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Report for racism

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Posted (edited)

Name of the violator: Đionysus

Server of the violator: Pandawow Fun



As you can see in the screenshot. The player Đionysus asks me what race I am, I answer with honesty and he says " Fucking Niggers". This is extremely rude and racist. My ancestors did not go through 100 years of slavery so some guy can call me a fucking nigger. Please do something about this, I thought this was a multicultural server that says NO to racism. This hurt me very bad and made me very sad, I hope he gets the punishment he deserves :(.


Peace and love.



Edited by iamarat
Posted (edited)
I have seen Đionysus too calling every player a "fucking nigger" this guy has serious problems.Ban him. Edited by Fizxxzif
Posted (edited)



As you can see in the screenshot. The player Đionysus asks me what race I am, I answer with honesty and he says " Fucking Niggers". This is extremely rude and racist. My ancestors did not go through 100 years of slavery so some guy can call me a fucking nigger. Please do something about this, I thought this was a multicultural server that says NO to racism. This hurt me very bad and made me very sad, I hope he gets the punishment he deserves

Your ancestors would be ashamed that given equality you go online and preach hatred towards white people! In the chat you were being very racist towards all white people talking all this shit about "LOL YOU'RE ALL WHITE FGTS" "Crackers!"...


I was completely provoked into making the mistake of confronting this racist troll, because he was spamming /English chat with racial hatred towards white people!


He is the same guy who has posted "http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=140437" to try and get Neik banned. All he does is troll and try to get people banned.


Admin do not take this guy seriously.. If anyone derseves a ban, it's him for provoking and inciting racial hatred! For spamming chat non-stop for 10 mins with racist insults! Now he comes on here trying to play the victim! He was previous to the screenshot spamming in chat about all "white males and kids = bitches, fgts and crackers", I simply made the mistake of falling into his trap and replying to him. I said one word to give him a taste of his own medicine. This guy cannot be taken seriously. See the following posts regarding "iamarat":




He is constantly trying to stir up hate. He is toxic and needs to be banned him.


P.S. - I am no racist. Many of my closest friends are black, but I can't stand racism, especially over the internet just because some stupid little kid has the protection of being behind a computer screen! In the moment, when reading him being racist towards white people in chat, I asked him as you can see in the screenshot: "what race are you?" - because I couldn't believe why he was being racist? When he said black, I made a mistake and confronted him when I should have just ignored. I will be careful not to make the same mistake in the future.

Edited by FrankAugustusLucas

You called him a nigger you deserve a ban stop making it look like you're the victim. You're the one constantly stiring up hate, ask anyone in the english channel. You cheated on the server broke the rules now you try to act like you care for it you downsyndrome pig.

QUOTE: 'I am no racist. Many of my closest friends are black, but I can't stand racism, especially over the internet just because some stupid little kid has the protection of being behind a computer screen! In the moment, when reading him being racist towards white people in chat, I asked him as you can see in the screenshot: "what race are you?" - because I couldn't believe why he was being racist? When he said black, I made a mistake and confronted him when I should have just ignored. I will be careful not to make the same mistake in the future.'

That is such a lie. If you aren't racist why are you calling someone a fucking nigger and if you have so many black friends you know how much it actually hurts a black person being called a nigger.

You say how you can't stand racism especially over the internet because some stupid little kid has the protection of being behind a computer screen?

Hey retard, don't you realise you're that kid?

If you called you a fgt and a cracker and made fun of you being white, where is the proof?

Posted (edited)

Zhalifa you're as bad a troll as Ratspectator, constantly flaming people in chat and just mad that all the good players think you're bad.


In fact it would not surprise me if you were Ratspectator, because it's rare to come another player as hate filled and toxic like you.. Even look in the bottom right hand the of the screenshot, and Ratspectator is targeting "Liquidheals", the guy Zhalifa can't stop talking about lol!


Stay Salty 2k Zhalifa. ;)

Edited by FrankAugustusLucas

You're calling someone out that constantly farms you and your max rating was 400 lower than mine *LOL!*

You call me salty, hate filled and toxic while you're that kid that begs everyone for carries and when they tell you you're shit and they don't want to play with you you call them toxic and bad it's funny because you're that guy who called someone a nigger and then you call me hatefilled. hmm. I don't see any posts of me calling somebody a nigger, do you?

Posted (edited)
You're calling someone out that constantly farms you


Lmao this quote. Comedy gold.


You never even q vs me cause you're too busy dodging, and the couple times you did queue I tore you apart rofl.


And as for:


and your max rating was 400 lower than mine on Pandawow *LOL!*


Check out:




Pls stop acting like you're a god at this game. You're bad. There's something wrong with you that you can't see it lol.

Edited by FrankAugustusLucas
Posted (edited)

Zhalifa you're a funny and strange person, to be calling others hatefilled..


Even while you've been posting, some random guy has had to sit through this hate from you lol:



Frank is right, you are toxic to pandawow. Just because people don't take screenshots of you, you get away with it. You are a sad troll.

Edited by Rockella
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