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Everything posted by Derpshroom

  1. try to click fast * W * on the loading screen
  2. I'm not sure refunds are available ;D
  3. Creativity level on names over 9000.
  4. Well good luck on getting it, I'm waiting on mine from 3 months nearly ;v
  5. If I see 1 more post about the PvE gear I'll suicide.
  6. There are no written rules for this :)
  7. Yeah to you, i find somethings necessary too.
  8. So since quite a lot of people have asked me I decided to make a guide on how to get those trinkets. Step 1 You need friendly in order to get the trinket. Since the MoP instances and dungeons are closed you can't farm the reputation, then you have to do daily quests. You will need to get Sunreaver Bounty [ATTACH=CONFIG]72699[/ATTACH] They are awarded from quests in Isle of Thunder [ATTACH=CONFIG]72700[/ATTACH] Every Sunreaver Bounty has a chance of dropping Shado-Pan Assault Insignia [ATTACH=CONFIG]72701[/ATTACH] Which basically raises your reputation to Friendly because the X-rates are increased in PandaWoW-Fun. The Shado-Pan Assault Insignia has a low drop rate chance so you might get lucky and loot it from the first day, or grind a bit more. Step 2 Now I don't know if all the quests listed below DO work here , but I know that * Encroaching Force * and * Imposing Threat * work. SO you can take these quests from those guys : [ATTACH=CONFIG]72702[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]72703[/ATTACH] or from that lady: [ATTACH=CONFIG]72704[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]72705[/ATTACH] Completing those quests will give you Sunreaver Bounty and each container has a chance of dropping your Insignia. If you have Elder Charm of Good Fortune x15 , you can buy Sunreaver Bounty from this vendor : [ATTACH=CONFIG]72706[/ATTACH] Step 3 (Optional) As of this whole process you will be getting lots of Sunreaver Onslaught Insignia which will give you exalted reputation with Sunreaver Onslaught and you can purchase a mount : [ATTACH=CONFIG]72707[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]72708[/ATTACH] The End So I hope you guys found this helpful and have fun with your trinkets. -Vengeful P.S EDIT #2 uhm if you don't get lucky you can do this on ur other characters aswell, fortunately the insingas aren't soulbound and you can send them to the character you wish ! Happy Grinding
  9. The minimum price possible is 440 Bonus Points, since the lowest available price is 400 and the commission is 40.
  10. Gotta start thinking for places yo :D
  11. Lanstus is alive? oh, hahahahaha. He faked his death to break up with his gf that he met over wow. to much said already. Nice topic but please follow this topic and do as it says. LOL just saw it :D:D:D;
  12. QQ 1400 rating here xD Well I don't really play arenas so XD
  13. Starcaller I made this thread when Kukla's inbox was full so 1 chat mod told me to post it on site, secondly I've followed the instructions of what the layout must be but it's just not that strict and it's made into whole sentences instead dumb 1 line sentence.
  14. Panda-WoW-Fun Character Name : Vengeful [ATTACH=CONFIG]68816[/ATTACH]
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