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dueling Zone and 1v1 system

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i found a nice place that could be a dueling zone

pics:[ATTACH=CONFIG]78762[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]78763[/ATTACH] teleporter NPC could be setted on that hill that my char is on and the dueling zone could be the place in the 2nd pic really nice place no dces / lags





about the 1c1 system its really nice to have a diffrent NPC that can you you up for a 1v1 saw alot of servers doing that its makes it game play more fun instead of dueling out side of org/SW and getting dces lots of lags and random crashes that could help alot and a the dueling zone its just a nice add to the server and might even become a more successful MoP private server



(waited 2 days for my answer from an answer from the gm about the mount im suppose the get Bukarasik: "Hello.

Item Celestial Steed will be sent to You. Please wait for an answer from administrator. item didnt got sent to me 100x [ATTACH=CONFIG]78764[/ATTACH] Fun [ATTACH=CONFIG]78765[/ATTACH] please take care of that :)

Edited by Foyora
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i found a nice place that could be a dueling zone

pics:[ATTACH=CONFIG]78762[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]78763[/ATTACH] teleporter NPC could be setted on that hill that my char is on and the dueling zone could be the place in the 2nd pic really nice place no dces / lags





about the 1c1 system its really nice to have a diffrent NPC that can you you up for a 1v1 saw alot of servers doing that its makes it game play more fun instead of dueling out side of org/SW and getting dces lots of lags and random crashes that could help alot and a the dueling zone its just a nice add to the server and might even become a more successful MoP private server


Maybe the wrong section to post this.

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