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Posted (edited)



So, despite all the bugs we have, I am gonna talk about what happened to us lately!


our damage got nerfed three times now, the damage now is 40-60k with http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=51505/lava-burst on item level 550 players. Down from 100+Ks'


http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=403/lightning-bolt hits 18-24K Down from 60-80Ks'


http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=8004/healing-surge heals 28-34K in combat! Down from 80-100Ks'


please don't say it varies from stats and other players, I have tested this with the top shamans here on the server.


today, I noticed that our haste is lowered by 7%, some shamans said it's fine (probably they don't know what they're doing).


I checked it with some other players, all agreed that it got lowered by approximately 7%.


I think the problem is with the http://wow.gamepedia.com/Elemental_Oath buff.


these are not all the bugs, these are just the new things we had after the cross realm!

Edited by Kroz
Wrong area, moved.




The spell you linked says that it only works in Krasarang Wilds, wrong spell maybe?


really man? you know how shaman function? no bro :D

[ATTACH=CONFIG]93045[/ATTACH] 134k Lava Burst so yea...


really? and how is that? give reasons noob, buffs? was it on 550? etc...


I do up to 50k-70k max, now with Lavaburst with no buffs. ( only shaman buff applied )


exactly bro, thanks for letting them know :D


It's written in the spell, no need to be rude.


"Grants the target 5% spell haste. Only works in Krasarang Wilds".


Edit your main post, this is the spell you want to link(removed in Warlords of Draenor) - Elemental Oath.


Link - http://wow.gamepedia.com/Elemental_Oath


exactly, the link I put was updated for wod, didn't see that, sorry I didn't mean to be rude!


This ^


u r noob, :D :D


Update: Haste rate goes up to its number on bgs (no haste buffs)

I have shamy- alt character. If change gems in socket and reforge to full mastery, I have very often procs lava burst. And in fact i kills target with high ilvl (540-550) my ilvl - 525
really? and how is that? give reasons noob, buffs? was it on 550? etc...


It was a random BG, I don't care what buffs or gear he had, I just care about the fact that it doesn't hit for 30-60k as you claim, but it can do DOUBLE your claimed damage. Also, expecting to fight self buffed shamans in BGs is stupidity.

Please tell me more how you guys got nerfed when it's clear that you're still not working as intended. The damage of Lava Burst and Lightning Bolt is way higher then it should and you get procs from proc ticks, wich further extends the ridiculousness of the spec.

Next time you freely call me a "noob" for posting a picture you're making a fool out of yourself, along with getting reported on the forum.

You claim "nerf", but we see the reality.

Posted (edited)
It was a random BG, I don't care what buffs or gear he had, I just care about the fact that it doesn't hit for 30-60k as you claim, but it can do DOUBLE your claimed damage. Also, expecting to fight self buffed shamans in BGs is stupidity.

Please tell me more how you guys got nerfed when it's clear that you're still not working as intended. The damage of Lava Burst and Lightning Bolt is way higher then it should and you get procs from proc ticks, wich further extends the ridiculousness of the spec.

Next time you freely call me a "noob" for posting a picture you're making a fool out of yourself, along with getting reported on the forum.

You claim "nerf", but we see the reality.


Like probs most people who are gonna post here complaining about Elemental, you are a noob.


Posting a screenshot of a BG is just so incredibly stupid.. Swifty hit 1 million in a BG as a warrior, does that meen warriors are OP lol? You just go double pve trinket, full hc pve gear, and gg, ofc you're going to do way more dmg. Are you that much of a noob that you don't understand this?


I have shamy- alt character. If change gems in socket and reforge to full mastery, I have very often procs lava burst. And in fact i kills target with high ilvl (540-550) my ilvl - 525


Mastery doesn't increase proc rate, it just gives chance on duplicating spell. /facepalm lol


I personally haven't played Ele much recently, and plan on quitting for a few months since everyone is too low rated in 3s for me to actually push - Everyone's so far behind that I only get like 2 rating per win and -35 per loss ><..>


But last time I played Ele it did seem okay. But if Elemental Oath isn't working, then it definitely needs to be fixed. When I think about it now, I actually wasn't getting many procs - 4 flame shocks up usually equals spam procs, but I never got that.


Really well spotted bug mate! How long has it been like that for lol?


- - - Updated - - -


P.S. - Inb4 people crying about Ele: Tell me how it is bugged. Can you dps through hex for 8 seconds like you can with ring of frost? Or do they get OP heals like Warlock pet bug?


Retards want to say that the mastery is bugged - Even though the main admins like Furmental haven't found anything. Nobody has found any reason at all to suspect this.


And what's funny is - Even if it was bugged, it's an absolutely TINY bug compared to Ring and Warlock pet ect. lol.


I have no trouble vs any ele teams as resto.. When I queue seriously I farm them everyone. Even when queueing with randoms, the only teams i've lost to a few times are warlock comps (because bug healing on pet), and MLS (because bug ring)...


So please, keep crying about Ele whilst they are missing 7% passive spell haste haste, 10% reduced nature/fire/frost dmg from Glyph of Healing Stream, and are missing Fire Ele.. ELE SO OP!! :Kappa:


How about boomkins? What are they missing? Infact, as LSDv2, it's easy as fuck for them to win, because treant is bugged and can keep the enemy healer in combat at all times, even if it's 150 yards away lol. The only reason nobody is crying about boomkins is because there are no good boomkins on here. I guarantee if my s15 glad partner Blazemore came on here and queued for a month, everyone would be screaming "OMG BOOMKIN SO OP 200k STARSURGE" lol.


- Rant Over lel.

Edited by Ðionysus
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