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Posted (edited)

I think I recall making a thread like this one before, but can't find it.


Anyway, I'll jump right into it!




mw monk / war


boomy / rogue


ret / hunt


boomy / lock


rsham / war


rdruid / hunt (surv)


rdruid / war


priest / hunt (surv)


priest / frost mage


rsham / aff lock


mw/rdruid + unh dk





wls (war / aff lock / rsham)


kfc (war / surv hunt / healer (best with rsham)


wps (war / spriest / rsham)


thug (sub rogue / surv hunt / rsham (can be played with other healers too)


LSD (aff lock / ele sham / rdruid)


LSD2 (aff lock / boomy / rsham)


HLS (surv hunt / aff lock / rsham)


RMD (sub rogue / mage / rdruid (even tho shroom is buggy + recovering on this server is pretty dumb with the current state of pvp)



im not putting anything in order, just putting out my list of 2s & 3s.


ye, i know, "WPS" top 3s comp? yup... the reason why i say this is simply because of the warrior. the priest damage is okay, but it all comes down to the warrior. 4 sec stormbolt into 2 sec shockwave into horror (3/4 sec?) into full silence off.


and we all know how insane warrior damage is. you can have a very good cc chain on all 3 targets, but as long as priest just has dots (which he should) and pops vampiric embrace, he simply can't die. (healing doesn't split between ur party, so it heals for a lot. crit 100k and you heal yourself for 100k. it should split between party members. so in 3s that 100k would be a 33k heal.


What's your list? :)

Edited by Repitchx
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

also in 2v2 nice comps:

Balance Druid + Frost Mage / Affliction Warlock

Rogue + Mage / Hunter / Retri / Shadow Priest

Restor Druid + Frost Mage

also in 3v3 nice comps:

turbocleave: enh :shaman: + arms :warrior: + restor :druid:

junglecleave: feral :druid: + mm :hunter: + restor :shaman:

phs: restor :shaman: + retri :paladin: + mm :hunter:

tsg: arms :warrior: + unholy :deathknight: + restor :shaman:

wmd / wms: arms :warrior: + frost :mage: + restor :druid: / restor :shaman:

shatter: frost :mage: + shadow :priest: + restor :shaman: / restor :druid:

thunder: elem :shaman: + arms :warrior: + mw :monk:


in pandawow kfc not op like at retail (because here much better Double Warrior + Rsham / WLS). Just when i meet WLS or Double Warrior i feel the pain. It's like half server or more already playing as warrior.

1)I hope they fix damage from Warlock / Warrior.

2)I hope they will fix fear (because its epic when u can get fear 3 times and just die in fear because dot's don't ruin fear. or u can get high burst from warrior while staying in fear. sometimes u can not even trinket fear)

3)I hope they will fix bugs for Mage (too much damage in deepfreezy). U can lost half hp in RoF and will staying in RoF anyway. Ice lance do too much damage. You staying in poly while getting damage from mage ORB.


so after this fix ^^ ladder will changing





Edited by Iwannadance

3)I hope they will fix bugs for Mage (too much damage in deepfreezy). U can lost half hp in RoF and will staying in RoF anyway. Ice lance do too much damage. You staying in poly while getting damage from mage ORB.


Mage damage is normal. That bug with RoF yeah, but ice lance does normal damage, it should do 70-80k damage with procs, in deep it does about 60k+/-, which is still correct.

  • Like 1
Mage damage is normal. That bug with RoF yeah, but ice lance does normal damage, it should do 70-80k damage with procs, in deep it does about 60k+/-, which is still correct.

70-80k dmg without procs from icelance, 150k with proc. mage can oneshot you in deepfreeze just spamming ice lance.

feral+disc should be right there in the top also

not even close to top in pandawow. :crab:

can u please make pics from r1-30 what comp people play? i'd love to see that, haha. it's funny xD

double warriors, wls, lsd2, wms, mls that's all.

