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I see that here is not a very popular bracket 3v3. Maybe some players do not know with whom they can play. I hope to see a lot of different teams here. Together we can attract more players. I'll write here different comps. You can try them all. Enjoy the game.


1)rmp: sub/shd :rogue: + frost :mage: + dc :priest:

2)creative cleave: enh :shaman: + arms/fury :warrior: + dc/holy :priest:

3)phdk: holy :paladin: + mm :hunter: + unholy/frost :deathknight:

4)rmd: sub/shd :rogue: + frost :mage: + restor :druid:

5)turbo: enh :shaman: + arms/fury :warrior: + restor :druid:

6)jungle: feral :druid: + mm :hunter: + dc/holy :priest: / restor :shaman: / holy :paladin:

7)beatcleave: enh :shaman: + bm :hunter: + holy :paladin:

8)tsg: arms/fury :warrior: + frost/unholy :deathknight: + holy :paladin:

9)php: dc/holy :priest: + retri :paladin: + mm :hunter:

10)kittycleave: feral :druid: + arms/fury :warrior: + holy :paladin:

11)wmd: arms/fury :warrior: + frost :mage: + restor :druid:

12)kfchi: ww :monk: + mm :hunter: + holy :paladin:

13)shatter: frost :mage: + shadow :priest: + restor :shaman: / restor :druid: / holy :paladin:

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14)thunder: elem :shaman: + arms/fury :warrior: + holy :paladin:

15)heroic rls: sub/shd :rogue: + shadow :priest: + restor :shaman: / restor :druid:

16)shadow play: affliction :warlock: + shadow :priest: + restor :shaman: / restor :druid: / holy :paladin:

17)shadow cleave: unholy :deathknight: + affliction :warlock: + restor :shaman: / restor :druid:

18)babuin cleave : balance :druid: + restor :shaman: / mw :monk: / holy :paladin: + sub/shd :rogue:

19)spellcleave: balance :druid: + shadow :priest: + restor :shaman: / mw :monk: / holy :paladin:

20)LSD2: balance :druid: + destro :warlock: + restor :shaman:

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1) rmp in mop is played with a Holy not with a disc ( disc is shiiiiet)

2) called turbo cleave

7) beastcleave is played with survivale / mm in s15

12) kfchi is played with a rsham since pala is crap in s15

13) godcomb with druid / shatterplay with shaman

14) thunder is played mostly with druid / hpriest

20) LSD2 is balance + afflic + rsham. Destro isnt that good for that lineup.

Posted (edited)

21)tripple heal: restor :shaman: / mw :monk: / holy :paladin: + balance :druid: + retri :paladin:

22)ironface: retri :paladin: + destro :warlock: + restor :shaman: / mw :monk: / restor :druid:

23)harry potter cleave: elem :shaman: + restor :druid: / holy :paladin: + shadow :priest: / frost :mage:

24)LSD3: enh :shaman: + destro / affliction :warlock: + restor :druid:

25)LSD1: destro / affliction :warlock: + elem :shaman: + restor :druid:

26)ninja cleave: ww :monk: + arms/fury :warrior: + holy :paladin: / restor :druid: / restor :shaman:

27)kawabanga: ww :monk: + enh :shaman: + holy :paladin: / restor :druid:

28)baboon: retri :paladin: + sub/shd :rogue: + restor :druid: / restor :shaman: / mw :monk:

29)newcleave elem :shaman: + sub/shd :rogue: + dc/holy :priest:

30)WLS arms/fury :warrior: + destro / affliction :warlock: + restor :shaman:


1) rmp in mop is played with a Holy not with a disc ( disc is shiiiiet)

2) called turbo cleave

7) beastcleave is played with survivale / mm in s15

12) kfchi is played with a rsham since pala is crap in s15

13) godcomb with druid / shatterplay with shaman

14) thunder is played mostly with druid / hpriest

20) LSD2 is balance + afflic + rsham. Destro isnt that good for that lineup.

1)Disc priest is ok . Viable like holy priest.

2)Turbo cleave with druid, creative with priest.

3)Beastcleave is played with Beastmaster from season 5

4)Kfchi playing with pally too not only restor shammy. viable both.

5)godcomb with holy pally

6)thunder is played with holy palla from season 6

7)for lsd2 viable affliction and destro. Both are ok.

I understand that u're noob and don't have enough exp in game. But dont try to say what u don't know please.

