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Massive insulut to many other ethnic groups

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Specify the following:


-Name of the violator - Bämx


-Realm, where you saw the violation. - x100


-Description of the violation (write please in english and very clearly and understandably)


- He insulutet me and many other player over the world Chat more than a hour.

- He insulted almost all ethnic groups at the Server.

- Said things like "Its better to kill all (Germans/Russians)"

- How u can see on the Screenshot hes joking about rape kids (unforgivable!!! Because this is not funny! And for me as German this is a unforgivable because this is a very hard insulut )


You should write what the violation is because it will be easier for the administrator or chat moderator to understand what to look for on the proof material. - Insulting / moking


-Proof: screenshots or video. http://imgur.com/KQw5ozT


-Comments to the situation (if it needed). - Hope other Player will add more report material, because many pp saw it.

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