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Guide to the feral cat in 5.4.8


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Hello everyone, it about time I make a guide for you to follow if you want to own people as a kitty!


So, here it is, a little about myself: I am currently R1 feral druid with 5.2k rating on the Fun realm, I was also R1 on retail in patch 5.0 with a 3.9k rating, I'm modest, sincere and I like candy in industrial quantities.

If you want to play a feral, here are the things you need to know before you start playing one:


1. Stat priority


I won't mention Expertise, since it does nothing, but make sure you stay above 3% hit rating, so you don't miss crucial spells. Some might say this isn't a problem, cause ferals have a bit of downtime in their rotations. I call that bullshit, since missing a 5CP Maim can get you or your arena partner killed.

2. Gemming

What you need to do here is keep track of your socket bonuses. If your socket bonus is Agility, insert a gem that will keep it active.

Usually, red gems will be 160 agility, yellow gems will be 80 agil+160 mastery and blue gems Agi+pvp power.

3. Enchants

Make sure you go for agility and mastery. :)

4. Glyphs

In here, besides situational advantageous glyphs, you will be running with the same major glyphs all the time.

-Glyph of Cat form-mandatory

-glyph of barkskin-mandatory

-glyph of savagery-mandatory

Situational: glyph of cyclone, glyph of shred, glyph of fae silence

Minor glyphs are too mainstream so just make sure you pick glyph of safe fall, the rest you can pick whatever you like.

5. Talents

-wild charge-beats anything else by far

-cenarion ward-it can now crit, so you can get 60-70k crit ticks out of it, resulting in very good healing. Ysera's gift is very weak and Renewal is affected by Battle Fatigue

-typhoon-the perfect tool for trolling(throwing people off high ledges) and an exceptional intrerupt(as long as you're in range)

-force of nature-Many many will go with Incarnation because they want to stealth and use Pounce and Ravage freely. In my view, nothing beats 3x on demand roots wich make up exceptional peeling/escape tools.

-might bash-It's a 5s stun. Nothing beats a 5s stun and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

-dream of cenarious-many go with HoTW, wich is a mistake. 6min cooldown to act like a resto is just weak and proves you are a nerd. Real men use DoC for the PERMANENT boost to healing. Also, real men KNOW how to use the increased damage on 2(TWO) melee abilities properly. DoC all the way. In full prideful, criticals can go up to 270k in combat....this beats HoTW by a long shot.


That's it.

Oh, by the way, don't read my guide, I made it out of boredom and wanted to confuse other ferals who might face me some day, so why give them the advantage of knowing what to do? Hell no!

Oh, by the way again, here are some pro tips on how to beat other classes:

-mage-save burst for after Ice Block, once that's off, burst, full bleeds, owned.

-hunter-open with full burst and just let bleeds kill him. 98% of hunters die from the opener.

-ret paladin-don't even try it, RUN! If paladin is at 5% HP and used his bubble, open on him like a pro and finish him off

-warrs-easy kills, pop full bleeds untill you bring him low, burst and full bleeds again and then go bear form and lol at him.

-warlocks-don't even try it, you'll be feared the entire time while 250k chaos bolts are coming your way

-rogues-easy kill, keep fairie fire up to annoy Repitchx, root Repitchx, cyclone Repitchx and pop burst after his Preparation is down.

-shamans-easy kill. Full bleeds, 5 CP maim when he's low

-ww monks-deadly but doable, make use of your mobility and kite his ass. Clone the Karma!

-other ferals who read this guide-easy kill, they don't know how to play their class.

-other ferals who did NOT read this guide-run for your life cause he's much MUCH better then you, even with no gear on. Just run!


Thank you!

Yours, Shiftycent(Casualties)

Edited by uraganuu
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You're a bit ignorant and you tend to completely forget about different situations. Like: playing in a dual dps comp (like feral+sub) try to win with Dream of Cenarius. we managed to won after 13 minutes against healer+dps, thanks to my HotW, being able to keep up with heals in shitty situations too. Also: the choice between Incarnation and Force of Nature is not that obvious as you state, it also depends of your current comp. If you play with a healer, yea, your guide is decent, otherwise it may wary. Also, stat priority depends. I feel way more comfortable with agi>crit>mastery. You can easily keep 75% mastery, but you can go over 50% crit selfbuffed. That's pretty huge with incarnation. Also: if you are fighting a mage, you can go for glyph of ferocious bite. Go and spam mangle, feroc, mangle, feroc (ofc after you have dots on him). Glyph of Ferocious bite provides a pretty decent heal, since it's not affected by battle fatigue. Glyph of Pounce is also a great choice if you fight a hunter. Opening on him with a pounce will surprise him, even if he stands in flare. Everything else it's okay, just had to share these.

If you want to watch professional players, I'd suggest Sodapoppin, even if he's just a troll, he's pretty awesome with feral, or Suchii - he's the one who teached Sodapoppin how to fight and win against a mage (spamming feroc with glyph).

