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I wanna hear what you people play world of warcraft with.

I use:

Proccesor: AMD A10-7850K Kaveri 3.7GHz[R7]

Motherboard: MSI A68HM-E33

Ram Memory: 12 GB 1600Mhz

I have 60 FPS on Ultra Setting.Max is 283 on Uncapped framerate.


Let me see what you got :D

I wanna hear what you people play world of warcraft with.

I use:

Proccesor: AMD A10-7850K Kaveri 3.7GHz[R7]

Motherboard: MSI A68HM-E33

Ram Memory: 12 GB 1600Mhz

I have 60 FPS on Ultra Setting.Max is 283 on Uncapped framerate.


Let me see what you got :D


>listing PC specs used for gaming

>no video card



AS Rock B85M Pro 3 Motherboard

HyperX Savage 2x4GB DDR

Kingston HyperX 240GB SSD running just windows/wow and CoD MW3

1TB Seagate HDD 7200 RPM

Palit GeForce GTX 750 Ti StormX Dual 2GB DDR5 128-bit

Intel G3258 (3.2 GHz standard)=4.7 GHz OC

Thermaltake TR-2 500W PSU

Thermaltake Versa H22 Case

Cooler Master Gamer Storm Maelstrom 120T cooler



I can run 4x WoW instances on Good graphic details, all in 1680x1050 resolution with no lag whatsoever. I had no real use to log more instances, but I know for sure it could handle a few more.

I can open wow and still play COD MW3 on full details(same resolution as above) with no lag and no FPS loss.

I wanted a budged gaming rig and I think I've bought the best buy available in my country(the SSD came with a 35% discount so it was worth buying a 240GB)


- - - Updated - - -


>listing PC specs used for gaming

>no video card



On-board ftw! :D

>listing PC specs used for gaming

>no video card



Processor I have is APU[CPU+GPU]



And thanks uraganuu for sharing.You are one of normal people here.




AS Rock B85M Pro 3 Motherboard

HyperX Savage 2x4GB DDR

Kingston HyperX 240GB SSD running just windows/wow and CoD MW3

1TB Seagate HDD 7200 RPM

Palit GeForce GTX 750 Ti StormX Dual 2GB DDR5 128-bit

Intel G3258 (3.2 GHz standard)=4.7 GHz OC

Thermaltake TR-2 500W PSU

Thermaltake Versa H22 Case

Cooler Master Gamer Storm Maelstrom 120T cooler



I can run 4x WoW instances on Good graphic details, all in 1680x1050 resolution with no lag whatsoever. I had no real use to log more instances, but I know for sure it could handle a few more.

I can open wow and still play COD MW3 on full details(same resolution as above) with no lag and no FPS loss.

I wanted a budged gaming rig and I think I've bought the best buy available in my country(the SSD came with a 35% discount so it was worth buying a 240GB)



Well,I can run 4-6 any games in the same time.And most of time when im afk in wow.I take something else to play.

I run Crysis 3[One of highly advanced resolution & graphics game of the century] I run it on Ultra Setting 30 fps.

With this processor it is more then enough for hardcore gaming.

I recommend for those who want a good and cheap upgrade buy this combo I have.

New parts are around 180$ to 200$ regarding on seller.

I bought it for around 185$.


It is more then enough for APU Processor.

It has really good intergrated graphics card with 8 Cores.

8 Cores which run on 780Mhz are more then enough for any game.

8GB Of RAM Memory is Enough.

Also Uraganuu,If you plan on getting new graphics card.Get one with 256 bits.More bits better the graphics card.No need to search for bigger memory.

256Bit 1GB Graphic card of same other specs is faster then 128 2GB.

That moment you're reading the entire topic and you realise you're playing on a shitty laptop ;-;


Meh, still 60fps at almost ultra graphics


You are wrong mate.Why would I force my APU On 300 FPS if human eye can see only 80fps.

And also this spec is for DESKTOP!


I can see how unexpirienced you are.

Posted (edited)

Processor: Intel® Pentium® Dual CPU E2200 2.20GHz


Mouse: Microsoft PS/2 Mouse

Keyboard: Standard PS/2 Keyboard

Headset: / i got some shit speakers, and they broke cause of fucking MITA ARAPCI NOI HIM ARMNJ, listening 200.000 times a day i need to buy new sound card, i swear im gonna snipe him when he goes to Juliet, aka Paraskeva, i will rko him from the balcony, fucking gelce addicted jinxer

Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce 9400 GT

got 2.7k this summer, no pc no nothing, 7 yr old pc, no changes. Get on my level spoiled crackers.

oh and forgot, its name is Kal40-PC

Edited by Hjorhji San

Processor: Intel® Pentium® Dual CPU 2200 3.0GHz

Ram: 1,5gb

Mouse: Some shit from cincarcon i won it because i answered correctly on 1 question.

Keyboard: Anhoch Keyboard Medium

Headset: Some garbage ones,worth listening to fantana di malama especially mita the jinxer

Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce 9200 GT

This pc is gifted from my neighbour mitko who is jew first he wanted from me to give him money but luckily i had my uncle mita who has been released from jail that day and he woop'd his ass with his big ass arms.


This pc is gifted from my neighbour mitko who is jew first he wanted from me to give him money but luckily i had my uncle mita who has been released from jail that day and he woop'd his ass with his big ass arms.



