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Imb's Resto Shaman Guide for PvP


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Well, first of all i’ll introduce myself. I like to be called Imb since it’s the name of my main and it was the name of the first rsham I ever had. Been playing rsham since patch 3.3.5 over 7 years ago and been always in love with it though I started playing pvp in early MoP. Had few high rated rshams in servers like firestorm and few other servers, and right now I’m playing PandaWoW with 2 shamans: Imb (2.4 cr) and Imbtwo (2.7 cr 2s and 2.4 cr at 3s) Ye it might sound pretty weird but got more rating with alt than with main.


1. Introduction to Restoration Shaman

2. Gems and Enchants

3. Reforge

4. Talents

5. Glyphs

6. Macros you’ll need for arenas

7. Tips against different comps

8. Good 2s and 3s comps


Introduction to Restoration Shaman


Okay, so first of all you should need that Restoration Shaman is a “sustain” healer because with totems, Riptide, Healing Rain and Earth Shield you’ll be healing even while cc’ed or pillar hugging, or if you’re getting trained hard and you can’t cast. So, you always need to keep earth shield on the teammate they’re targeting, keep riptide up, and unless your teammates are fully hp, almost always you’ll have Healing Stream Totem down. Remember you have your Grounding Totem to avoid getting cc’ed against Druids, Mages, Shamans, Paladins, etc.




I’ve tried everything to gem, since this patch crit is broken af I used to stack crit like a warrior, but lately been using this gems:

Red: +80 Intellect +160 Critical Strike

Yellow: +320 Critical Strike

Blue: +160 Spirit + Critical Strike

Meta: +432 Critical Strike +1% Spell Reflect or +665 PvP Power +775 PvP Resilience




Shoulders: +200 Intellect +100 Critical Strike

Back: +180 Critical Strike

Chest: +80 All Stats

Wrist: +180 Intellect

Weapon: Jade Spirit

Shield: +165 Intellect

Hands: +170 Mastery

Legs: +285 Intellect +165 Critical Strike

Boots: +140 Mastery & Minor Speed Increase




Stat priority is Intellect > Crit > Spirit > Mastery > Haste.

So always try to reforge crit when an item doesn’t have it, after that get some spirit or mastery, up to you.




Most of the time you'll be using this talents. The ones you can swap are earthgrab for windwalk, atm i pref using windwalk over earthgrab, but earthgrab is rly good vs warriors or any class that can't take the slow out. Windwalk is very useful against cleaves that depend on the slow, and the cc, for example against a TSG, when they stun burst you, your partners should peel and as soon as you get out of cc you just windwalk, earthbind (the slow one), wolf form and run from them.

Another change you can make is between Totemic Projection and Call of the Elements. In 3s you can never use Totemic Projection since most of the time you'll be casting, cc'ing, running or purging, so now time to use projection, plus vs cleaves that have many fears and they depend on them, or with fears that can't be dispelled, such as WLS, you can have 2 tremors in a row pretty much, plus 2 windwalks, 2 groundings to avoid more cc, for example if you ground a poly, you don't have shear and another one is coming and you know that if you get poly'd you loose the game 100%, you can use Call of the Elements and grounding to avoid it, since CotE isn't in the GCD.




Major Glyphs:


Glyph of Ghost Wolf – It’s your only mean of escape, good against train comps like warriors, dks, ww's, etc.

Glyph of Healing Stream Totem – Reduces the damage done while your Stream Totem is up, really good. (This doesn't work against melee cleaves like warrior, dk, hunter, etc.)

Glyph of Totemic Vigor – Mandatory, only way to not get your totems one shotted.

Glyph of Hex - Always good to have less cooldown on the main cc, it's ussually swapped with Glyph of Healing Stream Totem vs comps with a mage or boomie, since they can dispell hex and you get that 10% dmg reduction.

Glyph of Purge - Good against comps with rdruid so you can purge easier the HoTS.


Minor Glyphs:


Glyph of Totemic Encirclement: This glyph is a must, cancels totally the use of Tab to swap to a totem to kill because each time you place a totem other 3 will appear.




Wind shear to focus: /cast [target=focus] Wind Shear

Arena kicks (currently using these ones): /cast [target=arena1] Wind Shear

/cast [target=arena2] Wind Shear

/cast [target=arena3] Wind Shear

Hex to focus: /cast [target=focus] Hex

Same here with arena hex, currently using these ones: /cast [target=arena1] Hex

/cast [target=arena2] Hex

/cast [target=arena3] Hex


Another good macro, but that i personally don't use is:

/cast Ancestral Swiftness

/cast Hex


And also:

/cast Ancestral Swiftness

/cast Healing Surge




Against Restoration Druids: Just spam purges everywhere, so your dps will find easier to kill the druid or the other dps, grounding totem when cyclone is coming, save Ancestral Swiftness to insta hex when he gets out of shapeshift.


