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Mage - Ханлёвикх, anythingz

Rogue - claimitko

Paladin - dartmeganz(ret) oldskoolplyr ( holy)

Hunter - Hitdown , fudohun

Shaman - Солиднаябаба , Sashagreyx

Monk - Jenselterx , mingxo , Kaily

Druid - Весёлыйблумх , velirium (resto) funlol ( boomi)

Warlock - Шархикамбэк , kilimanzaro (russ

Warrior - Takaa, Jacquilolxd , Backinbsns , Вирус, Markzxy, doomcryer, Alvaric, zalupa(jk)

DK - ceroline

Priest - jessfearx , lapinpopotam , shelby

Posted (edited)

Fun server based


Warrior - Backinbsns, Markyzxy, Criptonid, Takaa(3s)

Death Knight - Absolutezero

Mage - Raou, Abu, Nofakemage

Druid - Minpojke Feral: Hartigan

Paladin - :(

Hunter - Slacehunter

Monk - Chiv, Mingmisty(not me), Kailyx(best orb spam+backpeddal) WW: Persia

Priest - Akuyama

Rogue - Alexisrenn, Clami

Shaman - Samuelito, Sashagreyx, Zanked

Warlock - Funka, Putinlock

Edited by Kecap

Where the fuck am i Kappa, personally don't think Dartmeganz is the best cuz he was at 2900 when full PvE for rets was a thing, then dropped to 2400. idk tho correct me if im wrong.


- - - Updated - - -


PS Best Warlock: Costaminax, got to prideful gladiator in 1 week with the help of bachimita and hjorhji

Best Monk: Bachimita

Retard: Hjorhji


again ps whoever put claimitko on this list get a fucking brain

Posted (edited)

Fun Server


Monk: Chiv & Bruvfist

Warrior: Zhalifa & Markzxy or w/e

DK: Nearly every DK is an abuser here, but i'd say Absolutezero / Ceroline

Shaman: Samuelito (Dionysus is an honorable mention, but i personally think Samuel is better, could be wrong)

Warlock: Putinlock / Qzyo

Rogue: Repitch, haven't really faced good rogues.

Priest: Akuyama / Noneedholy

Druid - Feral: Walkker / Poppoin, poppoin quit so that's why i choose Walkker. - Boomkin: Laserpewpew, don't really know that many Boomkins - Resto: Minpojke

Paladin: Not too familiar with Paladins here, can't judge.

Hunter: Hitdown / Vital


Tell me if i missed a class.


- - - Updated - - -


What are the best ferals on fun realm?


I can only say some classes, since I only know a few.


Holy Priest - Sophie

Boomy - Laserpewpew


Mage(in general) - Raou



Raou is an abuser and is not the best Mage

Edited by Adlairo
I always hear that DKs are abusing something. What are DKs abusing Necrotic Strike, because DKs have nothing else to abuse. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=43539/glyph-of-deaths-embrace does not work, runes and 75 level talents are bugged so to manage to play DK on this server needs more skill, planing and luck here then on retail.


Just try to play with dk and its not that easy as you imagine.Only kids coming with that "abuse",and they cant tell what they are abusing but abusing.Pandawow skills ftw.

Just try to play with dk and its not that easy as you imagine.Only kids coming with that "abuse"' date='and they cant tell what they are abusing but abusing.Pandawow skills ftw.[/quote']


haveing 24/7 SUPER Pressure up because cou get a million necrotics + substain dmg isnt easy as healer ? tzzz sure, i just waited for this comment

haveing 24/7 SUPER Pressure up because cou get a million necrotics + substain dmg isnt easy as healer ? tzzz sure, i just waited for this comment


You guys know that you need death runes to use necrotics? Once you used 4 death runes on necrotic strike (the theoretical max) they revert back to normal runes and are on cool down, and because the 75 level talents are bugged generating new death runes is a gamble.

And as a healer it's very easy to kite Death Knights since they have no mobility, on my monk i can kite them forever (WW and MW) the only thing i need to worry about is death grip witch is not a big deal. And if the DK puts large necro stack on me I can just kite him till the necro stack is gone (When on MW I just spam orbs) just use a macro to see how much necro you have on yourself and run away from the death knight, it's very easy. I don't know why people are complaining about death knights like it's early wotlk?

