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Fire mage dmg in this server yolo


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  faina said:
what a god






u can leave this thread, tnx


i don't understand your point since 77% is the minimun.

You can leave this thread, noone wants a priest who stucks on 2.2 (even on pandawow LOL ) complaining about other classes

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keeps bragging about pwow rating and posting useless emoticons...what?

there's no point in sitting in here anymore,

you have literally no idea bro.


oh look 110k crit as undead not even all proccs up lol

(he is missing trinket procc just sayin )

(ye ik the enemy is lowgeared but did you hear smth about basic resil ? )

literally the most pathetic post of all time, comparing 110k to lowgeared with 143k on full dk in blood pres

asked first fire mage in elvyn to burst me http://i.imgur.com/ml5dpy8.jpg

ill leave for now, b/c there is no point in discussion anymore

  faina said:
keeps bragging about pwow rating and posting useless emoticons...what?

there's no point in sitting in here anymore,


literally the most pathetic post of all time, comparing 110k to lowgeared with 143k on full dk in blood pres

asked first fire mage in elvyn to burst me [ATTACH=CONFIG]103336[/ATTACH]

ill leave for now, b/c there is no point in discussion anymore


Nice pixelfest on your screen.

Yes and with trinket proc he would still crit ~110k+ on a fullgeared one so i don't understand your point. Hope i have the chance to stomp you as rdruid FROSTmage just to remind you how easy is it to beat a firemage :)

  \ said:
there's no point in sitting in here anymore' date='[/quote']

good, than leave us alone and try to get rating atleast before you QQ about sh't. Yes since there is no MOP on retail anymore, the rating on MOP servers are the most important value that you can take :)

Firemage is bugged in many bad ways and ppl still cry ... tzzzzzz

  \ said:
Lel' date=' broken works of presence of mind with procs of pyroblast - that's all/[/quote']


here we go:


  \ said:
If you wanna compare firemages here to retail and fix these "bugs" that aren't even on Pyroblast i guess (i usually do 120k pyro's with ALL procs up and can do 30k without)... fix everything like inferno blast not giving heating up when reflected' date=' combustion instantly consumming heating up, etc..[/color']


thank me later :)

Explosive shot DMG

It have been fixed in Monday.

After test -> 3x Ecplosive Shots -> 10-12k damage like in 5.4 video from official server.




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POM Pyro abuse


Fire damage is fine, but it can be exploited with POM...just saying.

abuse ? You know that as firemage you played with pom and used pyro with pom ? I just can't see an "abuse" there, just a server bug.

Take care with your words please


After test -> 3x Ecplosive Shots -> 10-12k damage like in 5.4 video from official server.

Hunter is still critting for 90k ... i can't see it fixed ( ye ok they dont crit 140k anymore /lol)

Gonna ***mane later and upload a video how explosive shot should work.

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