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Bro aka Icefloes aka Raou abusing black cat

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Name of the violator (if the name contains alt-code, try to copy it from your game chat): Bro

Realm, where you saw the violation: Fun

Description of the violation (write please in english and very clearly and understandably): Playing arenas against this retard mage, i get 8 sec normal poly and then 8 sec black cat poly like wtf is that.

Proof: screenshots or video: http://imgur.com/t7PEXKYfirst 8 sec poly http://imgur.com/t7PEXKY second 8 sec poly with black cat

Comments to the situation (if it needed). Time at right is exactly the same in both pics, i wish i had timestamps tho to have more proof, anyways im gonna catch him on vid, as hatchet did. If you don't ban him and just say "fixed", then or you give me the 20 rating i lost to this abuser aka wintrader or i quit the server, cuz really done with this

Posted (edited)

Bro is not my char are you st*pid? Ask your mate Jnntx he knows all my chars... Bro isnt my char... What are you talking about?


Atm i got 3 chars





Edited by raou
Bro is not my char are you st*pid? Ask your mate Jnntx he knows all my chars... Bro isnt my char... What are you talking about?


Atm i got 3 chars






Literally yesterday u asked me to play from icefloes and then u said "logging fire mage" and logged Raou. And with Bro u said u were Raou too so idk wtf you're talking about...

Then i'm sorry Raou, ban the other faggot, that guy "Aethiz". But anyways, u got reported by hatchet and it's a good prof of ur abuse so you'll prolly get banned aswell
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