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unecessery toxic guild recruitment²

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1. Name: Woriarr

2. Server: Fun

3. Reason for the report: Blackmailing girls, toxic guild recruitment.

4. Proofs:







5. He has been spamming this for good 3-4 days now. Doesn't stop when you tell him to and only answers with "f*** you, go die, f*** your mother and other toxic things. Don't think pandawow has place for people like this


3. Chat rules.



3.2. Swearing, obscene language are forbidden.

3.3. It is forbidden to insult and threaten to players (this includes via mail, whispers or any other global chat).


Not sure if Licher is a friend from this guy or a troll, but here ill report it again.

I think this isn't a legit report.

You really do not know any of the rules... not a legit report meanwhile he is using obscene language, what is wrong with you?


- - - Updated - - -


Not sure if Licher is a friend from this guy or a troll' date=' but here ill report it again.[/quote']

Its the same on x100 panaccea favourtism his guildies and declines the reports that are against them even though they break the rules

You really do not know any of the rules... not a legit report meanwhile he is using obscene language, what is wrong with you?


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Its the same on x100 panaccea favourtism his guildies and declines the reports that are against them even though they break the rules



I think this isn't a legit report.


Can you please fuck off from my and other people's thread. Your oppinion is irrelevant and so are you, you're just annoying and disgusting.


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You really do not know any of the rules... not a legit report meanwhile he is using obscene language, what is wrong with you?


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Its the same on x100 panaccea favourtism his guildies and declines the reports that are against them even though they break the rules


I'll see who/what they respond this time, Licher has been protecting alot of his "friends" in the past and abusing his power. We'll see :)


This is a violation of #1.11 of the rules.

The violator should get banned for 30 days!


Also about his guild's name, here's what Zeox said about a similar situation:


We need to remove your guild for it name. Or rename it. GM should connect me, to prevent ban and deleting of his guild. Make it as soon as possible.
Posted (edited)
First of all, you have no Time Stamp.

Second of all, it doesn't indicate it was towards you, you just want guy banned.




I don't know what you do when you play this game, but if you didn't know im glad to tell you that right on the top of your WoW UI you have an ingame clock and a calendar to check the date and time!!! WOW MAGIC WHAT??? PogChamp


Second, a guild recruitment is supposed to shoutout for EVERYONE since he's recruiting, it means he is looking for MEMBERS, with members he means people. People live on the earth, people well known as human (human = Homo sapien lt. Hominidae). A human is made of 65% oxygen, 18.6% carbon, 9.7% hydrogen, 3.2% nitrogen and more. Now that you dear mr.knoweveryfuckingthing aka tiggar47 learned about the human species homo sapien, imagine that you're also one and there are 7.46 billion in this world. 15.000+ of them plays on pandawow. Now HE IS RECRUITING for members right? remember? that means he is looking for EVERYOne => members => humans. WOW MAGIC AGAIN??? HOW IS HE DOING IT???


Edited by Chivy
Posted (edited)
I don't know,is there any family insult(since he's not insilting someone's family),but i can give him mute for those words.I'll leave this thread for GMs.Let's see,what's gonna happen to him. Edited by LICHER
Posted (edited)
I don't know,is there any family insult(since he's not insilting someone's family),but i can give him mute for those words.I'll leave this thread for GMs.Let's see,what's gonna happen to him.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^not sure if troll or troll

Edited by LICHER
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