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One more wintrader in 2vs2 on xFun

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i meant ur real ingame name.

zmw has 0 seconds played


I am him, I sold Zmw, the guy that bought it re-named the Paladin to Holygirl. My 2 current characters are Mwz and Ageodox. c:



Pandawow News, by Noneed, Repitchx Dion and Adlairo:


Noneed: Here you can see a druid trying to defend his will of wintrade power, wannabe'ing iwannadance so high that he probably stole his data and pasted into his, his eager and egoistic is also very high because he's a wintrader, definitely bad! O what'sa say bob? Ohhh, he's also Russian! Now there's no doubt in he's a wintrader, as we heard before. Russians > wintrader 10/10 OR! Isis attack!


Repitchx: He's a wintrader, wait for GM.


Dion: Isis attack him


Adlairo: Reposts the Pandawow news show.


golden, haha! :)

ohhhh this pala ?

ah ye i know you, why would i hate you ?

anyways fuck this druid


Thought you maybe would since I did que with Smexaxa a few times.


And yeah he did say several times that he would stop que with Smexaxa and then a 1 day later he's queing with him again? (Too much drama for this baby llama)

just pissing me off that he continues wintrading cuz he want that title so much while he doesnt even deserve it ( as rdruid mage he get farmed against every rsham war) and as rdruid hunter well ye he get farmed against everyone. w/e pissing me totally off
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jk no news here wintraders still not banned explosive shot still not fixed #topkek mortal strike still not fixed double grip proc for dk still not fixed FeelsBadMan

Posted (edited)

i let you guys to laugh, to mok, to cry. Im waiting GM check my logs then i'll laugh on you. just see it before


http://imgur.com/2iPzYVE Here he told me to que, then ok we que with my mage.




http://imgur.com/TQ6QRwG Ok then if you see, this man is "Noneedmlg" (Markzxy), he told me "i'll tell you when to join", why did he told me this ? Becuz if he ddosed me when i was out of arena i'll not loose rate. so he really want that i'll be in game to ddos me.




Ok we were in game, and he start ddos me to winrate. how ugly is this guys.



how to be sure that it was Noneed and Baaz who we faced against ? : Before http://imgur.com/cWgPEWp =====> After win http://imgur.com/jCe0B35 See ? he won rate...


after i let u judge it http://imgur.com/BSmpxa7 ... and http://imgur.com/LjJFnpi


i don't like this guy already told u but i just wait for GM check my logs then everyone will understand and at my turn i will laugh of you !!

Edited by Druidaskip
Posted (edited)

Good that i recorded that game yday inb4 u want to say i ddosed u :D gonna upload it later and post it.

Also ive screens from the whole chat how i trolled u for like 20 minutes. Nice try but ur still a wintrader


Not even with mr. Powershot u can win hahaha



Why i told baz to join when i tell him ? Simple: aethiz was in q and i cba facing a flyhacking scrub. Wanted to get free rating from you ;) but ok :3


As i said ill upload later that video how u got rekt WITHOUT lagging. :)

Edited by noneedmlg
Posted (edited)

Everyone will understand ? Dude everyone already knows that ur wintrading just look in this thread wtf ??? Keep trying to save ur ass Mr. Raou 2.0





btw nice explosive trap abuse. didn't work :(


How i know that it was yesterday :D? look at chat, i even asked you "ddos again ye ?" Bro, you suck


sorry for that gay music :(


Also im wondering why you would que again against me if i would have "ddosed" you ? Wait i have an idea ! wasn't it you who threatet me with ddos :D? Spamming me with a weird german ip and claim that it's mine ? Ohhhhh wait dude ... That's interesting but it didnt work again. Everything you do is just wasted

Edited by Noneedholy
Everyone will understand ? Dude everyone already knows that ur wintrading just look in this thread wtf ??? Keep trying to save ur ass Mr. Raou 2.0





btw nice explosive trap abuse. didn't work :(


How i know that it was yesterday :D? look at chat, i even asked you "ddos again ye ?" Bro, you suck


sorry for that gay music :(


Also im wondering why you would que again against me if i would have "ddosed" you ? Wait i have an idea ! wasn't it you who threatet me with ddos :D? Spamming me with a weird german ip and claim that it's mine ? Ohhhhh wait dude ... That's interesting but it didnt work again. Everything you do is just wasted


had to turn off audio


holy fuck these russians played bad, i haven't played druid in months and even i am better than this druid

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
adlairo rep+ noneed

noneed rep+ adlairo

its funny how only the teamplay shit squad cares about their posts.

except repitchx who by a miracle got a work brain


im in psycho club lol, i just dont like retards like this wintrading scum and now you who thinks that


how does my brain not work? you linked a random boosted armory and you call me dumb?


also, Djmonstertwo?


DJ is stolen from other names, and so is two, can't even be original in his own names. rofl

Edited by Adlairo
im in psycho club lol, i just dont like retards like this wintrading scum and now you who thinks that


how does my brain not work? you linked a random boosted armory and you call me dumb?


also, Djmonstertwo?


DJ is stolen from other names, and so is two, can't even be original in his own names. rofl


yes i searched for an armory inactive since january with 2.1cr only to link here, surf im retarded and boosted two times.


my names are not original? says the "wallirikzz, bløødx" you are a fucking joke.

Posted (edited)
yes i searched for an armory inactive since january with 2.1cr only to link here, surf im retarded and boosted two times.


my names are not original? says the "wallirikzz, bløødx" you are a fucking joke.


When did i say i wasn't unoriginal?


Also, i copied two names, and you copied what more than 1,000 people have. Who's original here?


inb4 ban for off topic

Edited by Adlairo
yes i searched for an armory inactive since january with 2.1cr only to link here, surf im retarded and boosted two times.


my names are not original? says the "wallirikzz, bløødx" you are a fucking joke.


Atleast think of an original name before trying to burn someone.

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