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Wrong punishment given by; Зилиус, again.

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The game master Зилиус did not give the right punishment to the violator.

The violation the violator did is, insult relative.



According to the rules;

1.11. Insulting relatives.


listed in 30 days ban punishment


Instead the game master Зилиус, gave the violator 7 days ban, shown here: http://i.imgur.com/RzR5KdM.jpg [Permission has been given]


But I also realized there's another rule for insulting relatives

2.8. Provocative or mockingly messages about relatives - 3 up to a 7 days account suspension.


I will explain what Provocate means: acting as a stimulus or incitement, etc; provoking.

Inside provocate meanings, I will explain them in each sentence's.


Stimulus means: Something that stimulates or acts as an incentive

Incitement means: To provoke and urge.



I will explain what Mock means: a disrespectful jeering manner.

Inside mock meanings, I will explain them in each sentence's.


Jeering means: To speak or shout derisively; mock.


The player did NOT mock anyone, nor provocate. Therefore the player did get a less punishment than the correct one.


The thread is: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=162454

Posted (edited)

Nemifest, guy thought you will help him get less punishment or so.Thats why he gave you permission for the given proof.

Now, he will recieve bigger punishment then the previous one.

Also, since he unbanned himself using bonuses, he cannot recieve the punishment again for the same act.

If so bonuses should be refaunded then banned again.I guess*

Am I right?

Edited by tiggar47
Nemifest, guy thought you will help him get less punishment or so.Thats why he gave you permission for the given proof.

Now, he will recieve bigger punishment then the previous one.

Also, since he unbanned himself using bonuses, he cannot recieve the punishment again for the same act.

If so bonuses should be refaunded then banned again.I guess*

Am I right?


If you're on my thread in report player, be useful.


This report has been made because of the Game Master might've missunderstood the term of the violation, because there's 2 seperate rules which goes into 1 violation but been devided disregarded.

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