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Pandawow turning more and more like shit

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Posted (edited)

Am i the only one who got this impression ? This server have almost 4 years and hes still bugged as hell

guardian healing 80k , Druid shroom is BUGGED for 4 years , Feral does 1/5 of warrior dmg , bm got insanely up out of nowhere , DKs RUNes aint working as intended for 4 years too like is it so hard ? lol

Warlock bugged as fuck since the start of 5.4 and nobody gives a shit , solo debug class like warrior and rsham

classs proc-based scripted with ass (boomy bugged procs , ele bugged procs )

Melees does more dmg than casters overall

thats why u can see only comps like WLS / tsg / mls / lsd /lsd2/ wls / wms here

Edited by Takaa. <3
  • Like 5
I agree....And no offense to the server and the Staff, but if I don't see improvements then i'm personally outta here.
Posted (edited)

Well ye ... i barely play here and also don't even try to bring people here. Waiting for my title for over 1 month now. More shit get bugged than fixed, overall This server become more worse than good lol ... Sorry no offense ( or maybe ) but the devs from this server here are nearly useless. Trying to fix 1 thing and bug 10 other things lol ...


Honestly noone gives a single fuck and every 1 month we see juster declining something in the forum and disappears again for 1 month. It's just dumb and disgusting and if the other server (*****ne) really cares about MOP now (like they said) and start to fix things etc., pandawow will die. At least the whole english community will disappear.


Changelogs ? Nice lol after 1 month instead of just posting it after something gets fixed... Cmon pandawow you guys just became lazy as fuck.


Anyways i already thought about changing server because playing competitive 3s here atm is nearly impossible due all this bugs. This should be a pvp server ? Lol i'm laughing my ass off Pandawow, your server became a joke.

Edited by mastawar
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
Well ye ... i barely play here and also don't even try to bring people here. Waiting for my title for over 1 month now. More shit get bugged than fixed, overall This server become more worse than good lol ... Sorry no offense ( or maybe ) but the devs from this server here are nearly useless. Trying to fix 1 thing and bug 10 other things lol ...


Honestly noone gives a single fuck and every 1 month we see juster declining something in the forum and disappears again for 1 month. It's just dumb and disgusting and if the other server (*****ne) really cares about MOP now (like they said) and start to fix things etc., pandawow will die. At least the whole english community will disappear.


Changelogs ? Nice lol after 1 month instead of just posting it after something gets fixed... Cmon pandawow you guys just became lazy as fuck.


Anyways i already thought about changing server because playing competitive 3s here atm is nearly impossible due all this bugs. This should be a pvp server ? Lol i'm laughing my ass off Pandawow, your server became a joke.


I just totally agree , u summed up the 3s competitive situation pretty well

I played warrior for a damn time on pandawow then after s1 i started to play other melees class and i figured out that u cant do shit if you not play warrior as melee

Edited by Takaa. <3
Posted (edited)
I just totally agree , u summed up the 3s competitive situation pretty well

I played warrior for a damn time on pandawow then after s1 i started to play other melees class and i figured out that u cant do shit if you not play warrior as melee






^mostly these classes ruins the gameplay for others. its just the damage some classes do is way out of hand compared to retail s15. even ret dmg and healing (yes i said ret) is bugged. off-healing is way too strong on here. people falling under map and people take advantage of that. isn't that hilarious?


that forces my mage's block all the time and that's retarded. then after they talk about outplay lol xD.


but im not gonna lie tho. even if you outplay some people you still can lose. i ate 90% of the traps against phs and still lost. thats a mop and a pwow thing. outplay potential in mop is way lower than wotlk/cata, sadly. cba explaining why, people should know that.


if shroom was fixed that would never happen. even damage, its funny how some1 can force a mage's block with hots and ironbark up. from 70%-5% in matter of 2-3 seconds. after that they swap over to my druid and decides to just 100-0 him through skin and bear form. all i need to say is...




all i actaully want fixed is damage on this server. it hurts me when i see this.


shroom is also broken which is so fucking huge. its sad. taking away shroom is like taking away link for rsham. pretty dumb.


w****ne is way more enjoyable gameplay-wise. only problem is that u dont have many queues on that server. but right now its far more balanced than this shit xD.


dont wanna talk about all the fotm players on this server lol.


look at blaston. farmed 24/7 as wms/wmd, what does he do now? spam queues wls. why? cause its broken as hell. everyone knows that. please dont try to tell me it isnt when you're 1.6k only.


multiple 2.6 & 2.8k players said it and you should listen to people like them.