Posted (edited)
I don't know why people are complaining


Sorry but we are not talking about 2.3 or 2.4k mmr. We are talking about highrating and also how absolutezero is abusing. If you get 90k deathcoils and 180k soulreaper + 400k necrotics in 4-5 seconds ( thats not a joke ) and that permanently, you are simply fucked. (


My friend who started playing here (sakiøn - fun ) was 2.8k on retail + glad in s14 as dk and played abit in s15. I just met him and without i told him that DK is op or something he just came to me and said :


"LOL man necrotics are so op, in my burst i can easily do 90k "


And he was more than half tyrannical.

isnt that weird ? no obv not because you need to defend your class and pelican need to defend his comb.

I remember that pelican get almost always rekd when hes not playing with a dk

just said.


There is no insane gameplay from absolutezero which makes him so good or something. He almost never spellcopy something. He almost always get Slowfall or rejuv. Grips for clones ? No way every grip get wasted for heals (im a druid lolol) Thats what i mean, this guy doesnt deserve it to play on that rating but what you want to do when you get 100k necrotics per hit ( on my war for example ) you are just fcked. About gargoyle i dont even want to talk.


I dont need to prove you guys that dk is bugged / op since everyone ingame already know that. And if you want to deny that, i really dont care since everyone is able to see DK dmg.

@shepard sorry but if you want to tell me that dk is not bugged / op you simply can't play that class or you are just a player who stucks at 2k. No offense but its mostly the players fault than.

Edited by Noneedholy
2k retail druid is talkin about how dk should work ok,You guys cant proof anything of dks just saying its bugged but cant even make a report just sit down and enjoy dks cuz once the runes will get a fix they will be more op than now."abuser" . you have to realize that Absolute is not abusing everything,but idk why i just keep commenting on that shit post but y ask a gm to scann him or idk do what you want but dks are working totally fine.He never did 400k in 4-5sec and 180k soulreaper is fine ,90k coils ok ,he did 70k with all proc on me but good that you got 90k.Stop makin qq posts.Proof something instead of talking ,but ofc you cant just barking like a dog.
Sorry but we are not talking about 2.3 or 2.4k mmr. We are talking about highrating and also how absolutezero is abusing. If you get 90k deathcoils and 180k soulreaper + 400k necrotics in 4-5 seconds ( thats not a joke ) and that permanently, you are simply fucked. (


My friend who started playing here (sakiøn - fun ) was 2.8k on retail + glad in s14 as dk and played abit in s15. I just met him and without i told him that DK is op or something he just came to me and said :


"LOL man necrotics are so op, in my burst i can easily do 90k "


And he was more than half tyrannical.

isnt that weird ? no obv not because you need to defend your class and pelican need to defend his comb.

I remember that pelican get almost always rekd when hes not playing with a dk

just said.


There is no insane gameplay from absolutezero which makes him so good or something. He almost never spellcopy something. He almost always get Slowfall or rejuv. Grips for clones ? No way every grip get wasted for heals (im a druid lolol) Thats what i mean, this guy doesnt deserve it to play on that rating but what you want to do when you get 100k necrotics per hit ( on my war for example ) you are just fcked. About gargoyle i dont even want to talk.


I dont need to prove you guys that dk is bugged / op since everyone ingame already know that. And if you want to deny that, i really dont care since everyone is able to see DK dmg.

@shepard sorry but if you want to tell me that dk is not bugged / op you simply can't play that class or you are just a player who stucks at 2k. No offense but its mostly the players fault than.


Sorry I dueld a lot of death knights on my monk and I have never been hit with 90k deathcoils, 180k soulreaper or 400k necrotics. Warriors on the other hand do fit this description they do a lot of dmg even with lower gear, have great crowd control with shockwave/stormbolt and the best defensive cool downs like die by the sword and Shield Wall. As a healer monk I have much harder time in arena with warriors with their charges, leaps and insane bursts then with death knights and their death grips and necros at least they are easier to kite, have much less mobility and there runes are not yet fixed. I don't see why people are still complaining about DKs when you have other classes that are much more OP. It's pointless to argue with you seeing that you are just butthurt about DKs.

Posted (edited)
180k soulreaper is fine ' date='90k coils ok[/quote']

cba discussing with a guy who has no clue about the game.




Sorry I dueld a lot of death knights


"duel" k



I have never been hit with 90k deathcoils' date=' 180k soulreaper[/quote']


weird that in the post before he said 180k soulreaper is fine ?


you guys are just talking about something that you will never understand.


