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Bind Elemental


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Spell: Bind Elemental (can't get link cause it's removed in WoD. Best I can do is give you this link: http://wowwiki.wikia.com/Bind_Elemental )


Issue: Has no PvP duration on Water Elemental (http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=31687/summon-water-elemental)


What should happen: Should have a PvP duration


Duration: 8 sec -> 4 sec -> 2 sec -> immune


Realm: x100/x10/fun


priority: 7/10 (most people don't use this, but it's incredible strong vs mage teams)


proof: not really proof, just some quick resreach http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2016273372

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  • 3 months later...

I didn't see a single shaman even trying to use this spell.


I rarely see shamans, especially Enhancement, who know how to burst even tho youtube and the internet in general is packed with guides explaining how to do it. Them not using Bind Elemental doesn't surprise me at all :))

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  • 2 weeks later...
Played against a lot of Rsham/Arms comps, specially when crosstest was up with a friend of mine that is a mage.


I didn't see a single shaman even trying to use this spell.


1500 mmr doesnt count boy


Anyways, there is a bug - there is a bug-report. Everything should be fixed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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