add some icons ?And if you're in raid or whatever mass pvp/pve enviroment and it's a pug/random bg and you don't have RC/TS , it's your own fault and you choosed by yourself to be there and play there.



and read by yourself what you wrote there ''looks like no one cares'' . It's the exact same in my gif. Like...*facepalm*.



Yeah,thought so..What are you like 12 y old?


No point arguing with kids,thanks for support.


This makes completely no sense and there's no actual facts , I know you likely shit on others so you could defend your dry&empty opinion but just Stop.



+1 for #vote4close

Edited by Syrio
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Troll? Im saying truth , like really , this topic itself is Useless and Muting for caps seems normal for most player's, Like I think it shouldnt be that hard to turn off caps lock and if you want to get attention -add some icons ?And if you're in raid or whatever mass pvp/pve enviroment and it's a pug and you don't have RC/TS , it's your own fault and you choosed by yourself to be there and play there.



and read by yourself what you wrote there ''looks like no one cares'' . It's the exact same in my gif. Like...*facepalm*.

+1 for #vote4close


At that point i have to admit you're right, lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you let the mods do their job in peace you wont even notice them and if you follow the rules you wont be muted.


here are just for u the

3) Criteria for Mutes:

1. Insults towards players - from 240 to 360 minutes

2. Public/veiled obscene speech - from 120 to 240 minutes

3. Flood : sending the same message with a periodicity of less then 10 seconds - from 60 to 120 minutes

3.1 Linking item/spell+obscene and other words (anus, dick, admin etc) - 720 minutes

4. Caps Lock in chat: writing messages in capital letters - from 30 to 90 minutes

5. Chat Color: writing messages with colored letters - 1000 minutes

6. Insults towards countries and their leadership. - from 300 to 720 minutes

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