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Thank you


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I'd like to express my greatfulness for what you are doing. Although your general support isn't as responsive as your developers, especially in the English forums, I can notice the progress the server is making. Implementing full-scale Archaeology, fixing important class abilities as well as some annoying bugs like buff-reset when entering a battleground, are gamechanging. It feels a lot more edgy. Applying day-to-day changes also makes people come back each and every week to check what's new and enjoy the game again.

The one thing I still have to get over is the leachers and character auctions but I guess I'll have to come to terms with it. Your trade system isn't that bad but it fucks up organized pvp. Obejctivewise. My guess would be your server will eventually detronate itself with it but you seem flexible and smart. Let's hope you won't allow it.

I'm grateful for your work. You always bring me back for a while when I see the update log.

Edited by venomlord1
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  • 2 weeks later...
Juster, why don't you consider making Pandawow playable before going for WoD?


There are so many critical bugs out there and there hasn't been a single fix for the last half a month.


This is 2 different projects, with two different teams of developers.

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I am the only one who doesn't feel wod will be better than mop.




I feel you bruh. This Project of MoP isn't fully scripted. I've tried other WoD private server's. They're bugged. Quests isn't shown in map. Rogue's can't go in stealth until 90. etc etc.

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I feel you bruh. This Project of MoP isn't fully scripted. I've tried other WoD private server's. They're bugged. Quests isn't shown in map. Rogue's can't go in stealth until 90. etc etc.


Yeah and see how many people are quiting the game.

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Not just private servers. The WoD itself sucks ass. As dfabel said, even famous people are quitting now, because WoW went dull in the new patch. Soda played for like 8 years or so, but he just simply quit. Blizzard wipes 20% of the spells every expansion, now you really have 10 spells, melees DOMINATE the whole pvp stuff (as usual?), and instead of focusing on balance and suggests, they are implementing garrison shit and selfie camera. Blizzard is just committing sudoku these days, and no wonder, the whole WoW goes on a pretty huge downhill. And if even the retail sucks, what do you expect from pservers? nah, MoP is the most balanced expansion so far (yea, you can argue, but when it comes to pvp, it is) and it has to offer a lot. So I'll be here until I quit playing WoW in general :D

However, I still whish you luck Juster with the WoD project :)


- - - Updated - - -


Additionally: look at

video. Cobrak explains it pretty well...
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What I wanted them to do for WoD was not to change the game so much and turn it into a complete BS but keep the MoP design while changing the following:


1. Reduce the amount of CC abilities and make them more avoidable.

2. Nerf healers (as with less CC + OP healers, noone would ever die).

3. Remove more than half of the damage cooldowns so that people have good sustained damage as well and not hit like wet noodles 90% of the time. Kind of like in WotLK.

4. Instead of removing abilities and gameplay mechanics - introduce some new ones. Do you guys remember, how healers could go OOM, mana could be drained, spell reflect was an actual mechanic (cause of low cd), etc.. in WotLK? Those little things made PvP very diverse and interesting. Not a simple damage and CC fest.

5. Add new types of arenas and battlegrounds. Or even a new "third" thing.



To be honest, WoD did EXACTLY the opposite.

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I feel you bruh. This Project of MoP isn't fully scripted. I've tried other WoD private server's. They're bugged. Quests isn't shown in map. Rogue's can't go in stealth until 90. etc etc.


You can try on our WoD project, after server move to OBT state, but on CBT not have this bugs.

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I'll wait for open beta. Hopefully, I'll have more time after 15th but thanks for the suggestion. I'll bring a few friends who will try and help the things thrive and prosper. Yet doesn't WoD project sound too... hasty? You've still gotten things to do here and back then when servers developed and supported wotlk before cata was released they rang the bell at Blizzard's HQ and they weren't really happy with it :)
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