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How many times should i post here for the Raid Difficulty you fucking morons stop ignoring the posts and repair the diffuculty you fucking retards,useless rats.

I'll copy the post again and again IF I HAVE TO untill you do your work useless idiots!


''From few months the raid difficulty dont work,so you can do one raid only at one difficulty! For example if you do ICC on 10nm you cant do it on 25nm,or 10hc or 25hc. Only one difficulty. When you finish the raid you can see in the Raid Information that you are saved only on Heroic or Normal ,it doesnt show what difficulty (10nm,25nm or 10hc,25hc) only Normal or Heroic. So please fix the raid difficulty!!!! ''




I posted it in ''Problems in the game'' 1 month ago and no answer!



then i posted in ''x100''




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How many times should i post here for the Raid Difficulty you fucking morons stop ignoring the posts and repair the diffuculty you fucking retards,useless rats.

I'll copy the post again and again IF I HAVE TO untill you do your work useless idiots!


''From few months the raid difficulty dont work,so you can do one raid only at one difficulty! For example if you do ICC on 10nm you cant do it on 25nm,or 10hc or 25hc. Only one difficulty. When you finish the raid you can see in the Raid Information that you are saved only on Heroic or Normal ,it doesnt show what difficulty (10nm,25nm or 10hc,25hc) only Normal or Heroic. So please fix the raid difficulty!!!! ''




I posted it in ''Problems in the game'' 1 month ago and no answer!



then i posted in ''x100''





If I were still GM I'd ban your IP permanently.

You are benefiting from a free service, where you can play with no obligations besides respecting a little set of rules.

Acting like a dick won't make devs fix your stuff, it will make admins angry for insulting them and you'll be banned.

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U can't post over and over. You'll get an ip ban eventually. Acting like a spoiled 10 year old brat isn't gonna make them fix it.


Who are y my mother? And for what are they gonna ban me? Cuz i'm reporting something that doesnt work like it should? And i didn't ask for ur opinion did i? Im not acting like 10 y ''brat'' i've been posting it from 1 month few of my friends post it like few months and no answer ,they could say '' it will be fixed ,or wait for fix '' not ignoring it.


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If I were still GM I'd ban your IP permanently.

You are benefiting from a free service, where you can play with no obligations besides respecting a little set of rules.

Acting like a dick won't make devs fix your stuff, it will make admins angry for insulting them and you'll be banned.




DO you think i care? this server is full with crap + abusers. And for what are u gonna ban me ? Cuz i have an opinion? Cuz i would like the things in this server to work properly ?

i had never complained about anything,and when i post something to report it then no answer . SO i would have respect to ppl who do they work or at least response.

free service dude i'm donating enough for this server=joke . so i cant say my opinion and if u want ban mi in the forum cuz i don't care ;)

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U can't post over and over. You'll get an ip ban eventually. Acting like a spoiled 10 year old brat isn't gonna make them fix it.


do you play wow for 1st time?25 hc = 10 normal,lol


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If I were still GM I'd ban your IP permanently.

You are benefiting from a free service, where you can play with no obligations besides respecting a little set of rules.

Acting like a dick won't make devs fix your stuff, it will make admins angry for insulting them and you'll be banned.


ban for reporting a bug,gg,never saw that,wtf is your problem?just it should be like that:she reports something and they will respond by answerong "we will fix it" or just a response,not ignoring a report,nvm they dont fix reported bug,they fix what they decide,it's useless to report a bug,unless it's in russian language and they will fix it :appl: anyways.they think that quests in feralas are more important than pvp/pve bugs,keep it this way!

