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So amberstrike new rouge main dmg ability or what?

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There is a possibility he used WPE to change the spell, but I highly doubt it. Since Pandawow has made it harder to bypass the codes. He could've used any other program too.




The spell is granted to the player when he's mutated, he uses certain keys to get himself out of the instance ( Not telling how )

The spell gets "learned" into his Spellbook General section and LOCKED, when certain keys/moves has been done. Haven't tested further on.

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There is a possibility he used WPE to change the spell, but I highly doubt it. Since Pandawow has made it harder to bypass the codes. He could've used any other program too.




The spell is granted to the player when he's mutated, he uses certain keys to get himself out of the instance ( Not telling how )

The spell gets "learned" into his Spellbook General section and LOCKED, when certain keys/moves has been done. Haven't tested further on.


So if it's bug abusing he basicaly can't get banned for this? So he should just go around 1 shooting people? Aight... I aint even mad..

*note The guy took me from 100% to 40% in one hit, you can imagine my face expression :eek: into a huge :facepalm: then after the game :rofl_mini:

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i have no idea why people put selfies of girls IN THEIR FORUM AVATAR.Like why....lol


Simple , Cause i can :)


- - - Updated - - -


This rogue 3k exp on ******, he knows how beat assholes, i know him. He dont abuse anything, mb server is bugged him?


He's nothing near 3k exp , He's a scrub which cant play 2's cause he has 0 Skill and he has to Abuse And get advantage from it in order to succeed in arena.



P.S. He should get banned and His arena rate should be Restarted to 0.

Edited by Weegee
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Simple , Cause i can :)

Jinx :3


This is not WPE PRO.This is hack called soulstealer.I saw 1 guy use it on warmane.

Simply what it does you can replace any ability with the ability of NPC or Player you fight or kill.So he can practicly steal any ability.

For example.Warrior attacks him.Rogue kills him and steals his slam.He can use any meel type abilitys.In this case its Amber Strike since rogue is meel type class.In other case lets say Warlock.It is class based on spells.

For example.He goes SoO attacks Immersus.After some time immersus will cast Corrosive blast[spell based ability].Then during the cast soulstealer kicks in.It copys the ability and formula of the ability.Replaces it for example Shadowburn.

Then when data is sent to server.Server is trying to convert that data back to original ability Shadowburn but it fails.Then server skips the process.And ability Shadowburn becomes permanently locked into his spell book as Corrosive Blast.

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