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There is to much stuff going on in that video, if you want to prove a point you will need to show combat log.

The highest soul reaper that i have seen on this server is 110k, and they are easy to doge because they need 5 sec to do damage witch is enough time to run away and heal.

And here is a free tip on how to survive necrotics: When you have a big stack of necrotics on you try to kite or CC the death knight until the necrotic stack fades away, this only takes 10 seconds and the DK wont be able to do another necrotic stack because he no longer has death runes and has to generate them all over again. Don't heal while you have necros on you it's a big waste of mana/chi.


Watch this

The highest Soul Reaper I got was 4.285.000 damage in Kotmogu :) The highest SR in any other BGs was 320k. Stacking crit does that.

Lol. If dk's werent so easy, you wouldnt see complete mongos who get into top 50 as dk's but get trashed on all their other alts. Stop trying to defend your class. Unholy dk'ing is the easiest thing in the world.


UH DK seems easy, but it's hard to master. Easyest thing in wow to play atm is warrior, especially on Pandawow for obvious reasons.

I have yet to meet a DK to steal a nice buff from me. I have yet to meet a DK to efficiently control his pet. Most are just DoT junkies and they screw up all the time versus competent players.


As for Absolutezero, he was in top50 for a while. When I inspected the top50 players on my GM, I found most of them were abusing something, including Absolutezero. Either PvE weapon bug, haste stacking or bugging his Gargoyle. Even now, the majority of the top50 list are abusing something.

Lol. If dk's werent so easy, you wouldnt see complete mongos who get into top 50 as dk's but get trashed on all their other alts. Stop trying to defend your class. Unholy dk'ing is the easiest thing in the world.


Really I played with almost all classes on panda-wow and I found Frost DK, Arms warrior, Fire mage, WW monk and hunter much easier classes and specs to play and required much less skill and macros to get the exact same rating, I'm not saying that is a hard spec to play it's far from the easiest.

Proof something


When I inspected the top50 players on my GM' date=' I found most of them were abusing something, including Absolutezero. Either PvE weapon bug, haste stacking or bugging his Gargoyle. Even now, the majority of the top50 list are abusing something.[/quote']



including Absolutezero. Either PvE weapon bug' date=' haste stacking or bugging his Gargoyle. Even now[/quote']


haste stacking or bugging his Gargoyle. Even now


Even now


Rekd 2.0. Is that proof enough for you ? that your dckhead DK is abusing shit ? i knew it exactly that his dmg isnt normal

since you only face trash dk´s ( on your mmr ) i guess you cant understand what im talking about

and 110k max soul reaper ? even pelican agreed that his mate did 180k soul reaper so stop trying so hard. Lol


"even pelican agreed that his mate did 180k soul reaper" WTF!?!?!? Are you serous?? His mate did 180k? So he did not even see that 180k soul reaper, his mate told him that. Is that your proof for 180k soul reapers?


Here is the whole DK bug tracker http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=144 Where do you see a "soul reaper damage is too high" post? If DKs did so much more damage you would see at least one post in bug tracker about that.


Here is the DPS ranking look where the DKs are:



His damage isn't normal because he's abusing the same things as Eldkpujo, for wich he was banned. I don't remember if he was frost or UH when I inspected him. UH has the gargoyle bug and a weird glyph I won't mention and frost DKs usually bug their haste rating.

Absolutezero was also cought using the reforge exploit. For example, you could reforge a useless stat(for a melee) like Spirit untill it became negative and use those points in whatever you choose, but most prefered Haste, for obvious reasons.


Fully geared UH DK were doing 40k ticks on their diseases, Eldkbugo was doing 80-90k. Besides, there's a trick to bug your gargoyle....it hits faster. That's how I cought him, by comparing number of hits of a regular gargoyle...to a bugged one. Either way, he bitched and GMs removed the ban.


- - - Updated - - -


"even pelican agreed that his mate did 180k soul reaper" WTF!?!?!? Are you serous?? His mate did 180k? So he did not even see that 180k soul reaper, his mate told him that. Is that your proof for 180k soul reapers?



I can log in game and ask a friend to do some SR tests. Will post later a few screenshots of some Soul reapers done on my UH

Rekd 2.0. Is that proof enough for you ? that your dckhead DK is abusing shit ? i knew it exactly that his dmg isnt normal


That is the problem he was the only DK in the top 50, and he is abusing something. That means if a death knight wants to get high rating he has to artificially buff his damage to say on par with other classes. If DKs are so powerful we would see much more of them on the top 50.


i start to love you @uraganuu :heart:


@shepard well sorry for saying that dk is most bugged than. the thing is that i almost only played against absolutezero thats why my opinion was like that against dk´s

His damage isn't normal because he's abusing the same things as Eldkpujo, for wich he was banned. I don't remember if he was frost or UH when I inspected him. UH has the gargoyle bug and a weird glyph I won't mention and frost DKs usually bug their haste rating.

Absolutezero was also cought using the reforge exploit. For example, you could reforge a useless stat(for a melee) like Spirit untill it became negative and use those points in whatever you choose, but most prefered Haste, for obvious reasons.