2s? rsham war / mw war. why? cause warrior damage is beyond broken. i miss retail so much. you had so many different comps that people played. it was so amazing


last but not least, you can dodge without losing rating (not gonna say how) and that's so dumb. cant remember if u got deserter in mop or if it is a wod thing for not joining the game, but nonetheless, they should add it. 5 min deserter if you dont join.


im not joking lol, juster is just living life right now. who gives a fuck about pandawow, right? long as you get donations you're guuchi. i bet he's in hawaii drinking a nice cold martini with an umbrella in it. on a nice beach enjoying life with his wife probably. he's probably driving a nice bugatti.


damn, wish i had his life. FeelsBadMan





Edited by Repitchx
  • Like 4
  • Game Masters
Posted (edited)
I believe the same thing as you do guys thats why I'm kinda bored of pandawow and I am not loggin that often in-game like I used to because pandawow staff clearly doesnt care about what people want and ofc they don't fix so many bugs like the used to.Also,I don't know if anyone of you checking the pandawow population in the last 1-1.5 year but it's going down,I mean before a year or so server used to have 11k people online and today the max amount of ppl who looged in server was like 7.5k.Sadly,server is slowly dying and it's not excuse that admins and other developers working more for wodempire now I mean owners obviously have so much money and they can always hire more decent developers for pandawow,some of them don't want payment they just like to work in a big server Edited by Jegerm
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
I believe the same thing as you do guys thats why I'm kinda bored of pandawow and I am not loggin that often in-game like I used to because pandawow staff clearly doesnt care about what people want and ofc they don't fix so many bugs like the used to.Also,I don't know if anyone if you checking the pandawow population in the last 1-1.5 year but it's going down,I mean before a year or so server used to have 11k people online today the max amount of ppl who looged in server was like 7.5k.Sadly,server is slowly dying and it's not excuse that admins and other developers working more for wodempire now I mean owners obviously have so much money and they can always hire more decent developers for pandawow,some of them don't want payment they just like to work in a big server


it annoys me cause once you have your server setup with devs and a good popluation, it should be so damn easy to run it. but pandawow staff doesnt think far ahead. they see the amount of donations they get right now for doing nothing, so they think "why even bother? we're getting donations for doing nothing at all". ye that's in the start. imagine in a few years, you really think people will continue to donate to your server when they dont see jack shit from you?


juster reminds me of previous owner of a server called "wowbeez". he got a lot of donations and logged in once or twice a month to see how it was going. if anything critical happend then he instantly turned in and instantly left again.


now tell me guys, isnt juster just like the owner of the last server? and ask yourself: is this really what you want?


suggestion to at least try to make juster fix something: stop playing pandawow and stop voting/donating


can a russian please translate this topic and post it somewhere so he can read it?


- - - Updated - - -


i can imagine this being juster irl:





Edited by Repitchx
  • Like 1
look at blaston. farmed 24/7 as wms/wmd

thats why my rating on warrior where i play wmd - 2.3 now :D


what does he do now? spam queues wls. why? cause its broken as hell

Be patient, i will show kfc power soon when my retail mate come on this server

  • Game Masters
it annoys me cause once you have your server setup with devs and a good popluation, it should be so damn easy to run it. but pandawow staff doesnt think far ahead. they see the amount of donations they get right now for doing nothing, so they think "why even bother? we're getting donations for doing nothing at all". ye that's in the start. imagine in a few years, you really think people will continue to donate to your server when they dont see jack shit from you?


juster reminds me of previous owner of a server called "wowbeez". he got a lot of donations and logged in once or twice a month to see how it was going. if anything critical happend then he instantly turned in and instantly left again.


now tell me guys, isnt juster just like the owner of the last server? and ask yourself: is this really what you want?


suggestion to at least try to make juster fix something: stop playing pandawow and stop voting/donating


can a russian please translate this topic and post it somewhere so he can read it?


