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Маг Багнул КРИТ

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будет отказано,сними видео в котором перед боем покажешь экиперовку с сокетами и его бафами и если действительно будет что то подозрительное накажем!
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Actually when i put a DoT on a frozen target (Living Bomb, Pyroblast), the following dots will be criticals too because of the passive called "Shatter" which increases my critical chance by x2 + 50. So for the example, i have 40% crit chance, i nova you + put dots (you are frozen my crit chance is 40*2 + 50 = 130%) so ye, i crit and the following dots are affected by Shatter too. It's not a bug, that was (and it's still) same on retail you should know that ... Or at least if you didn't now you know it Edited by baaz
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