You or pelican never played retail on that rating on that you are able to talk, useless to argue with guys like that.


Everyone who wants to tell me that 180k soulreaper is fine simply has no clue



.Proof something


ok here we go :


50k necrotics per hit + 40k deathcoil CRIT

also you see 70k noncrit soulreaper on a lowgeared enhance while the dk has trinekt proc up


any questions ?


now tell me that 100k necrotics ( from a dk while bursting on my warrior ) + 90k deathcoils (or well as u said 70k lol ) and 180k soul reaper is fine.


i have my prove and you ? your turn now


later in the video you gonna also see a 135k CRIT soulreaper on a PRIEST ( u know the passive dmg reduce yes ? ) and also 87k necro on a 530 ilvl priest (567k hp with stamina buff is below 500k so its like ~530) missing resillence etc.


should be enough i guess

Edited by Noneedholy

180k soul reaper is ok, I think. I know I've hit some alot higher then 180k....

Necros, however, are absurd here...and this is coming from someone actively playing an UH dk...necrotics are doing 20x more absorb then retail.

My rotation for killing someone lesser geared is this: Outbreak,necro, necro, necro, necro, soul reaper=dead

In full burst, I'm able to put up a 700k absorb on my target, wich is almost impossible to outheal by the time SR ends the job.


I'm all up for nerfing Necrotic Strike as it ruins the fun for everyone, including DKs.

  • Like 1


50k necrotics per hit + 40k deathcoil CRIT

also you see 70k noncrit soulreaper on a lowgeared enhance while the dk has trinekt proc up



There is to much stuff going on in that video, if you want to prove a point you will need to show combat log.

The highest soul reaper that i have seen on this server is 110k, and they are easy to doge because they need 5 sec to do damage witch is enough time to run away and heal.

And here is a free tip on how to survive necrotics: When you have a big stack of necrotics on you try to kite or CC the death knight until the necrotic stack fades away, this only takes 10 seconds and the DK wont be able to do another necrotic stack because he no longer has death runes and has to generate them all over again. Don't heal while you have necros on you it's a big waste of mana/chi.


Watch this

And here is a free tip on how to survive necrotics: When you have a big stack of necrotics on you try to kite or CC the death knight until the necrotic stack fades away' date=' this only takes 10 seconds and the DK wont be able to do another necrotic stack because he no longer has death runes and has to generate them all over again. Don't heal while you have necros on you it's a big waste of mana/chi.[/quote']


i guess ive actually more clue than you how to survive against a dk.


and 2.

dont try to defend ur class, thanks


Necrotic does a little more heal absorb but it's not that much more then on retail but I do not see any other problems with this class. As a monk playing vs DKs is not that hard, I have much bigger problems with warriors, mages and druids.


Here are the top 50 payers for x100 http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/info/arena.html?type=2&realm_id=1 and fun http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/info/arena.html?type=2&realm_id=3 as you can see there are only 2 death knights on x100 and 0 on fun, but we can see many druids, warriors, monks, mages and ect...


If DKs are so OP and do so much more damage then any other class why don't we see more death knights in high rated arena? The truth is they don't, and they can't until the runes and 75 level talents are fully fixed.


Here watch this playlist

Necrotic does a little more heal absorb


ye, between 50k and 100k absorb thats a LITTLE different LOL \0/

Here are the top 50 payers for x100

who cares about a offseason ? and 2. like everyone is too stupid to understand the runes. But if you do your dmg is insane

tzz randoms

Absolute is not abusing everything

so hes not abusing everything, but he is abusing something ? wow nice man #selfrekd

i guess ive actually more clue than you how to survive against a dk.


and 2.

dont try to defend ur class, thanks


I said a free tip, and I don't play DKs that often is not my class, and it's not fully working either, I just do not understand the hate for DKs you are all acting like it's early wotlk where DK ware really OP

I said a free tip' date=' and I don't play DKs that often is not my class, and it's not fully working either, I just do not understand the hate for DKs you are all acting like it's early wotlk where DK ware really OP[/quote']


since you only face trash dk´s ( on your mmr ) i guess you cant understand what im talking about

and 110k max soul reaper ? even pelican agreed that his mate did 180k soul reaper so stop trying so hard. Lol

Lol. If dk's werent so easy, you wouldnt see complete mongos who get into top 50 as dk's but get trashed on all their other alts. Stop trying to defend your class. Unholy dk'ing is the easiest thing in the world.
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