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It's not a bug' date=' it's supposed to work like that.[/quote']

In the normal servers you can do the raid on each one of the difficults not only at one,for example if i want to do it on 10nm and 10hc you can do it in Server which works properly,but here you can do it only at one difficulty and it doesnt shows on what difficulty you did it. it shows only Normal/Heroic not ( 10nm,ot 10hc)

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DO you think i care? this server is full with crap + abusers. And for what are u gonna ban me ? Cuz i have an opinion? Cuz i would like the things in this server to work properly ?

i had never complained about anything,and when i post something to report it then no answer . SO i would have respect to ppl who do they work or at least response.

free service dude i'm donating enough for this server=joke . so i cant say my opinion and if u want ban mi in the forum cuz i don't care ;)

Nobody's banning you for having an oppinion, but you will be banned for how you EXPRESS that oppinion. Insulting server staff, of a free server, is pure stupidity.

Also, you donating doesn't mean you "paid" for the service, nor does it imply you or your reports will get any special attention.

Write the report by following the rules and wait. It may take a day or 6 months but it WILL get fixed. Things take time because the developers are busy working on WoD, administrators are busy all the time so there's only a handful of people working on stuff right now.


Saying: How many times should i post here for the Raid Difficulty you fucking morons stop ignoring the posts and repair the diffuculty you fucking retards,useless rats.

I'll copy the post again and again IF I HAVE TO untill you do your work useless idiots! is a bannable offense(1) and extremely rude and uncalled for(2).

ban for reporting a bug,gg,never saw that,wtf is your problem?just it should be like that:she reports something and they will respond by answerong "we will fix it" or just a response,not ignoring a report,nvm they dont fix reported bug,they fix what they decide,it's useless to report a bug,unless it's in russian language and they will fix it :appl: anyways.they think that quests in feralas are more important than pvp/pve bugs,keep it this way!

The ban should be issued for this: How many times should i post here for the Raid Difficulty you fucking morons stop ignoring the posts and repair the diffuculty you fucking retards,useless rats.

I'll copy the post again and again IF I HAVE TO untill you do your work useless idiots! not for reporting the bug. Also, not answering a bug report doesn't mean they haven't seen it, or the developers haven't seen it. Not getting a reply is also logical, most of the server's staff is russian and doesn't speak a word of english.

Also, when you see "a quest in Feralas" getting fixed it is because the fix was very easy to implement. Not implementing it would have been careless and lazy. Regardless of priority.

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why the fuck they did wod server,even they cant fix mop server?are you kidding me?and I report abug by the rules:I saw realmlist,when I tested it,and explain the bug + how it should work and they decline it.go in warmane and check how it works:you report - and they fix it,who cares about stupid russian rules?just report a bug and fix it,they declined 3k+ bugs,because of stupid rules,instead of accepting them simply,all they need is the realmlist and how the bugged thing should work,nothing more
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Things take time because the developers are busy working on WoD

they cant make MOp work properly but they are working on WOD.....

I dont care if i got bann,there are othere servers were i can play ,thats not the point. And btw i didnt ask for '' special attention'' :) and the insulting is cuz for 2 months the answers are like 0?? In normal servers when someone wrote post or report he gets answer no in 6 months or 2months in other server i reported a bug and on the next day i had answer :) Then cant make Mop work but they work on WOD gg.. I also insult cuz they let the abusers to play by doing NOThig :) thats why this server is now fulled with abusers ,thats why ppl are insulting and they have right to do it. And btw since they chose to do this to ''run'' a server they must make time for everything. Im sure its not that easy,but they chose to do this so they must make time. :)

P.S. ban me if you want i dont care :)

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they cant make MOp work properly but they are working on WOD.....

I dont care if i got bann,there are othere servers were i can play ,thats not the point. And btw i didnt ask for '' special attention'' :) and the insulting is cuz for 2 months the answers are like 0?? In normal servers when someone wrote post or report he gets answer no in 6 months or 2months in other server i reported a bug and on the next day i had answer :) Then cant make Mop work but they work on WOD gg.. I also insult cuz they let the abusers to play by doing NOThig :) thats why this server is now fulled with abusers ,thats why ppl are insulting and they have right to do it. And btw since they chose to do this to ''run'' a server they must make time for everything. Im sure its not that easy,but they chose to do this so they must make time. :)

