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best of each class [PVP]


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LOLOLOLLOLOL This one is for all the putins and nonputins who plays putinwow *watch me get banned for this LOL caz i say "putinwow" (feelings to be caught asap)"

Best of each class or best of each "abusers" No one can deny it, everyone abuses something in arena. No one in the ladder that got there with out abusing something, even myself i admit that abused something *cough 1 shot the shit outta ppl form full to zero hp. Thats just the way putinwow works bois. Its abused and used because its either bugged or players know how to bug it. But enough with all that and here are the top of each classes. Btw the shittards that fight/argue here go outside and fetch urself a thot to give away ur virginities, fucking jaja's


EVERYTHING HERE IS FUN SERVER RELATED. lol dont complain saying "someone is abuser" all of them are in my pov

Lock : Iwonblizzcon/Funk/Putinlock/Qzyo/Qzyox (these are the only locks that went past 2.9+)

Rogue: Zero/Claimi/Peos/ (only rogues to pass 2.7)

Mage: Magetrainer/Stransna/Baaaz * or someshit like that (there were other mages that passed 3k i dont know who dafq they were russ named)

Sham: Samuel(SAMO) (i dont give 2 shits if there more shams but u aint at the level of samo bois)

War: Zhalifa AHAHAHHA putinwow and warsm listing wars is just a faceroll.

Pala: There were some really good pala's but forgot their names

Druid: Velliriums/Obesity (dont give 2 shits bout what u say no one is better then these 2 rdruids, only druids that can whoop ass with and without abuseing)

Dk: Specialty/Absolutefamousbugggerr1buggerzero (only dk's to pass 3.1)

Hunt : Dont know many hunters almost all hunters are survival so they just press 123 and someone is dying.

Monk: city/kiiwii/ r1 multiglad retail glad glad with more glad and glads orb boters.


These r the top abusers/nonabusers who went past 3k+ in the ladders while i played. If ur wondering who i am, dont wonder i might be by ur bed tonight. Im Tyrone aka Qzyoboiswagfuckedursister kappa. so another ban for 30 days afk from forum peace and enjoy ur abuses.

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LOLOLOLLOLOL This one is for all the putins and nonputins who plays putinwow *watch me get banned for this LOL caz i say "putinwow" (feelings to be caught asap)"

Best of each class or best of each "abusers" No one can deny it, everyone abuses something in arena. No one in the ladder that got there with out abusing something, even myself i admit that abused something *cough 1 shot the shit outta ppl form full to zero hp. Thats just the way putinwow works bois. Its abused and used because its either bugged or players know how to bug it. But enough with all that and here are the top of each classes. Btw the shittards that fight/argue here go outside and fetch urself a thot to give away ur virginities, fucking jaja's


EVERYTHING HERE IS FUN SERVER RELATED. lol dont complain saying "someone is abuser" all of them are in my pov

Lock : Iwonblizzcon/Funk/Putinlock/Qzyo/Qzyox (these are the only locks that went past 2.9+)

Rogue: Zero/Claimi/Peos/ (only rogues to pass 2.7)

Mage: Magetrainer/Stransna/Baaaz * or someshit like that (there were other mages that passed 3k i dont know who dafq they were russ named)

Sham: Samuel(SAMO) (i dont give 2 shits if there more shams but u aint at the level of samo bois)

War: Zhalifa AHAHAHHA putinwow and warsm listing wars is just a faceroll.

Pala: There were some really good pala's but forgot their names

Druid: Velliriums/Obesity (dont give 2 shits bout what u say no one is better then these 2 rdruids, only druids that can whoop ass with and without abuseing)

Dk: Specialty/Absolutefamousbugggerr1buggerzero (only dk's to pass 3.1)

Hunt : Dont know many hunters almost all hunters are survival so they just press 123 and someone is dying.

Monk: city/kiiwii/ r1 multiglad retail glad glad with more glad and glads orb boters.


These r the top abusers/nonabusers who went past 3k+ in the ladders while i played. If ur wondering who i am, dont wonder i might be by ur bed tonight. Im Tyrone aka Qzyoboiswagfuckedursister kappa. so another ban for 30 days afk from forum peace and enjoy ur abuses.


SUCH AIDS. I couldn't even read more than 1st line and then skipped to best sham lol. Try pressing enter in between classes or just using good English.


Also 2s isn't too bad, it's just that most the time it's either healer+dps mirror which is so faceroll, or it's rock paper scissors.. 3s is Skill. 5s is similar to 3s, but a bit of a cluster fuck, good bracket though.


Only problem is 3s aint that active atm, but it should be when crossrealm comes in and new season starts in a couple weeks :)


And as usual, I vote Claimi for best at all class.

Edited by Ðionysus
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btw rating in 2v2, which most of players consider as a skillbased and by which judges these "best of each class" means nothing, skill only exists in 3v3


ye true, but people on here barely que 3s so its kinda hard to judge people by it. 2v2 is the only thing you can judge from on here, at least until they implement cross-realm arena which will boost the 3v3 queues by a little i think.


2v2 doesnt really matter at all as its really imbalanced with mongoloid comps. its pretty simple. cc 1 guy and kill the other guy, its really dumb.

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Wow, i just checked the forum and saw the casual shitplayers talking here lmao. Thats so pandawow, guys take a break from this paki server and go out drink some beers instead of beeing virgin and playing WoW http://i.imgur.com/HNQsEdb.jpg
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Writing in Impact is profit.




Anyway, I've never seen most of those "r1" playing, thus I have no idea of how they are.


Except Zhalifa.


Zhalifa is not that good, I think that Lanstus is more skilled.


No burns, really, Zhalifa does know his class but...meh.


YOLO impact is YOLO.

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Claimi is best rogue and warrior... I'll release video to prove it.


claimit is just a bad copy from Kubzy ( who could play almost every class on 2.8-3k ) actually he act like that.

The different is that claimit would stuck on 2k. except on rogue, good enough for 2.2k i guess ( retail )

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It was more likely a Conversion abuse, since Conversion spell activated the 5k mastery proc with each tick for the PVE set bonus. ;-)


As i say, you accuse me for nothing, ALL the realm was using pve sets with his bonuses so ALL where so op, all classes deal alot of dmg and have alot of hp and was more hard than with pvp full set.


Even more, i get unbanned after posting because the ban has no reason. -->

/clap for this flood (pujo 3k w/o abusing? Wanna talk about ur 30d for pve abuse?)


And uraganuu u forget to say that U where the one who banned me, and that u did it while i was doing bgs, without any report or anything just insta ban while in bg..

Edited by pujo2
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