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Ran a rumor that the title and the prizes will not be because it is more than half of the ladder uses scripts to the output from the arena, and ALT + F4.

GMs kept track of ALL logs related to that contest, so anyone found bending the rules is automatically disqualified/denied any prize.

This includes alt+f4 and crash comps.


Clear up all this traders xD

Raou is already 3k and jugalo is also 2.8 for some reason haha.

Also people told us that raou is wintradeing with that russian DK and jugalo.

I'm curious what will happen. Maybe we will soon see 4k cr people 4Head :D

Clear up all this traders xD

Raou is already 3k and jugalo is also 2.8 for some reason haha.

Also people told us that raou is wintradeing with that russian DK and jugalo.

I'm curious what will happen. Maybe we will soon see 4k cr people 4Head :D


we all know i'm 6k rated already




People who get reported for alt f4 should get banned for 2 weeks or so and get their arena raiting reseted, just a suggestion. :-)


- - - Updated - - -


Did you guys see Jocko who's 2k3 with 64 epic win trade and mmr bugged .. Later those ppl will be calling themselfs good but how good can you be on panda-wow ..jk just fix mmr and alt f4 bug and ban n reset those abusers raiting.

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Jugalo and Raou are abusing? People please tell me they are,because everyone says that they are rank 1 and they dont abuse a shit.Noneedholy make me happy bro :D tell me they suck
Jugalo and Raou are abusing? People please tell me they are,because everyone says that they are rank 1 and they dont abuse a shit.Noneedholy make me happy bro :D tell me they suck


we didn't say they abuse.

They are wintradeing



what a scum in the PRIVATEserver ladder

if i could, i'd ban their acc's and IP permamently, b/c if they are trying so hard they will definetly buy new account if they get perma on main


I haven't bothered posting anything about it because it don't effect me really so idc..


But i'm facing so many people who alt+f4 atm in 3s. The team that does it the most is Bakss and Starfall's LSDv2 with a Russian lock. Everytime they lose atleast one of them alt f4s...


Quite a few other teams do it too, but I rarely face them again so I don't bother remembering their names. But Bakss + Starfall + Russain lock Alt f4 every loss lol.


Personally I don't understand the point, since you only lose like 4 rating vs me because I'm higher mmr.. Unless you want to try and pretend you have a good winloss lol, I dont see the point in alt f4'ing vs the r1 team. It's a bit annoying but meh.

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