Yea ik Sharstar thats why wowbeez went down because Steve (wowbeez owner) didn't care for server and he end up close it like pwow admins do sadly,btw you forgot to say that pandawow earn so MUCH money from unbans too :D

  • Like 1
thats why my rating on warrior where i play wmd - 2.3 now :D



Be patient, i will show kfc power soon when my retail mate come on this server


2.3? really lol? smh


kfc? okay that will be interesting.


but as i said earlier tho, no1 can do 3s on pwow without the following classes:






you see ret hunt, what healer do they play with? rsham

you see war mage, what healer? rsham

you see war hunter, what healer? rsham

you see a war, what healer does he play with? rsham


people on here simply can't play without a rsham and that's a fact.


not blaming u blaston for being fotm, but it goes to everyone.


but lets not go personal and about arenas, lets talk about the devs and juster.


if here was any good kitty cleave they will be farm all teams with rsham why not


no1 can do 3s on pwow without the following classes:





same at retail s15

except lsd. lsd2. shater

Posted (edited)
if here was any good kitty cleave they will be farm all teams with rsham why not



same at retail s15

except lsd. lsd2. shater


retail s15 people played way more than only rsham lol. yes rsham was top tier class, but it depended on the comp you played. wms was not top tier and neither was wls, far from it


pandawow logic:


lets replace the druid in WM and add a rsham. cause wms was so much more viable than wmd!


no but really. you replace every healer with a rsham on pwow, even tho rdruid was way better in WM.


besides, s15 you didnt fight the same comp 24/7 as you do on here.


s15 was far from only warriors, you had way more comps lol. people play with them here mostly cause of the bugged damage and nothing else. you as a 2.8k warrior (lol) should know that. but i guess you wont cause it's your main class.


on retail you actaully saw rmd, lsd, lsd2, god comp, hls (mostly end of s15 if im not wrong), thunder cleave (wasnt as broken cause warrior dmg is a joke on here).


you actaully cant compare wls on pwow to retail. the dmg difference is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo big.


and kitty cleave farm every rsham on here? nah you're wrong again. ferals do no damage on here, that's why you don't see them.


i honestly wouldnt be suprised to see RMS on this server. druids simply cant outheal wls pressure

Edited by Repitchx
Posted (edited)
if here was any good kitty cleave they will be farm all teams with rsham why not



same at retail s15

except lsd. lsd2. shater


Lol and you wanna tell me you played s15 retail ? There were way more rdruid than shamans in 3s LOL ( on highrating )



Sort by resto druids & resto shamans and you will see what i mean. You can clearly see that resto druid was simply better and more populated on retail. Here on Pandawow you see in 95% of all 3s matches resto shamans because a resto druid won't be able to outheal all that incoming Raidboss damage on Pandawow.


Not to mention how shit Hpriest in 2s is here and how OP it was in s15 in 2s.


Anyways theres way too much dmg on Pandawow and people like blaston who profit from that will always defend that server.



But hey who cares.

Edited by mastawar
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
if here was any good kitty cleave they will be farm all teams with rsham why not



same at retail s15

except lsd. lsd2. shater


here feral is so shit (20k ravage)

Warrior hiting me 160k execute on my hunt like wtf is going on lol [ATTACH=CONFIG]108661[/ATTACH]

Edited by Takaa. <3
Posted (edited)
i will show kfc power

you sure will xDD


BM hunter seems almost as balanced as SV were

warrior still he strongest dps spec on pandawow and rhsam still the best healer in every lineup 4Head


- - - Updated - - -


same at retail s15

yea there were a SHIT TON of warrior / rsham /affli teams on high rating in 3s, almost no combs with rog mage or druids right?


Edited by Autschbatsch
Posted (edited)
sended a similar post to shadrissa a few days ago, that russian slut didnt even answered me. tbh the staff dgaf


Imagine, I saw your message among my mail with 500 messages and read it. But I don't understand what you want from me? I'm simply GM. GM who doing his work + several additional special tasks from admin. I control work of all staff not including admins ofc. I have no idea why we have not new change logs still, why Juster seldom entering the forum, why players didn't get rewards for the last season etc. I just have no idea. All that I know that's developers of our partner server are doing most of fixes, but it doesn't publish. Where is my fault? Why you think that can insult me by no reason?

Go away, hater.


- - - Добавлено - - -



That's true, ofc. :appl:

Edited by Shadrissa
  • Like 2

Shadrissa is probably the most reasonable/active staff member.

There are a lot of fixes but they're mainly for PvE (ik this is a PvP section and PvE fixes are done by wow circle anyway).

I agree with the fact that high rated 2s is basically flooded with sham/mw warr with the odd rdruid, Mage, rogue etc.

Ironically, seeing so many rshams was the reason I got somewhat high rating; although they heal a fkton, they're really easy to train.

I remember on retail, you could find some pretty creative comps at really high rating. I remember a feral/destro at 2.4-2.5 but you can't really count on that working here. I suppose it's because warriors and shamans have the fewest elements that need fixing.


In terms of 3s, I agree that shaman are in 90% of games. I've personally come across more LSD than WLS.

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