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that's also offtopic xD i don't think you deserve a ban you only need one thing: chill calm down they wont bann you just write normally and don't write with ........ like a gentelmen :p


He also needs to stop acting like a Smart-ass and as a moderator. Uraganuu , nemi , licher , neff , shadrissa , buka, me and other staff is active enough to handle the situation and since he did go off-topic he should get a ban.

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He also needs to stop acting like a Smart-ass and as a moderator. Uraganuu , nemi , licher , neff , shadrissa , buka, me and other staff is active enough to handle the situation and since he did go off-topic he should get a ban.


2.3. It is forbidden to use obscene, rude expressions and insults of any sort

Watch your mouth kid :D

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You are calling everyone a kid.To hide the truth behind the truth that you are sliny little kiddo looking for attention.


Im calling you a kid since you behave like one. And no , im far away from being a kid. Compare your behavior to mine ** He's instantly gonna say "Yeah you are a kid i am not etc etc" ** You are acting like a Know it all and you are trying to be something which you are not, so Grow up and stop behaving like a kid.


Not gonna answer any more responses so i don't flood this thread.


Wake the f up and stop behaving like a kid.

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Not gonna answer any more responses so i don't flood this thread.


Holy Moly Weegee.Why are you defending yourself because you are.Cmon dude im not the only one who knows how you look like irl.Little tinkly kiddo.And please stop acting older then you currently are.

And watch your mouth again.

And listen Junky:I really don't want to expose stuff what you do behind your lies.I really don't.But if you make me....I will make your pandawow world living apocalypse.

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Holy Moly Weegee.Why are you defending yourself because you are.Cmon dude im not the only one who knows how you look like irl.Little tinkly kiddo.And please stop acting older then you currently are.

And watch your mouth again.

And listen Junky:I really don't want to expose stuff what you do behind your lies.I really don't.But if you make me....I will make your pandawow world living apocalypse.


Go ahead , make my living worse ;D and that picture was ages ago if you are talking about this one ** http://i.imgur.com/pXbCi10.jpg **


And like i said , im nowhere near to being a "kid"


Awaiting for your "exposes" , they are probably gonna be some fake PS-ed pictures like you did them before.


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Seems as this is off-topic i remember when weegee the lil rat boy aka ratatouille said he`ll put me in hospital with no teeth LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL :D


Educate your self , it's a Braid ;) .


This sh*t has went so off-topic , when a GM see's this he / she is gonna face palm so hard ...

Edited by Weegee
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Go ahead , make my living worse ;D and that picture was ages ago if you are talking about this one ** http://i.imgur.com/pXbCi10.jpg **


And like i said , im nowhere near to being a "kid"


Awaiting for your "exposes" , they are probably gonna be some fake PS-ed pictures like you did them before.


- - - Updated - - -




Educate your self , it's a Braid ;) .


This sh*t has went so off-topic , when a GM see's this he / she is gonna face palm so hard ...


Weegee.Its not that one.And there you look like your head was washed in toilet shell.

Edited by tiggar47
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