Against Mage: Pick Windwalk, grounding on sheep, keep purging too so u get out shields and shit.


Against dk’s: Get Windwalk, use it mainly when you get a root from Chiblains, against this just try to kite, pillar hug, and stay in wolf form as much as you can so the slow isn’t that big.


Against Warriors: I like getting Earthgrab against them, but it’s up to you, just kite, run around pillar, hex if needed, just like every healer.


Against Affliction Warlocks: Here’s the big problem for us xD. What I like doing is dispell the first dots, so the pressure he has got is not that big and he has to reapply, wasting soul shard or wasting time, save tremor for when you need it more, grounding on fear, keep riptide and earth on the dps usually, since he’ll be doing damage to both of you, every time you can dispell the dots.


Arena Compositions:






Rsham/Feral Druid

Rsham/Windwalker Monk




Alock/Boomie/Rshaman (LSD2)

Warrior/Alock/Rshaman (WLS)

Warrior/Mage/Rshaman (WMS)

Ret/Hunter/Rshaman (PHS/Cupid)

Warrior/DK/Rshamn (TSG)

Warrior/Hunter/Rshaman (KFC)

Mage/Lock/Rshaman (MLS)

Hunter/Feral/Rshaman (Jungle Cleave)

Frost Mage/Boomie/Rshaman (Frozen Chicken)

Fire Mage/Boomie/Rshaman (Spicy Chicken/BK)

Rogue/Spriest/Rshaman (RPS)

Feral/Spriest/Rshaman (FPS)

Rogue/Hunter/Rshaman (Thug Cleave)


(There are plenty more but this ones are the best ones for me)


Well thank you for reading, this is my first guide I’ve ever made so any recomendation, or tip, or something would be really appreciated, Cya around :D (btw writing this at 6 am so prolly missed some things, let me know and i'll change them)

Edited by DragonBruu
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Nice guide :)


Yet I'm a bit concerned about the gems/reforge etc.


I'm all going crit on gems, my reforge is Crit>Spirit/Haste>--


You don't really have to get the socket bonuses etc, since PvP power has been reduced couple of patches ago.


Also about talent choices, in 30. You should explain the situational choices there, so players know what talent will give your partner/s best support they need.


And, major glyphs. Explain the situational choices there too, since for example Glyph of Healing Stream Totem is useless against melee etc.


Yet greatly done :)

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ty for the tips dude, i'll try to update it now, im reading it again and i realize that i missed few things, but was really tired when writed it, gonna write down more things later


If there's anything you're in concerned about, I have my Enhancement guide, the talents are nearly the same as resto: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=166021 etc

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i don't really like playing kfc and in this server is not one of the best ones, i pref getting pvp power as blue gems with crit and then reforge some to spirit, i don't use ns heal macro since i've got ns in a pretty good spot binded so i can do it fast, and i didn't say affli locks are counter of rsham, i said its pretty hard to play vs them, because of the pressure they've got on your whole team, but it's hard as any healer though lol. No, i'm not brazilian, why? ty for the tips :D


- - - Updated - - -



- - - Updated - - -


warrior+hunter+shaman = kfc

hunter+balance/feral druid+shamanhttp://forum.pandawow.ru/post_thanks.php?do=post_thanks_add&p=1038799&securitytoken=1456066491-b50e09f10126388626931558516e7d1a4f156174

rogue+hunter+shaman = thug cleave

mage+warlock+shaman = mls

mage+balance/feral druid+shaman

mage+shadow priest+shaman = shatter

enh/elem shaman + warrior + shaman

also viable comps ^^


didn't post kfc cuz it's not one of the bests here, and i don't like it that much xD. Same for jungle comp, there are no good ferals around at 3s, forgot about thug, you're right, same for mls. Shatter is pretty shit here, only god comp is viable as mage+sp, and playing double sham is pretty bad, enh/elem+war is only good with rdru as turbo or thunder. Ty for the help cuz forgot some of them

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  • 2 months later...
there are no good kfcs* fixed it 4u ive been playing for 2-3 years on this server and i still havent seen a kfc that knows how to cover for trap


Aquavit KFC was really good they got r1 in 3s playing it. Also Torpus was good on it too

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Aquavit KFC was really good they got r1 in 3s playing it. Also Torpus was good on it too


Not really, though this post was posted before bm got bugged, so now kfc is one of the strongest comp you'll find, almost unbeatable cuz just 1 2 3 spam and gg. But i haven't seen a really great kfc here though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Nice guide the only thing I used to do when I mained resto shaman was if I was low gear so grevious or less then I would go Intellect>crit>spirit>mastery>haste but If full prideful I got better results from Intellect>Mastery>crit>spirit>haste.

Personal preference but just try it out you may be surprised.

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  • 4 months later...

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