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1. Name of the user: Oxide

2. Link of his profile: http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=64404

3. Paragraph of the forum rules which has been broken by the user:2.10. Off-topic, posting in the wrong section, spamming.

4. Link on the message with violation:




5. You can write any additional information about the violation and the violator (for example, screenshots etc.): Get close once twice and again..

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Qoute by Chainzrow - "I do naughty shit all the time, report "Autistic children" 24/7 but once i do something wrong and get reported, i pay Admins with moni and POW i'm a free man!"


Free man


- - - Updated - - -




Bruh i did wut u did btw waiting you in fun with spelldog and oxide

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