Edited by Iwannadance
Posted (edited)

^ godcomb because of the extra amount of CC that you have makes it just to a "GOD" comb.

shatterplay simply when you play it with a rsham

Belive it or belive it not but when you want to tell us that disc is good in 3s in s15 you have no idea about that game.

Also beastmaster is bad as fuck in s15

Edited by Noneedholy
Disc priest and pala is crap in 3s.

Disc priest was worst spec overall in s15. But okay since you won't belive me ...

(archived version of the ladder from s15 )


and now try to sort by class and press "disc" ;) there will not 1 appear.


Maybe on retail. In here, disc priests are beyond absurd.

Power Word: Shield stacks with itself. I'm full griev on mine and I put up 200k shield, so 200x2=400k on average.

Divine Aegis, if procced once, gives a normal 80k-ish shield(with my gear), but if you overlap it, the shield is 4x better, so around 400k.

That's 800k absorb in 3 instant casts, no mana consumed, no effort, no risk of getting interrupted.

Holy is bugged too, since you get surge procs if you stay in your Chakra, but compared to Disc, Holy is actually killable by a solo good DPS, disc is impossible to kill on your own even if you play UH DK :)

Posted (edited)
Maybe on retail. In here' date=' disc priests are beyond absurd.[/quote']

no they are bugged. But anyways you have enough purge in 3s which makes disc still bad.

Disc becomes bad in 3s since every class had purge.

Just purge shield and the heal output is almost 0

(played priest main on retail ye i prefered disc in every season but in season 15 it was just impossible to play.)

As i said everyone who think disc is viable in 3s, just call me and ill que some games into you. After a few games you will see that a good 3s team will shit on every disc ;)

Edited by Noneedholy

True that, didn't think about purge spam :D

It's funny considering I play enhancement shaman daily....I smash my purge bind all the time. usually by the time I get to my target he's got no buffs on, lol

Posted (edited)

That I'm positive of.


Nobody played UH DK before Necrotics got "fixed". I was the only jackass trying to play UH in Malevolent gear, with broken runes and 0 necrotic absorb.

Nobody played Affliction lock before the Soulburn "fix", they were ALL destro.

Nobody played Disc before the bugged 800k shields..

Nobody played Fire mage before alter time was fixed, except me, lol



This only brings out a very SAD aspect of gaming. There are people so low that they would take advantage of anything just to boost their self esteem, regardless of how bad a name they make for themselves.

I for one like to give a chance to all the bugged, least played classses...and in many cases it made me fall in love, literally, with the class.

Edited by uraganuu
the shit i only see in the server is LSD as u can see in the arena ladder most played class in 3s affli/rsham/bdruid they never heard of WMS WMP WMD or jungle cleave no wonder why lsd teams are r1 they are not even good but they dont need to be :)
the shit i only see in the server is LSD as u can see in the arena ladder most played class in 3s affli/rsham/bdruid they never heard of WMS WMP WMD or jungle cleave no wonder why lsd teams are r1 they are not even good but they dont need to be :)


im playing wms :(


sometimes... inb4 MW tsg lmfao

That I'm positive of.


Nobody played UH DK before Necrotics got "fixed". I was the only jackass trying to play UH in Malevolent gear, with broken runes and 0 necrotic absorb.

Nobody played Affliction lock before the Soulburn "fix", they were ALL destro.

Nobody played Disc before the bugged 800k shields..

Nobody played Fire mage before alter time was fixed, except me, lol



This only brings out a very SAD aspect of gaming. There are people so low that they would take advantage of anything just to boost their self esteem, regardless of how bad a name they make for themselves.

I for one like to give a chance to all the bugged, least played classses...and in many cases it made me fall in love, literally, with the class.


You forgot to mention that nobody played enhance before the windfury enchant got fixed. (even tho now it's mostly 1.5k noobs who like to see big numbers and randomly burst in the opener before forcing any defensive cd)

no they are bugged. But anyways you have enough purge in 3s which makes disc still bad.

Disc becomes bad in 3s since every class had purge.

Just purge shield and the heal output is almost 0

(played priest main on retail ye i prefered disc in every season but in season 15 it was just impossible to play.)

As i said everyone who think disc is viable in 3s, just call me and ill que some games into you. After a few games you will see that a good 3s team will shit on every disc ;)


ty for that retail MoP S15 link, was looking for this

man .. can someone help me ? i can't find out what comb they are playing in the top 10 ...



I know this is sarcastic, but MLS, WLS, and LSD. Good game!!!!!!

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