Stat priority and talent choices also depend of playstyle. If you are going full ham, you can go for crit over mastery, since you will be going with Incarnation and burst (don't overestimate feral's burst in Incarnation, it can be really dangerous). However if you decide to go with kite/pillarhump/healyourself/annoytheshitoutofppl/gay style, yea, Force of Nature is your choice. Play around with these, you'll eventually find your style and stuff. Personally I go with HotW and Incarnation, but many prefer Force with HotW (like Sodapoppin, and man, he's like 2.5k). Experiment, and fool around until you feel comfortable with that style, and then focus on awareness, it helps a lot. That's all I guess what I wanted to say.

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(like Sodapoppin, and man, he's like 2.5k). Experiment, and fool around until you feel comfortable with that style, and then focus on awareness, it helps a lot. That's all I guess what I wanted to say.


LOL are you kidding how can you compare soda with his 2.5k to uraganuu which is the first to go over 4k rating look at his rating look his

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Was just trolling :) I was at work, I looked at the time and had almost 3h left with 0 activity. So I decided to make this "guide".

Most parts are true and perfectly good to follow, like gemming or stat priority, enchants and glyphs and almost all my talent choices. However, it's just my personal preference. :)


For the stat priority, at full gear I'm at around 85% without gemming it. In BGs, I reach like 120% max wich is gorgeous, so I reforged for critical strike in order to reach an acceptable level. Don't have 50%, but the crits are lovely. Also, gemming a feral is ALL about playstyle. If you wanna burst more, stack agility, if you wanna just bleed your targets and run away, Mastery is better, if you want a hybrid, make sure you get as close to 50% crit as possible and the rest goes in agi/mastery. It's simple really, and very subjective. Fact remains, agility is our best stat by far, so everyone should try put as much agility as they can on their ferals. Reason for this is simple, more damage, better healing AND a bonus to critical strike. Can't go wrong.


As for talent choices, the debate wether HoTW or DoC or NV are better then the other is, again, purely situational AND subjective.

I'm a BG guy, for me DoC provides very consistent healing output and more damage, plus it's passive so you don't need another bind for it :)

DoC is like a permanent, but weaker, HoTW. I only go with HoTW in arenas if I face 2 strong DPS, like frost mage+sub rogue, or warr+DK or hunt+ret etc, for all other comps I go with DoC.

For fully offensive druids, who want to act like rogues, there's no better talent then Nature's Vigil, that's a fact. But everyone needs to consider the downsides and upsides of each talent, that's why it's so situational and subjective to recommend it to someone.


As for my rating, I'm at CR 1.8k on my feral, got nothing to prove and I only join arenas to help guildies cap and when I'm sick of BGs :)

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Oh, now I was ignorant. Don't ever go with HotW on a BG :)) I tend to forget that BGs exist, I sit in arenas from day to night :)) for bgs DoC are kind of obvious yea

I personally go with HotW and Incarnation, gemmed and reforged into crit. Now I have 51% crit and 75% mastery, rest is in agility. Crit is pretty crucial for our lineup, since critting for 250k instant cast healing touches is pretty huge. If my rogue is taking high pressure, or is getting bursted, I just pop HotW with Cenarion, which will crit for 80k+ and I spam him with 250k crit healing touches, and that's fkin awesome.

Though if I had a healer then I'd go either with Force of nature - DoC (if the enemy has melees which can train me or my healer) or Incarnation - NV (if my enemy has no healer and will die from one burst). Personal preferences

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Repitch, I'm doing up to 80k Rip ticks. You probably noticed ferals who forgot about savage roar, or don't know how to gem their ferals OR use Rip on 1 CPs :)


Done properly, Rake does 30k ticks and Rip up to 80k in ideal conditions(buffed, bursting in BG), wich is quite big damage.

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Repitch, I'm doing up to 80k Rip ticks. You probably noticed ferals who forgot about savage roar, or don't know how to gem their ferals OR use Rip on 1 CPs :)


Done properly, Rake does 30k ticks and Rip up to 80k in ideal conditions(buffed, bursting in BG), wich is quite big damage.


Are you doing 80k with HoTW?

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Nop, always using DoC.


82k is the highest bleed tick I ever got, so don't get that as refference for feral damage. Many many factors contributed to that damage.

Usually, for a fully pvp geared feral who knows his toolset, 60k on Rip tick is average damage. Considering how it adds up with the rest of the damage we dish out, it's very very strong.

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  • 1 month later...
Glyph of Cat Form is not mandatory since it is bugged' date=' it is an all-time applied effect, meaning it is in every form and you can take the glyph off and still profit from it. - 2.2k Feral, UNOMAS aka PYAHMAR[/quote']


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Repitch, I'm doing up to 80k Rip ticks. You probably noticed ferals who forgot about savage roar, or don't know how to gem their ferals OR use Rip on 1 CPs :)


Done properly, Rake does 30k ticks and Rip up to 80k in ideal conditions(buffed, bursting in BG), wich is quite big damage.


if you play DoC yeah, but no1 used DoC on retail. It was a useless talent.


Every Feral used HoTW.


You're forced to use DoC to do damage on here lol. So it's broken.

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