Fully geared UH DK were doing 40k ticks on their diseases, Eldkbugo was doing 80-90k. Besides, there's a trick to bug your gargoyle....it hits faster. That's how I cought him, by comparing number of hits of a regular gargoyle...to a bugged one. Either way, he bitched and GMs removed the ban.


- - - Updated - - -




I can log in game and ask a friend to do some SR tests. Will post later a few screenshots of some Soul reapers done on my UH



Okay,but wheres the proof? Oh you dont have any.ggwp

Posted (edited)
Okay,but wheres the proof? Oh you dont have any.ggwp


sure u won't belive what a gm is telling you.

your happy now ? after we all heard that hes abusing ? you still try to defend him ? Sad pelican get rekd even in forums


@funkstar you are in a really bad position atm.

anyways keep crying for a proof, everyone saw that.

Doesnt matther what you will write here anymore

Okay' date='but wheres the proof? Oh you dont have any.ggwp[/quote']


here, even you said he is abusing something


Absolute is not abusing everything


as you said, he is not abusing ANYTHING, but he is abusing :)

Edited by Noneedholy

Funkstar, I'm at work right now, I can't just leave everything behind to test a Soul reaper for you. I promised screenshots, I will provide them.


Noneedholy, I'm no longer a GM. What I've claimed were observations done while I was one, tho.

Before Prideful, everyone on the top50 list was a cheater. Except for two. Zhalifa and Repitchx

By cheater I don't necesarily mean use of external software, no. In that "cheater" cathegory you can put people who use bugged glyphs, or bugged interactions between spells, or glitches or bugged items.

By the start of the new season(Prideful) I was so turned on to catch them cheating I made a habbit of ALWAYS inspecting them when they were online, instead of chilling like all GMs do :P

Only a handful of names were legit in that top50, the rest were banned. Problem with bans is that they aren't permanent and people who play the market can effectively afford to cheat and buy unbans and cheat again....

  • Like 3
Noneedholy, I'm no longer a GM. What I've claimed were observations done while I was one, tho.

Before Prideful, everyone on the top50 list was a cheater. Except for two. Zhalifa and Repitchx

By cheater I don't necesarily mean use of external software, no. In that "cheater" cathegory you can put people who use bugged glyphs, or bugged interactions between spells, or glitches or bugged items.

By the start of the new season(Prideful) I was so turned on to catch them cheating I made a habbit of ALWAYS inspecting them when they were online, instead of chilling like all GMs do :P

Only a handful of names were legit in that top50, the rest were banned. Problem with bans is that they aren't permanent and people who play the market can effectively afford to cheat and buy unbans and cheat again....


ffs why you are not longer gm ? you seems to be really involved


uraganuu do not worry I found a fully PVP gear DK (550) who helped me test SR (the DK wanted to say anonymous)


With no procs:[ATTACH=CONFIG]89726[/ATTACH]






With procs:[ATTACH=CONFIG]89725[/ATTACH]




I could not yet get one that crits when i do will upload it.

ffs why you are not longer gm ? you seems to be really involved

I was accused of something I didn't do and quit. Then I volunteered to come help, with no pay, and they said no. I guess they don't want free help :)

uraganuu do not worry I found a fully PVP gear DK (550) who helped me test SR (the DK wanted to say anonymous)


With no procs:[ATTACH=CONFIG]89726[/ATTACH]


That's a DoT tick, not the end part of the SR finisher.




With procs:[ATTACH=CONFIG]89725[/ATTACH]


That's better. Does he stack crit/mastery or full strenght? In full strenght, average SR goes to 60k-140. In full crit, anywhere from 60k to 300k, depending on buffs/auras/debuffs/temporary buffs



I could not yet get one that crits when i do will upload it.

I will also upload mine in a few hours. Still got a little work to do(and by work I mean browsing this forum)

^ and that is way too much.

I linked you the videos so i dont have to say anything more


Nah, that's regular damage. Too much is when diseases land, you eat two necros and the SR crits you for 300k.

Nah' date=' that's regular damage. Too much is when diseases land, you eat two necros and the SR crits you for 300k.[/quote']


you need to see that 90k noncrit means 180k crit

and as we saw in the video in s15 you could crit for like 130k


anyways. Would be so nice if a gm could catch absoluteabuser and ban him or something. And i mean permanently, hes doing that since ages


There's nothing about Death Coils out of order, I think they're doing normal damage. Nothing spectacular.

Necrotics, tho, are a big problem. A Necrotic Strike should put up a 30k-ish absorb on a target, instead it puts double. So 3 necros in, during burst, and you need to heal for 5-600k to get 1 point of healing over it.

Just saying cuz the guys talkin about death coil is bugged but idk 70k with cds are fine .But now you guys figured out.What abou explosives shot? sometimes its doing 100k without any cooldown.I did 171k explosive shot in full prideful.
Posted (edited)

Finally a crit!!! The DK is full mastery with no PVE gear the only buffs ware Horn of winter, Well Fed and flask.


And here is the crit [ATTACH=CONFIG]89729[/ATTACH] its 169,411 with surge of victory proc and you can see a death coil hit of a 47k


Here is a necrotic its about 60k with unholy str proc but with out Well Fed and flask: [ATTACH=CONFIG]89730[/ATTACH]

Edited by Shepard
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