P.S. ban me if you want i dont care :)

lel mad cuz bad


post it as a bug, also stop complaining, this is so far the best MoP pserver


also uruganuu there are different admins on wod/mop

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Xoonia,Declined. Not by the rules. rofl


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lel mad cuz bad


post it as a bug, also stop complaining, this is so far the best MoP pserver


also uruganuu there are different admins on wod/mop


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pls go away from here,you make no sense,since I saw that you are from chilledpeps ,I understood who are you

Edited by nikifor96
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In the normal servers you can do the raid on each one of the difficults not only at one,for example if i want to do it on 10nm and 10hc you can do it in Server which works properly,but here you can do it only at one difficulty and it doesnt shows on what difficulty you did it. it shows only Normal/Heroic not ( 10nm,ot 10hc)


nope :D 5.4 changed that and you can only run 1 difficulty / week , end of the story

and also "normal server" is wod atm which is the same as i said before ...1 difficulty / week

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Where did you read that? In Blizzard Website ? Cuz in Blizzard is pretty different then here ;) In Blizzard are three types of raid lockouts used in the game.


1.Loot-based Lockout

*You can kill a boss as many times per week as you like, but only loot it once per difficulty.

*Anyone can join anyone’s instance.

*Bosses are never locked to you, and you can always go back and kill them later even if you’ve skipped them by joining a group that had progressed further.

2.Flexible Boss-based Lockout -Used for: Normal difficulty raids from Wrath of the Lich King through Throne of Thunder.

*You can only kill a boss once per week, and you may not enter an instance where a boss is alive that you have already defeated that week.

*You can move from group to group during a week as long as you’re joining instances that don’t have bosses alive you’ve already killed.

*If you enter an instance that is more progressed than your own and get saved to it, you will be locked to all prior bosses.

*You can move between 10 and 25 raid size, given these constraints.


3.Strict Instance-based Lockout

Used for: All classic raids (M. Core, through Sunwell), Heroic difficulty of Wrath of the Lich King raids through Throne of Thunder,and all Mythic difficulty raids.


*Progress is tied to a fixed instance ID. Once tied to an instance ID, you may not enter any other versions of that raid of that difficulty until your raid lock resets.

*If other players complete that instance while you are absent, the instance will be empty for you as well, because progress is tied to the instance, and not your character.

*You may not switch between 10-player and 25-player raid size once locked to one size or the other (does not apply to Mythic which is 20-player only).


We are not playing in Blizzard man so keep ur useless comments for yourself.

The raid sistem should work like this you can do the raids on each one of the four difficulties! And when you are locked it should show on which difficulty you had been saved (10nm,10hc,25nm,25hc)

Edited by xoonia
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"I saw that you are from chilledpeps ,I understood who are you" What the hell was that supposed to mean? And no he's not from my guild he made his own.


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@xoonia Dude +1 for the thread i gotta be honest its is seriously annoying to be locked out on all difficulties when you do only 1 of them... and No in MoP there was no 1 raid diff a weak, It was like in Cata. You had Different Lock-outs at different Difficulty's So yeah PandaWoW if its possible Fix the damn difficulty for the raids ...

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""I saw that you are from chilledpeps ,I understood who are you" What the hell was that supposed to mean? And no he's not from my guild he made his own."


dude,I play here since the begining of the server,and the only thing I understood about chilledpeps is that this guild is magnite for retards.(no offence,I dont insult,just im saying my opinion,you can ignore it).

Edited by nikifor96
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Well guess what , Your understandings are wrong kid. There might be individual child-ish people such as Frost and he has nothing to do with the Guild it self , How people behave those are Their actions , we are a normal community which does PvP and sometimes PvE. So stop talking out of your asshole and Next time "Better check your self before you Wreck your self." And besides Guilds have nothing to do with this thread so stay quiet unless you don't have anything smart to say. Edited by Weegee
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Xoonia,Declined. Not by the rules. rofl


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pls go away from here,you make no sense,since I saw that you are from chilledpeps ,I understood who are you




What guild to go in then?

I made my own anyways, not saying CP is bad

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