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Everything posted by Derpshroom

  1. Are you sure this bug is only for you ? And it's not the spells who aren't scripted correctly ?
  2. lol zhalifa Im starting to laugh on u. Saying * I don't give a fuck for dis server or this bann * and hanging out for more than a week around forums and game and asking for unbann which you won't be getting
  3. ._. I'm feeling 1 out of 3 topics here is cause of that bug... It's high time it got fixed.
  4. http://www.google.bg/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCAQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Frghost.ru%2F47726668&ei=IAAwVZ6pB8TgywPHsYDIAg&usg=AFQjCNG_SWegJJDlyZXSN9ZDeHtyIR8Qsg&sig2=pRDMhZzF0doRin5JRSNvNg&bvm=bv.91071109,d.bGQ I think this would about do it.If this video can be trustworthy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdQ8O97_rc8
  5. This is often caused by an addon called «CoolDowns» or any other cooldown related addon. I would recommend you to rename your Interface folder ( back it up first ) to Interface2 and disable all addons. If it still persist then it's one of the addons causing the harm leaving the boring task of figuring out which on your own.
  6. Hmm I would say try to repair character from the site and delete your cache folder ;c
  7. When you are in character select menu ingame WoW there's a button in the left down corner click it then a menu shows up and check * enable all addons * or * enable all outdated addons * sth like that :) try it
  8. Considering you had 934558 gold... and you are acting like Uncle Scrooge ... I mean really ? And secondly people in this forum should stop being so thin-skinned ... I mean ? ! One insult m8 he didn't even type it grammatically correct and you get offended LOL I would Decline this.
  9. Delete Cache And Repair + Reset Talents from site.
  10. The 1v1 idea has already been given. With better layout... I support it but monks and ferals will faceroll this ladder.
  11. Yeah I saw it a few days ago but I prefer to watch it live ! Tonight 10 p.m wasn't it ?
  12. I'm starting to think it's some sort of bug I see a lot of people doing it
  13. I was just about to write that but I found out you figured it out by urself, congrats ! :)
  14. Hmm try to get it on x100 realm it's not that hard to get 50 mounts , it will take you about 20 mins ;)
  15. Well you've clearly made your point ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノUNBAN REPITCHX OR RIOT!ヽ XD
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