Posted (edited)

Just in case someone is curious, here is how pandawow 2's FOTM currently looks like for the first 10 pages of the ladder. :)


Warriors = 53 = 28.64%

Paladins = 4 = 2.16%

Hunters = 12 = 6.48%

Rogues = 8 = 4.32%

Priests = 6 = 3.24%

Death Knight's = 4 = 2.16%

Mage's = 14 = 7.56%

Druid's = 27 = 14.59%

Shamans = 36 = 19.45%

Warlocks = 4 = 2.16%

Monks = 17 = 9.18%


Shaman, warr too much? :p

Edited by Garodar
feral+disc should be right there in the top also


no, feral+disc was top in s13, in s15 it is much weaker comp


Just in case someone is curious, here is how pandawow 2's FOTM currently looks like for the first 10 pages of the ladder. :)


Warriors = 53 = 28.64%

Paladins = 4 = 2.16%

Hunters = 12 = 6.48%

Rogues = 8 = 4.32%

Priests = 6 = 3.24%

Death Knight's = 4 = 2.16%

Mage's = 14 = 7.56%

Druid's = 27 = 14.59%

Shamans = 36 = 19.45%

Warlocks = 4 = 2.16%

Monks = 17 = 9.18%


Shaman, warr too much? :p

poor priests :cry::angel:


where is rmp btw?

no, feral+disc was top in s13, in s15 it is much weaker comp



poor priests :cry::angel:


where is rmp btw?


rmp is not really strong on pwow with the current state of priests. guardian only gives 20% hp back now (without dampening). literally killing priests through guardian


pwow rmp:


mage: am i fine, do i need to block? im at 15%


mage: ait, ill lance some more then

mage: wtf u told u had me

priest: ofc, u had guardian

mage: oh i forgot that guardian only gave 10-20% hp back




quite often guardian still doesnt restore hp at 0% 8^(

thunder is better with rdruid

tsg is better with monk

turbo is better with priest\monk, even tho p is buggy

btw server latency insanely buffs rdruid soul of the forest


na, warr comps was hard to monks on live, here it is even worse + no good ww

  • Like 1
quite often guardian still doesnt restore hp at 0% 8^(

thunder is better with rdruid

tsg is better with monk

turbo is better with priest\monk, even tho p is buggy

btw server latency insanely buffs rdruid soul of the forest


na, warr comps was hard to monks on live, here it is even worse + no good ww


If you were reffering to the fotm I made, I said 2's, not 3's. I'll get it done for 3's as well, just to have something interesting to show to community.


btw just tested explosive shot, fired about 200 times, there is no overall dmg increasing from stacking at all (actually not stacking does more dmg), will welcome your counter-proofs cuz it will only make our server better

still, this spell needs to be fixed

Rsham / afflic should be a joke comp in 2s, its disgusting facing this comp, also war/healer too same shit 190k slams in mage 550 with ****** armor +glyph of armors
Rsham / afflic should be a joke comp in 2s, its disgusting facing this comp, also war/healer too same shit 190k slams in mage 550 with ****** armor +glyph of armors


Yes it is a joke comp, I've sold my warlock its annoying and boring to play.

And yes Frost Mage/Subtlety Rogue is op combo--Oneshots in smoke bomb :D, If you know how to play RM properly :D

And yes glyph of armors is op-M olten armor 16% psychical dmg reduction.


rogue priest is op




Amazing crowd control if priest knows how to play, plus diminishing returns is a bit broken on priests so you get the point :D

Turboqt, it is a shit comp in 2s here, atleast because of all the Warrior/Shaman teams, if you lose vs it (i know u play Warrior and Elemental/Resto) u just fucked up since if you spam dispel you won't take any damage till dampening.
what is being abused? sry don't understand/speak russian


Google translate, my friend... does not work particularly well.


I think he's talking about his report @ 5 people for wintrading or something.

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