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About high rating games to warlocks that play with random shamans : )

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It's funny to read,when "3k exp" guy's talking about skill,but making high rate not on the off servs. Just /faceplam to all of you - aka mega glads.There's no such skill or rate,to be proud of.
  • Like 1
lol says the 2s hero

ye inb4 2.5+ every bracket in s15 on retail. Idk why you are talking shit in here. Don't even want to know your character name, i bet you are one of this guys who cant get something in 2s AND 3s but still talking shit in here.

Lol rip this people who still play active on pandawow :l

Posted (edited)
you say that Mastery is better than haste in 2s / 3s LOL


It actually is. Improper scaling on mastery results in high damage values, much greater then what you get stacking Haste(yes, including the extra ticks). And since your entire toolset(except for Haunt) is insta-cast, Mastery is the better stat.

Edited by uraganuu


Lost 1 arena then trying to get rating back

and what we see? empty arena always! where is enemy?




OH finally someone in arena!


1 points? wtf? are you srsly?

-22 points for lose and only +1 point for win? wtf?


- - - Добавлено - - -


No warlocks in 2's because warriors kill them all.

Many warlocks in 3v3 because playing with warrior (WLS so easy) or with mage (so kill warriors).

It's why low rating in 2v2 and high rating in 3v3 :kiss:



1 points? wtf? are you srsly?

-22 points for lose and only +1 point for win? wtf?


Yeah no sht if you're 2,4k, and they are like 1,2k, do you really think you would get 10+ rate from beating them?

Lol rip this people who still play active on pandawow :l


LOL you got back to retail 1 week ago and you complain about people who play active on the server. wtf is wrong with you?

Yeah no sht if you're 2,4k, and they are like 1,2k, do you really think you would get 10+ rate from beating them?
Its a pandawow problem, mmr is not fixed : ) its why high rated teams face 1k teams : )
im not a big fan of russians, but 2 russian warplanes was shotdown near turkey border and i honestly feel bad for russians now.


sad to see turkey be in NATO. hope they'll get kicked out soon.


i hope one day juster will fix bug when u face no one in arena and get 0 points, thats kinda super op for wintraders and frustrating for me

  • Like 1
Its a pandawow problem, mmr is not fixed : ) its why high rated teams face 1k teams : )


lol i know, but that wasn't what i was talking about, i was talking about the amount of rate he gain when he beats those 1,8k teams, that are 500 rating under dem.

LOL you got back to retail 1 week ago and you complain about people who play active on the server. wtf is wrong with you?

rip... another trash player.



Its a pandawow problem' date=' mmr is not fixed : ) its why high rated teams face 1k teams : )[/quote']


Simply dont que when noone is queueing 3s. Thats the server and you cant do anything against that if there are no queues.

Also all this wintrader teams are 1.5 so who cares if you get points or not :3


Banned from retail 4 months ago for WPE Expliting.It was kinda fun oneshoting people and becoming immortal in pve raids.With 100% dodge and parry chance.








Simply dont que when noone is queueing 3s. Thats the server and you cant do anything against that if there are no queues.

Also all this wintrader teams are 1.5 so who cares if you get points or not :3


Like seriusly.I queued like 17 times 3s and queue poped every 1,5 min and everyone was empty.I don't know is that wintrading or 3s is just totaly doomed.

Posted (edited)
First of all, l2english, second, im shit and you are what? third, if i can get 3k why you cant? peace, haters are welcome


L2 english? HAHA, my english is 10x better than your english will ever be.

I am not 3k because i don't play 2s anymore, and i play a class that actually requires skill to get rating as in the Pandawow meta, unlike yours who can beat anything by just dotting and fearing.

You're shit and i'm not, you even admitted yourself that you suck, so stfu Russian moron.


- - - Updated - - -


Its a pandawow problem, mmr is not fixed : ) its why high rated teams face 1k teams : )


I had the same problem, but the problem is that i've never faced you when the ques are hot, i'm at 2.1 mmr in 3s. Either you dodge teams of your mmr or you don't play at all.


I enjoyed farming your LSChi btw, was fun to see that you actually qq'd after as well, even tho ur shit.

Edited by Adlairo
What do you mean, no warlocks? U forgot me bruh. :P


If u couldn't tell already this guy is an idiot and is clueless about 3s, he traps into when enemy grounding is up, he DR's his own Wyvern, can't believe he got 2.4+


Also, how the fuck can Iwannadance be low rated in 2s as a Hunter? If played properly, Hunter/Ret or Hunter/Healer can be facerolled to 2.6+, clueless on how you can't do that, especially as Survival, he must be bad anyway.


Btw, feel the pain of being high rated in 3s, why are u even qqing about that? Of course you're not gonna gain any rating at #7 on the ladder. Once again, Survival is bugged as shit, and if it would get fixed and u had to play MM u wouldn't be anywhere near your CR.


1) if i wanna stay private in pandawow and clear my nickname in screenshots u think that i will write my bn for everyone? :crab:

2) if i wanna just fake you i can post any BN of player with 3k+

take care. have fun.

1) if i wanna stay private in pandawow and clear my nickname in screenshots u think that i will write my bn for everyone? :crab:

2) if i wanna just fake you i can post any BN of player with 3k+

take care. have fun.


Lying level:


  • Like 2
1) if i wanna stay private in pandawow and clear my nickname in screenshots u think that i will write my bn for everyone? :crab:

2) if i wanna just fake you i can post any BN of player with 3k+

take care. have fun.


You're a huge liar, you wouldn't even get 3.1k on Pandawow, even if you're a Survival Hunter playing with a Priest. Just please, quit the game. Everyone knows your char name.


oh yeah, your Hunter's name is Diabolique. np

1) if i wanna stay private in pandawow and clear my nickname in screenshots u think that i will write my bn for everyone? :crab:

2) if i wanna just fake you i can post any BN of player with 3k+

take care. have fun.


Then whisper me your BN.


P.S Im 3.2k Solo enhancement RBG in retail, I'm not giving my BN to anyone because I wanna stay private!

Posted (edited)

3s rating on pandawow is like : who is tryharding and dodging as best. 330 wins in 3s... nuff said 3.1 retail gg

i've the half of your wins, playing a comb that isnt op and im only 100 rating below you (didnt play for 2 weeks now) that is ... nice


i had 3100 at retail.

what about you? :)


online on retail atm, add "Noneed#2613" ty


jk inb4 "sold account"

Edited by Noneedholy

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