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Should Zeox come back to Pandawow?


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Here's the thread: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=180189&page=3&p=1098424&viewfull=1#post1098424


Vote here: http://www.strawpoll.me/10171177


He was the guy who fixed all the good PvP bugs. Reason to that I believe was cause he used to only PvP so he kinda understood what was wrong.

Since he's fixing bugs on WoDempire atm and not on Pandawow, he doesn't know what we go through everyday.


Some of the bugs that I'm sure that he fixed (cause they were major):


-Ring of Frost breaks after like 5% damage now (still a little broken, but you know what I mean)

-Mirror Images doesn't break Stealth

-Glyph of Blink doesn't get you out of stuns and roots anymore (the glyph that lets you have 2 charges)

-Starfall doesn't hit stealthed targets

-Arena frames work now

-Ursoc HP doesn't get removed when you leave Bear Form

-Fixed Iceicles (Frost Mage Mastery)

-Fixed Survival dmg


List goes on. Zeox actaully understood, but now he fixes Wodempire.


Please show him that we want him back!

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Hmmm, Some people can't differ from joke-time to things being serious here!




Pandawow players = casual noobs doing pve, love killing mobs, sitting in their mother's basement tryharding for the loremaster title drinking apple juice and reking people in 5v1


power of casuals!

Edited by Repitchx
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It doesn't matter what vote pol say's.


Those are mainly the salty players which don't want their class to be fixed.


It will be awesome when Zeox comes here and i hope that he will stay and assist the other developers which work here.

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You said it yourself, he's fixing bugs on WoD Empire, even if you got enough Yes votes if he doesn't want to come back and fix some bugs on 5.4.8 until he filled his bug fix quota for WoD, he won't come back no matter how many votes you had. coz both servers have bugs, and both of them need fixing, he can't be at 2 places at the same time, give him time, I'm sure he'll figure something out.
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You said it yourself, he's fixing bugs on WoD Empire, even if you got enough Yes votes if he doesn't want to come back and fix some bugs on 5.4.8 until he filled his bug fix quota for WoD, he won't come back no matter how many votes you had. coz both servers have bugs, and both of them need fixing, he can't be at 2 places at the same time, give him time, I'm sure he'll figure something out.


Pandawow -> Wodempire



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I thought he already said he will come back and fix bugs. Or he is going to give other devs to do it for him?


As far as I understand, he's just going to give a list for developers to work on fixes, and if they couldn't do the job, he's coming back to do the work :) :( :D

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You people are cancer, you give cancer to devs. Stop complaining about bugs and glitches or whatever the hell you complain about, be happy for what you have now, if you don't like it leave the server.


You are litterly too stupid to insult

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You are litterly too stupid to insult


Ignore Tiggar. As far as I'm concerned, he's way too toxic for his own good. Back on topic, I think if Zeox comes back in to fix bugs, it'll help save the server. Obviously, there'll still be other things that'll help too, but that's a topic for another thread.

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You people are cancer, you give cancer to devs. Stop complaining about bugs and glitches or whatever the hell you complain about, be happy for what you have now, if you don't like it leave the server.


Talks about cancer while being the ultimate cancer on this forum.

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You people are cancer, you give cancer to devs. Stop complaining about bugs and glitches or whatever the hell you complain about, be happy for what you have now, if you don't like it leave the server.


If the server for your father, Then tell us to leave.

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