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Suggestions Section


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As i know, the Russian forum has a ,,General Suggestion Section'' where players can come up with ideas and propose some new features to the game.


First, I think making a similar section to English Forum could be interesting and why not, productive. If not, well....I guess this thread could start this initiative really well and players can post all the ideas they have . :)


As an example of suggestions, I will make two :


1. Creating an NPC which can sell different items/features for Conquest Points. There are very old players which inevitably win a very high number of CP. I know you can use them to buy a different set of gear for a different spec, but this depends of player, class and even those who buy a different set end up gathering more and more CP which have no use.


What this NPC would sell is up to ideas. A simple solution would be either Justice Points or even Valor Points (considering the CP are won from end-game PvP and so are VP - end-game PvE, probably this would be a more challenging and interesting solution) . Another idea would be to sell items/mounts/rare mog items like on Fun, but this would probably not fit the atmosphere of 100x.


2. This one will be reffering to the selling of Challenge Sets . The set costs 800 Bonuses on site and includes 8 pieces of armor. That would be 100 Bonus Points per piece. I would suggest making the pieces available to be bought separately for a higher number of Bonuses . If a player likes a single piece from the whole set, he could buy that one single piece, but for a higher, much higher number of bonuses , let's say 200 - 250 - 300 . By raising the cost of the single piece, the developers wouldn't be in disadvantage, I would say. Donators would still be in favor, considering the high cost.


I hope this thread (or section if it is created one) will be welcomed and the answers and suggestions will be constructive. Who knows...maybe if the thread remains a serious one, developers would consider some of the suggestions.


Thank you!

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I can agree with you for first NPC, but for the second suggestion I will disagree.Having for a single tmog item more then 100 Bonuses isn't good.Maybe for Project but not for Players who support that project.

Then every tmog part would be around 5$.Whole set would be 40$

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