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Hacking/Abusing cooldowns(Somehow :O)

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Posted (edited)

Name of the violator (if the name contains alt-code, try to copy it from your game chat).


Realm, where you saw the violation.


Description of the violation (write please in english and very clearly and understandably).

-How should I call this? I'm facing this for the first time, CD hack? Spell Hack?

You should write what the violation is because it will be easier for the administrator or chat moderator to understand what to look for on the proof material.

-Caught him in Orgrimmar, attacking people and somehow abusing/hacking his spells cooldowns to 0.

Proof: screenshots or video.

- With pleasure. https://youtu.be/r3xkyy2uOPQ

Comments to the situation (if it needed).

-NOTE:EDIT: I just copied the name from other guy reports, since it's the same guy we were facing.

Is this perma ban? I think if it is then I'll do this reports more often to clear the server from abusive players and cheaters as much as I can.

Edited by Affliwara
Posted (edited)
Name of the violator (if the name contains alt-code, try to copy it from your game chat).


Realm, where you saw the violation.


Description of the violation (write please in english and very clearly and understandably).

-How should I call this? I'm facing this for the first time, CD hack? Spell Hack?

You should write what the violation is because it will be easier for the administrator or chat moderator to understand what to look for on the proof material.

-Caught him in Orgrimmar, attacking people and somehow abusing/hacking his spells cooldowns to 0.

Proof: screenshots or video.

- With pleasure. https://youtu.be/r3xkyy2uOPQ

Comments to the situation (if it needed).

-NOTE:EDIT: I just copied the name from other guy reports, since it's the same guy we were facing.

Is this perma ban? I think if it is then I'll do this reports more often to clear the server from abusive players and cheaters as much as I can.


pve trinket + CD reduction gliph is the answer why that happens: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=102298/evil-eye-of-galakras + http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=104048/glyph-of-regenerative-magic, the interaction is op, idk if its bug or not, you can test it

Edited by Señorpujo

Look, I did not begin my wow journey on this server =)


I think somehow hes doing scripts thru /Macro panel, you can see whenever he casts Anti Magic Shell he casts another spell, both duration of 5 seconds, this is not trinket, even if it was trinket, he could not spam the spells with zero cooldown, this is called "Scripting" =))

Look, I did not begin my wow journey on this server =)


I think somehow hes doing scripts thru /Macro panel, you can see whenever he casts Anti Magic Shell he casts another spell, both duration of 5 seconds, this is not trinket, even if it was trinket, he could not spam the spells with zero cooldown, this is called "Scripting" =))


He can spam 0 cd Antimagic shell with gliph and pve trinket, and 10s cd of the http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=48792/icebound-fortitude


Look, don't start other subject on this post, don't flood with irrelevent stuff.

On the video, you can clearly see, that this guy spams his ICebound Fortitude and Anti Magic Shell, if you think it's glyph and trinket, then check when he casts them, that guy is a scripter.

Hope some GM will look into this post real soon and ban this guy. If ask me, perma or don't ban at all.

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