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perma stealth hack

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и что доту на него повесили .да дальше побежали ...в чём проблема то.... и отлетел этот андед от шамана и что


the problem is that u are in perma stealth bug attacking everyone when no one can focus u.

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It won't be that funny when you will get 30d ban (if you're Декаданс)


I think he just confirmed he's using 3rd part, I'll explain.




So he basicly came here today(he weren't here past days) this confirms he is aware he is hacking so he was worried which caused panic reaction which made him to search forums what happend then he actually had to reply with "I love this fun" to give himself some confidence but what he realised just now is that he confirmed it :D


Thats my theory, i'm not 100% certain but yeh and my grammar sucks Kappa.

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I think he just confirmed he's using 3rd part, I'll explain.




So he basicly came here today(he weren't here past days) this confirms he is aware he is hacking so he was worried which caused panic reaction which made him to search forums what happend then he actually had to reply with "I love this fun" to give himself some confidence but what he realised just now is that he confirmed it :D


Thats my theory, i'm not 100% certain but yeh and my grammar sucks Kappa.


I think this weenie from the video just went a little crazy nonsense ..and mislead the administration...and a visit to the forum is not proof of guilt ...his fantasies keep to yourself...behave yourself in the Russian project.

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His fantasies keep to yourself...behave yourself in the Russian project.


Do you think I should act diffrently then you Love Bird's, if its russian project doesn't mean you Love Birds can do what you want.

And yes, if you weren't using anything why would you come to forums once in 3 months and exactly yday, the day you got reported :D I supposed you were expecting it.

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Do you think I should act diffrently then you Love Bird's, if its russian project doesn't mean you Love Birds can do what you want.

And yes, if you weren't using anything why would you come to forums once in 3 months and exactly yday, the day you got reported :D I supposed you were expecting it.


;)respect for all things Russian you should have aliens in blood...tremble and fear the great and mighty Russian...my right zhodit to the forum when you want and your psychological reports say only that you have a tiny weenie and I think your psychological research would lead you in a mad house....PRAISE the GM that they don't go on about such fantisera PS/ who are you finally fall reseves? fear of losing? Topol m to you flew? beat in the corner. tremble before my greatness...or a fiery hand will punish your weak flesh....plebeian poor

Edited by Декаданс
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;)respect for all things Russian you should have aliens in blood...tremble and fear the great and mighty Russian...my right zhodit to the forum when you want and your psychological reports say only that you have a tiny weenie and I think your psychological research would lead you in a mad house....PRAISE the GM that they don't go on about such fantisera PS/ who are you finally fall reseves? fear of losing? Topol m to you flew? beat in the corner. tremble before my greatness...or a fiery hand will punish your weak flesh....plebeian poor


Tremple before my greatness?

You are soo great that even Happy Banana Island Vendor will kneel before you and give you free 30 days Premium membership.

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Tremple before my greatness?

You are soo great that even Happy Banana Island Vendor will kneel before you and give you free 30 days Premium membership.


I'll have you know my little unsightly, and the English slave for this server no fun for me the benefits of the premium. forgive the gods your feeble mind... Yes I will come upon you and the mercy of Allah.. let the penis of your enemy touches your lips and you isputes all the bitterness of the loss of virginity )))) smiley

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Nope, bug abuse because no one can target him / do dmg to him / see what is he doing or where he is, while he can kill without being touched, like a perma immune to be free to attack.


:pardon:your imagination is limitless but alas, not backed by strong evidence of guilt of this particular character... unfortunately have to refuse you in to your ridiculous request..Velma ponezhe

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Nope, bug abuse because no one can target him / do dmg to him / see what is he doing or where he is, while he can kill without being touched, like a perma immune to be free to attack.


Exatcly, use dat in arena and you will be 3.2k in 1 day xD.


:pardon:your imagination is limitless but alas, not backed by strong evidence of guilt of this particular character... unfortunately have to refuse you in to your ridiculous request..Velma ponezhe


Greetings, Are you some kind of hipocrit or some really wise person with 70 IQ and lack of self-confidence?

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well pujo , you need to wait 3-4 years for a gm answer.


:diablo:you don't think that insulting the administration? they thoroughly check the character to make the right verdict....and each will be given according to merit in the shortest possible time.


- - - Добавлено - - -


Exatcly, use dat in arena and you will be 3.2k in 1 day xD.




Greetings, Are you some kind of hipocrit or some really wise person with 70 IQ and lack of self-confidence?


my IQ is more than 140 and not you stupid foreigner to appreciate me. suscheglupy halop.

All may be

just can't be,

what can't be.

let it be as it will,

after all I will be

as it never was, so there was no way!

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Подтверждаю, что "Декаданс" бегал невидимым и бил народ на бг сегодня 24.06.2016. Печалька в том, что он фул 550 и был в топе по дамагу на всем бг. В следующий раз не поленюсь заснять.


Can confirm that "Декаданс" was playing bg with perma stealth today 24.06.2016. The sad thing is that he is full 550 ilvl and made the top damage at bg overall. Next time I won't be lazy to shoot the video.


Уже нарушал ранее: (Permastealth reports for "Декаданс" so far)

http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=127092 21.03.2015 (perma stealth, banned)

http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=160871 14.12.2015 (perma stealth, no ban)

http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=178002 20.04.2016 (perma stealth, banned 3d)

http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=181601 19.05.2016 (perma stealth, banned 7d)

http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=183492 04.06.2016 (perma stealth, insufficient evidence)


PS: mr. tiggar47 Chill, I am just trying to help. Maybe administration will decide to ban him to full 30 day, cause of his previous violations.

Edited by thelastsecret
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Подтверждаю, что "Декаданс" бегал невидимым и бил народ на бг сегодня 24.06.2016. Печалька в том, что он фул 550 и был в топе по дамагу на всем бг. В следующий раз не поленюсь заснять.


Can confirm that "Декаданс" was playing bg with perma stealth today 24.06.2016. The sad thing is that he is full 550 ilvl and made the top damage at bg overall. Next time I won't be lazy to shoot the video.


Уже нарушал ранее: (Permastealth reports for "Декаданс" so far)

http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=127092 21.03.2015 (perma stealth, banned)

http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=160871 14.12.2015 (perma stealth, no ban)

http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=178002 20.04.2016 (perma stealth, banned 3d)

http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=181601 19.05.2016 (perma stealth, banned 7d)

http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=183492 04.06.2016 (perma stealth, insufficient evidence)


This is English forum section, your place ain't here.

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Подтверждаю, что "Декаданс" бегал невидимым и бил народ на бг сегодня 24.06.2016. Печалька в том, что он фул 550 и был в топе по дамагу на всем бг. В следующий раз не поленюсь заснять.


Can confirm that "Декаданс" was playing bg with perma stealth today 24.06.2016. The sad thing is that he is full 550 ilvl and made the top damage at bg overall. Next time I won't be lazy to shoot the video.


Уже нарушал ранее: (Permastealth reports for "Декаданс" so far)

http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=127092 21.03.2015 (perma stealth, banned)

http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=160871 14.12.2015 (perma stealth, no ban)

http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=178002 20.04.2016 (perma stealth, banned 3d)

http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=181601 19.05.2016 (perma stealth, banned 7d)

http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=183492 04.06.2016 (perma stealth, insufficient evidence)


PS: mr. tiggar47 Chill, I am just trying to help. Maybe administration will decide to ban him to full 30 day, cause of his previous violations.

you would have relatives swore ... where is the evidence ? links on the ancient theme of the forum is the story ...you better not be lazy and attach a photo or video....but such statements smell a hoax...it is possible to ban

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