Also Uraganuu,If you plan on getting new graphics card.Get one with 256 bits.More bits better the graphics card.No need to search for bigger memory.

256Bit 1GB Graphic card of same other specs is faster then 128 2GB.

I'm planning on getting an R9 as soon as I change that CPU to an i5 later on. Untill then, the Dual Storm X 750 TI is way more than what I need from my PC.

Going Off-Topic on this useful thread is just a bit "retarded"

It's a joke on a single line/single post and no reason to be offensive. Also, it's the General Discussion section and I can go on wild and post anything I like without breaking any rules. "Retarded" would have been to post this in the Report Player thread, for example.


You have 12GB ram, 60+ FPS on epic graphics yet can't pass 2k LMAO WHAT?




Intel® Celeron® CPU N2815 @ 1.86GHz

4.00GB Ram


too lazy to go in more details


40 FPS max, on lowest mazafaking graphics (when no one is around ofc lol and in a small ass jew house), nearly 20FPS while PvP'ing. (2-3 FPS in 30v30+'s).


Whenever i want to lag and play the game on screenshots, i open 2 WoW processes at the same time.


Cooking eggs on it on summer


Obama save our souls from Isis pls ty

@Felxprod, you can make a really cheap gaming rig somewhere below 300 dollars that will support a few instances of wow all at once :D


Well once again I got banned for Stupidty.

O.T:You can get pc as I did my.You can do almost anything with it for 400$ tops.It is not expensive and it gives 3 years warranty.




It's a joke on a single line/single post and no reason to be offensive. Also, it's the General Discussion section and I can go on wild and post anything I like without breaking any rules. "Retarded" would have been to post this in the Report Player thread, for example.


http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=161034 This is for what I got 3 day banana from Buka.I loled.

Posted (edited)

@Felxprod: I made you a budget gaming rig here. You can play pretty much any game out there, but don't expect Ultra settings :) I didn't include a monitor, cause you probably have one atm :P




Pretty much every component there has a really good performance/dollar spent ratio. Also, the CPU I've added allows pretty solid Overclocking ranges. I got mine up to 4.8GHz and it stays at 50 degrees in full load using the stock cooler. I bought a better one, but for a true budget PC you don't need it.



https://pcpartpicker.com/b/wmsJ7P here's another one. :)

Edited by uraganuu
Posted (edited)

I play on 3 comps and 1 laptop to lazy to type them all


Here is the one I'm currently on

Intel i5-6600K 3.5GHz

GeForce GTX 960, 4GB GDDR5

8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4 2133 MHz

250GB SATA3 SSD –Disk



and all other stuff is useless


Intel FTW!


Edited by StarCaller
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)


Intel FTW!



Well StarCaller there you are wrong.

There is only 10% in quality but price is a lot higher then AMD Processors.

One more thing: Everyone thinks intel is better because its has more reputation over the world then AMD.

Nvidia is more for Graphic Cards.

AMD is also more for Graphic Cards but it evolved its processor units also.

You wouldn't believe me now.

But I had Intel until my Motherboard fried from Electric shock.

Then non other then AM2 Motherboards were on market all intel were bought[1155]

Then I bought AM2.


And I call tell you my processor is maybe the best one you could try there for low price of 140$ and whats more intersting it has intergrated graphics card in it.

Which is powerfull enough to run any game in this case.When I was overclocking it I had 281 fps on Ultra setting.

But there is no need when you can run it smoothly on 60 capped fps.

Most of Intel processors also have intergrated graphic processor but not powerfull as this one here.

In this case its yours.

And if you original do the discount for this APU for 140$ and you don't need to buy proffesional graphics card its practicly free.

Its even better the the processor you currently have and cheaper.

And gives pretty much 3 Years Warranty.



Edited by ILoveBananaTrees
Well StarCaller there you are wrong.

There is only 10% in quality but price is a lot higher then AMD Processors.

One more thing: Everyone thinks intel is better because its has more reputation over the world then AMD.

Nvidia is more for Graphic Cards.

AMD is also more for Graphic Cards but it evolved its processor units also.

You wouldn't believe me now.

But I had Intel until my Motherboard fried from Electric shock.

Then non other then AM2 Motherboards were on market all intel were bought[1155]

Then I bought AM2.


And I call tell you my processor is maybe the best one you could try there for low price of 140$ and whats more intersting it has intergrated graphics card in it.

Which is powerfull enough to run any game in this case.When I was overclocking it I had 281 fps on Ultra setting.

But there is no need when you can run it smoothly on 60 capped fps.

Most of Intel processors also have intergrated graphic processor but not powerfull as this one here.

In this case its yours.

And if you original do the discount for this APU for 140$ and you don't need to buy proffesional graphics card its practicly free.

Its even better the the processor you currently have and cheaper.

And gives pretty much 3 Years Warranty.




idk if I should laugh or cry...

Nah, 16 gb ram laptop here.Ain't nobody got time for graphics bs.



Frostshotz, You can have 128 GB ram but if you have weak graphics card.All your 124GB of Ram are useless.

I'm planning to buy/build a gaming-pc for around 500-600$ but i'm not rlly a pro at pc specs and stuff, so does anyone got some tips for me on what i should buy and whats needed to run WoW and other games on ultra/high settings with high fps?

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