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One more wintrader in 2vs2 on xFun

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Posted (edited)

1. Выше + Smexaxa & Aidsbaster + Beyonceqtx

2. Fun

3. I sold my warrior (aidsbaster) like 3 days ago with 3015 cr and since 2 days this druid is continuous wintrading against a 2.8 - 2.9 mmr Double warrior team.

4. Uploaded some videos where you can see that there is that Double warrior team wich are using deff cd's @ 100% etc. etc. just to let it look abit "serious". Anyways i guess if you are not stupid, you can recognize that a double warrior team would 1. Not play on 2.9 mmr and 2. This russian druid just die without deff cd's etc. in some videos which is really weird for a 3.2 druid isnt it ?

5. Let me post the videos. I just please you to check his logs & whispers. This hunter already got reported for wintrading and his rating got resetted and now hes doing it again ...





Here we see that the druid didn't even cast something at the end and died on purpose just to make it look more "srs"


As i said i will just please you to check his logs etc. since he already got reportet & and banned here :




(sry i had a CS:GO) stream in the background from my videos xD


Beside of that i guess noone ever on Fun realm queued into that double warrior team. It's only this rdruid and hunter who are queueing for 10 minutes to get like 40 rating (on 3.2 cr lol ) and both logging off than. They did it once and the hunter got banned and now they are wintrading again ...

Edited by noneedmlg
Well this guys wintraded already back in times and stopped for some time. After this druid realised that he CAN'T get rating because he stucks on 3.1 he decide to wintrade again. That just disgusts me that everyone is wintrading now on Pandawow
It's not because you take video of some players who are playing and insult them wintraders. You are just most hated player here. You make over 7 thread per week about people. Because these people won you in 2's i've screen that i won you and donysus. It is incredible, you are so trash. GM can check logs and i allow them to check. You are just an Asshole who mad after loose.
Posted (edited)
  \ said:
It's not because you take video of some players who are playing and insult them wintraders. You are just most hated player here. You make over 7 thread about people. Because these people won you in 2's i've screen that i won you and donysus. It is incredible' date=' you are so trash. GM can check logs and i allow them to check. You are just an Asshole who mad after loose.[/quote']

Oh look he try to defend hisself :D Don't even try to defend urself so hard please. But yeah as you want i warned you ill upload a screen :)



You are trash and you even admit that you wintraded. Stupid scum

That screenshot rekt you more than you can imagine Lmfao

just to mention that i farmed you like 1000 times on my warrior and last 2 times with baz but okay ur a huge liar.


Here just 1 more for the lolz :D he insta logged in and whispered me :



you are THAT mad that you got reportet :D?

Edited by noneedmlg
Posted (edited)
  Druidaskip said:
It is not wintrade. this guys is insult all of wintraders please see http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=169184


He post 4 video of my games ? And ? Cuz he post 4 games of me it is wintrade ? check my logs.


I don't understand 1 point of this thing : Does he really think we are that stupid and belive that he got +200 rating in 2 days without even queueing 1 time against someone from this server beside of his double war friends ? If yes i have to disappoint you. It's clear that you have traded with this both warriors since NOONE from us ever fought a 2.9 mmr double war team and yeah as we said you guys always que together against each other and so on. Dude we are not stupid its Obvious as fuck.

2. Thing Wow dude you tell me im most hated player ? That's funny dude ! You know what happened to raou and jugalo ? Yes they did exactly the same shit than you and now they are that hated that they can't even find decent mates to play on this server. You should really reconsider your decision otherwise you will have a r1 title here next season but no friends / mates anymore :). But yeah a wintraded R1 title > all ye :D? God dude you have no clue who is hated here i guess .... but keep going :) I want to mention that before he started to wintrade he just stand like 10 minutes next to me just to check if i'm afk or not. Wow dude you are hilarious.

Edited by noneedmlg
Posted (edited)
i don't want speak with you anymore, you are just hipocrit. i wait for GM check my logs and then you see that i didn't, for you understand, my dru is Выше. so bye Edited by Druidaskip
  Adlairo said:
New Pandawow Show:


Wintraderbusters, hosted by Noneed, Dionysus, Repitchx and Adlairo.























Pandawow News, by Noneed, Repitchx Dion and Adlairo:


Noneed: Here you can see a druid trying to defend his will of wintrade power, wannabe'ing iwannadance so high that he probably stole his data and pasted into his, his eager and egoistic is also very high because he's a wintrader, definitely bad! O what'sa say bob? Ohhh, he's also Russian! Now there's no doubt in he's a wintrader, as we heard before. Russians > wintrader 10/10 OR! Isis attack!


Repitchx: He's a wintrader, wait for GM.


Dion: Isis attack him


Adlairo: Reposts the Pandawow news show.

  • Like 2
  Nemifest said:
Pandawow News, by Noneed, Repitchx Dion and Adlairo:


Noneed: Here you can see a druid trying to defend his will of wintrade power, wannabe'ing iwannadance so high that he probably stole his data and pasted into his, his eager and egoistic is also very high because he's a wintrader, definitely bad! O what'sa say bob? Ohhh, he's also Russian! Now there's no doubt in he's a wintrader, as we heard before. Russians > wintrader 10/10 OR! Isis attack!


Repitchx: He's a wintrader, wait for GM.


Dion: Isis attack him


Adlairo: Reposts the Pandawow news show.


lol cmon plz

Posted (edited)
  Adlairo said:
New Pandawow Show:


Wintraderbusters, hosted by Noneed, Dionysus, Repitchx and Adlairo.























LOLWUT I never even said anything.. I reserve my opinion and am completely neutral! :happy:

Edited by Bapss
I queued legit games with him to 3k cr today. I also queued with him on his alt from 2,4k-2,7k during 1 day. And now everyone says that he is wintrading. I'm slightly confused.

Ye idgaf he couldnt go higher than 3.1 because he got farmed. So he decided to wintrade. I saw it by myself and idc if you played with him srsly to 3k.

ur char name is ? I have no words how bad this guy is. I gave him 3 minutes as Rdruid hunter against me and baz and he got shrekt. Disgusting wintrade rat

  noneedmlg said:
dont know u

doesnt matter he still wintrade and look 1 prev. page there he admit it in a screen,.


Ah yeah, I mistook you for Sazzi.

  Jonte said:
Ah yeah, I mistook you for Sazzi.


i am sazzi. wait let me post u smth.


still wondering :) ?

i meant ur real ingame name.

zmw has 0 seconds played

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