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Character missing


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1. Account name: Rawrtje

2. Realm: Fun

3. Warrning (Horde, Orc Male), Hotstreakz (Undead Mage).

4. removed

5. Time of my last visit ingame: March - April 2014.

6. IP adress: 89.98..... (Don't want to post full IP for safety measures). The IP is changed probably, since my IP is dynamic.

7. Nicks of people who can attest to the fact that I'm the owner: Milorad(on forum) / Mitchjones(ingame)

8. Evidence: http://i.imgur.com/RD22m7N.png

9. No evidence of purchases from store. But I had an item that I bought for my warrior Warrning: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=81926/zinjuns-blindfold (I voted for it).


10. Details:

I didn't play Pandawow for some time, and decided to join again. But when I logged in, I saw that my characters; "Warrning", and "Hotstreakz" were missing. I tried to change realms, to see if it was a bug. On the realmlist screen, I saw that I had two characters in the realm: Pandawow Fun, but it changed to 1 once I made a random char. I contacted my friend that I used to play with on Pandawow (Mitchjones) and he told me that I might have been hacked. He told me to check the "deleted characters" on the website, and I didn't find my characters on there. So I think someone hacked me, sold the characters at the market and then the buyer changed the names of the characters. I checked my e-mail to see if there was any confirmation, but the only thing I could find was the screenshot I posted where someone is trying to transfer my mage to his account. (For confirm transfer character "Hotstreakz" to account "IVicez" ---- This can be seen in the screenshot). I think the guy "IVicez" hacked my account and sold my characters after he attempted to transfer my mage to his account.

Edited by rawrtje
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We've encountered some new "rules" for changing Email, this will be to everyone til further of notice, please specify:


1. Account name.

2. Realm.

3. Current Email on your account, and the Email you want to be changed to.

4. Your IP address, indicate all of them.

5. Proof, that you really are the owner of the account, and Email ( If Microsoft have deleted your Hotmail/Outlook, you don't have to )

6. Decribe your problem, and why you want to change your Email.

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Well, thought I finally got an answer, but instead I got a post that is being spammed in every thread.


Well, I have no hope of getting my character back I guess.


Apologies, but currently we have "different" rules for this kind of issue.


There's 1 Game Master that can visit your account etc, and administration.

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1. Account name:



2. Realm:



3. Current Email on your account, and the Email you want to be changed to.:



4. Your IP address, indicate all of them.:

89.98..... (Don't want to post full IP for safety measures). The IP is changed probably, since my IP is dynamic.


5. Proof, that you really are the owner of the account, and Email:



6. Decribe your problem, and why you want to change your Email:

I didn't play Pandawow for some time, and decided to join again. But when I logged in, I saw that my characters; "Warrning", and "Hotstreakz" were missing. I tried to change realms, to see if it was a bug. On the realmlist screen, I saw that I had two characters in the realm: Pandawow Fun, but it changed to 1 once I made a random char. I contacted my friend that I used to play with on Pandawow (Mitchjones) and he told me that I might have been hacked. He told me to check the "deleted characters" on the website, and I didn't find my characters on there. So I think someone hacked me, sold the characters at the market and then the buyer changed the names of the characters. I checked my e-mail to see if there was any confirmation, but the only thing I could find was the screenshot I posted where someone is trying to transfer my mage to his account. (For confirm transfer character "Hotstreakz" to account "IVicez" ---- This can be seen in the screenshot). I think the guy "IVicez" hacked my account and sold my characters after he attempted to transfer my mage to his account. ( I don't want to change my e-mail).

Edited by rawrtje
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I think the guy "IVicez" hacked my account and sold my characters after he attempted to transfer my mage to his account.


If your characters sold already we can't help you. Also, please tell me if you have ever shared your account informations with someone else.

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If your characters sold already we can't help you. Also, please tell me if you have ever shared your account informations with someone else.


I had the same issue. I didnt share the account with anyone. I put a couple hundred real dollars into my accounts. But hey, "you cant help me cause they sold my characters." Then give me a refund of the money spent on the account, or add that much currency to my other account that i can name in PM.

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