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Insulting relatives (dead mom)

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dude sorry i didnt know u mom is dead u calling my father for cancerhead and my father is dead because he had cancer so u deserve a 30 days ban and listen to me BIG FAT NOOB OR WHATEVER IS NOT A BAN


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u mom is noob u mom is fat u mom is tard is not a ban


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so thankyou for 120minit mute


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and dont be sad everone can say my mom is dead so dude i just telling true i can say what i want its a free world


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if i say u got a ugly face yes? and? i can get a mute not a ban rofl


my dead mom scarring me mentally dont be so sad man u just want that i get 30 days ban thats why u doing sad


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where is proof ? dude i dont be sad to report some 1 i didnt insulting u because fat mom is not insult


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accept that


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okay i deserve a mute for spamming thats true


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i have never been banned 1 time for using dog abuse and i can say idiot retard noob or sucker its not bannable u say to me that my daddy is a cancerhead that is bannable u say the word cancer dude do u know how manny players die on cancer?


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u making me mad so that why i say u mom is big fat noob


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u showed the gm what i say to u now show the picture what u say to me


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if u fair guy that post it u say to me ur daddy is a cancerhead show the picture

Posted (edited)

I want you to get redeemed for reminding me.


Where is proof? Zou dont have proof because I never said anything against your dad and you were mad enough to call me shit after you lost a game to me in 2s.


You don't deserve a mute you deserve a ban for lying and insulting my mom.


I never ever said anything about ur dad i never even spoke to you.


You were mad because you lost to me.

Edited by JohnnyPipes
okay okay i wil show u the picture :) i dont want to report u i had already the screen but u report me for no resion i wil proof


Proof that he insulting your 'dead father'


Just quit the childish fight.. and get the ban/mute.




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is this enough proof?


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u the one who insulting my father i didnt insult i say noob fat big thats nothing i deserve a mute 120 minits or longer

but u say cancerhead thats a big different


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so u need get a 30 days ban


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here is beter quality


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im a real man to telling i deserve a mute for 120 minits for spamming


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but he deserve a 30 days ban insulting my dad

First of all thats a fake picture. It's not how I speak. Second of all the name isn't my name. It says zhatifa or zhalilfa but not Zhalifa the low resolution makes it hard to see. i can show you our whole conversation if you insist on that.

okay okay i show u beter quality


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here u can zoom in by clicking 1 time on the picture


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i hope they ban u longer than 30 days u try do everything to not get a ban than its the proof than its the quality retard enjoy ur ban


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my dad is die a half year and u say this things to me thats makes me very mad


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sorry for bad english im from netherlands


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so johhnypipes i cant wait to see you banned :)


Lol.. You proved that he insulted you too..


Just stop being so sensitive about your parents etc etc. No'one really cares about your parents or family, they just want to get your attention dummies.


You both obviously deserve a ban, since both insulted each other.

Posted (edited)

look at the name. He deleted one letter you can see he used green color to match it the background and removed a letter. you made a character with the name Zhalifa() and an extra letter and just overpainted it.


PROOF: http://imgur.com/GFgbsae zoom in on the chat and the red marked circle. there is way too much sapce between the name and the punctuation clip ( ] )because he put an extra letter in there and overpainted it.


REAL:http://imgur.com/V1QpfEE there is no space between the name and the punctuation clip. ( ] )


He just tried to get me banned by lying. On his picture u can clearly see he made an own character on a second account named Zhalifa with an extra letter at the end of my name and he used paint to remove the last letter you can see theres alot of space between the name and the second punctuation clip. ( ] )


You should REALLY ban him now beacuse he just tried to lie to you to get me banned.


Get. Fucking. Busted.

Edited by JohnnyPipes
LOL what are you talking about look at the screenshots. In your screenshot you clearly made a character named Zhalifa() with an extra letter and then you used paint to overpaint the last letter so it looks like I said it. You got busted.
Yea right. You got fucking caught now you're using excuses. You are sitting on your Sky Golem in that screenshot with the name Tthesleeperr btw ;) so stop fucking lying already and get the ban.

omg i got more pics wait


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ban for that u calling me for cancerhead


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i didnt insult friend so enjoy ur ban


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i got a old pc so some colors are not nice i got wow on low resolution

That are the worst fucking excuses ever you can clearly see the space between the ' ] ' is way too big. it says [Zhalifa ] beacuse you used paint to overwrite a letter. It's supposed to say [Zhalifa] without the space.

no man everone got another chat :D u got addons for that


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u got a excuse for getting no ban


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i can change my chat where i want i can do with my chat what i want

What kind of addon gives u 1 millimetre space between your fucking punctuation clip? Stop lying already look at all the shit you've said thats such poor lies. What are you, 12?

[ATTACH=CONFIG]84710[/ATTACH] here beter quality


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who cares about a milimetre space in a chat loool


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who cares about 1 milimere space


You fucking liar look at the first screenshot you posted and this. you just Photoshopped your own photoshopped picture look at the time and the surroundings etc. its the same screenshot. u fake ur own fucking screenshots how fucking pathetic are you? I never said that and it's not any close to my type of talking/typing at all. And this picture is shit quality aswell.


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this one millimetre space is where you put an extra letter in my name and then you overpainted it. you made a character Named Zhalifaa for example and overpainted the a at the end. That's what the millimetre stands for.


Look he tried to fake a fucking screenshot again.

He painted the actual punctuation clip purple and put a pink one in made by himself.

Zoom in on that picture and look in the red circle you can clearly see a purple clip ( ] ) he tried to paint over.


Stop fucking faking pictures you piece of shit it's getting fucking annoying.

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